Welcome To Hanabira Academy! An Academy for all students alike. Whether you are here for academic sorts- Say, Our prestigious clubs and full scholarships. Or the amazing careers you can achieve with just a year of attending our academy! Many students come here looking for a fresh start and often times find more than just success along the way friendships, trust, confidence, and most importantly- School Spirit! When you enter Hanabira you are guaranteed a better path down life. Brilliant teachers and staff will always be here to guide you through the school year. Welcome, To Hanabira!
NOTE: Roleplay created by - @ForeverAngel, @BlueInferno, and @GlitterFist!
This roleplay is based on your everyday Anime Highschool, Except with at-least a bit more realism. Not too far off though, This Academy and RP is set in Japan. Of course, it isn’t exactly limited to the school! We encourage having more going on within your character’s life- Granting somewhat of an open world. You don’t even have to be a student! Perhaps you’d like to be a teacher…Maybe even a parent with a loving family? Regardless of your choice, this roleplay will have many exciting feats and events for every character to enjoy!
Roleplay Rules!
- No Mary Sue’s or Gary Stu’s it’s impossible.
- Please be respectful of everyone in the role-play.
- Anime Faceclaims ONLY!
- PLEASE Be active! A post every 4 days is required, If you give an excused reason as to why you need more than 4 days please pm me. After a week of inactivity, you will receive a warning through pm. After 2 weeks your character(s) will be put up for adoption.
- Relationships are allowed but sure it’s nothing too intimate, Make it minimal with a trigger warning, Anything too descriptive take it to PM.
- Do not attempt to kill characters without permission from the owner of said character.
- Please add location to your character’s name so it wont be confusing on where you were if you take some time off the rp.
School Rules!
Upon entering the school, you must find your locker, and change your shoes from your outdoor shoes to the classroom shoes stored inside. Vice versa upon leaving the school.
The classes are held in one classroom, each subject taught by different teachers that come to your homeroom. The only class outside of the same classroom is P.E.
There are three floors of classrooms. First floor for first years (10th graders), second floor for second years (11th graders), and third floor for third years (12th graders). The order of classmen are: Freshmen, juniors, and seniors. Sophomores do not exist since there are only three years.
Lunch can be eaten in the cafeteria, in the classroom, in the courtyard, or on the roof. Some students even eat on the staircases (so as long as they don’t block the passage).
You may start as the first, second, or third year as a student. But only at the beginning of the year. Meaning your character can’t be close to graduating.
Students are required to wear the school’s uniform. In this case, A white undershirt with a blazer colored black and white for the girls alongside a matching skirt or optional pants and stockings (A gold Hanabira badge must always be present on all uniforms), A neat black tie is also required for girls. For boys, the uniform is nearly the same for boys a white undershirt and black buttoned blazer, and black pants. Regarding P.E. uniforms, they are blue shorts for boys and girls with a white t-shirt. For the pool, girls wear a one-piece, dark blue bathing suit with their last name written on the front. Boys wear regular blue swim trunks (names are written on a tag inside).
If a student wishes to make a club in the RP that isn’t already made, they are required to speak with a teacher about being the representative for the club.
All students are required to prepare and attend the festivals and other events held by their school. For the times they are preparing for the festival, classes are canceled. All students compete in the athletic events for the athletic festival, though it does not matter what event they compete in.
School buses are not sent to pick up students. Students usually ride to school on the public bus (and passage on the public bus is free with I.D.), or with a parent, or they walk to school. Most students live close enough to the school to walk.
All physical ed. classes tend to be separated by gender, and year. Unless the student has a note from a doctor, all students participate in P.E. classes.
Class meetings are thirty minutes long at the most, and are basically about upcoming events (like the cultural festival) and can hold votes on what the class will do for the festival. Club activities also will vote on what they will do for the cultural festival, at meetings during the activity.
Near the end of the first semester will be the Mid-term exams (just before summer vacation). Classes are canceled for exams, and different exams are taken for an entire week of school. Near the middle of third semester will be final exams. Classes are canceled for the week of exams.
There are going to be five classes for each grade level. Each are determined by the year. The classes are Class 1A-1E (first year classes), 2A-2E (second year classes), and 3A-3E (third year classes).
Punishments for failing to bring in homework are determined by the teacher. Mostly, teachers will whap the student on the head with rolled-up pile of papers, but only once per student. Punishment for disrupting class is that the student must stand outside the classroom until the teacher decides the student learned his/her lesson.
