Have you ever written a story based off a dream?

Nah it was unstructured and needed work

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Nope. I’ve never done anything like that.

But it is ok your story was messy, dreams r always like that :joy:

That’s dreams in a nutshell.

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Mine did, because I just used the dream as the general idea and developed everything else from there.
It was set in 1895, and it was about a girl who returns to her hometown after having studied abroad. Her mom hires a new gardener the same day, and at first the girl can’t stand him, but she ends up sneaking him into to a Christmas Eve ball when she can’t find anyone else to go with. There are a lot of interesting subplots as well. I started it in 2004, abandoned it for awhile, restarted it in 2009, and finally finished it in 2012. I even designed some outfits for the ball and chose the story soundtrack.
It’s in Spanish, but I’m thinking of writing it on Episode (in English, obviously) sometime in the future.

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That sounds awesome!

Back in my emo phase, I once did but it turned out rubbish. I have thrown away these papers!

I’m thinking of writing a story based on a dream, but I don’t know if it’s a good idea.

That’s kinda funny because me and you are not the only emo’s that have done it :joy:

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Lol honestly it was so cringe what I was writing about. Plus, the plots made no sense! :joy::joy::joy:

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I tried it once because I had a really cool dream and I was able to remember all the important details. But somehow it turned out quite boring :sweat_smile: Now I just use my dreams for ideas. My nightmares turn into the best horror stories :joy:


Added tags: Discussion and writing chat!

I’ve written a lot of my