Student check-ups are taken once a year as a check up on the student’s to make sure they are healthy. It will take place over the course of two days. They will most likely take place near the beginning of the second semester, a week after summer vacation ends. Classes are canceled on these days.
Since students do not leave their classrooms, and because their school lockers are big enough for their shoes and blazers/jackets, the students will keep their bags with them. For this school, students place their books in the desk, and hang their bags on the back of their chairs. There are hooks on them for students who use the briefcase bags.
The only teacher teaching multiple subjects is the science teacher. The science teacher is required to teach Biology, Chemistry, and Physics (since all of them are on different days). Other teachers are fine.
If a student gets sick over the school year, typically, the student calls the school, and tells their homeroom teacher they will be out with said illness. Either that or the parents call the school and inform the teacher.
There is a school yearbook, and it is like any other yearbook, but with only staff, student, and club pictures. There are no extra pictures.
Upon graduating, underclassmen are given a flower to give to a senior, and all underclassmen MUST give a flower to a senior. The flower will be a sakura blossom. This is only to happen on the day of graduation.
All classrooms have two representatives from the classroom. One of the representatives usually goes to the meetings held by the members of the student council to state many different things. They are also responsible for maintaining the class choice for the festivals, and for many other things the teachers assign to them. If both representatives happen to be absent, then the homeroom teacher designates a student to go to the meeting.
Classroom cleanups are assigned to different students on different days. They are often written on a list, and put in the classroom for the students to read. The class representative usually helps with making the list.
Freshmen orientation is on the day right before school starts. This gives clubs a chance to bring in more members and put on performances and show what they do.
School Clubs!
It is required to join a club!!! If there is a club you wish to join that is not listed, ask a teacher in the RP about making one, and I will add it to the list. (Also, if we haven’t added it in after it’s been made, please send one of us a PM to remind us.)
Astronomy - Leader Position Open
Cooking - Leader Position Open
Sewing - Leader Position Open
Archery - @phlegmatic
Kendo - Leader Position Open
Soccer - @Secreterz
Martial Arts - @ForeverAngel
Manga - Leader Position Open
Track - Leader Position Open
Softball - @angelic
Broadcasting - Leader Position Open
English - @elixr
Mathematics - @OhSumana
Drama - @ForeverAngel
LGBT+ - @Ouijaloveletters
Daily Schedule!
08:30 - Japanese Language (kinda like American’s English)
09:20 - Math
10:10 - English (where you actually learn “english”; we’re pretending we’re speaking in Japanese in the RP)
11:00 - Biology
11:50 - Lunch/Cleaning
12:50 - Social Studies
01:40 - Home Economics
02:30 - Class Meeting/Cleaning
03:00 - After School Activities
08:30 - English
09:20 - Math
10:10 - Japanese Language
11:00 - Physical Ed.
11:50 - Lunch/Cleaning
12:50 - Chemistry
01:40 - Social Studies
02:30 - Class Meeting/Cleaning
03:00 - After School Activities
08:30 - Social Studies
09:20 - Geology
10:10 - English
11:00 - Physical Ed.
11:50 - Lunch/Cleaning
12:50 - Home Economics
01:40 - Art
02:30 - Class Meeting/Cleaning
03:00 - After School Activities
08:30 - Math
09:20 - Japanese Language
10:10 - Home Economics
11:00 - Social Studies
11:50 - Lunch/Cleaning
12:50 - Physics
01:40 - Physical Ed.
02:30 - Class Meeting/Cleaning
03:00 - After School Activities
08:30 - English
09:20 - Math
10:10 - Japanese Language
11:00 - Physical Ed.
11:50 - Lunch/Cleaning
12:50 - Home Economics
01:40 - Art
02:30 - Class Meeting/Cleaning
03:00 - After School Activities
School’s start-up is in April (RP Time)
If you have any questions regarding any information here, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Sign Ups Closed: Never, Always Open
Official Role-play Start: December 20th
Limited Reserves:
Student Council Members [4/5]: @Secreterz @elixr @BlackBlood @angelic
School Club Leader: (Go To School Clubs Tab To See Available Positions!)
These are first come first serve, Once these are filled your character can be a student or any other role they want.
Female/Female + Male - @Secreterz
Female - @phlegmatic
Female - @Ouijaloveletters
Female - @Meekepeek
Female/Female + Male - @elixr
Female - @BlackBlood
Male - @OhSumana
Female + Male - @angelic
Female - @Kbail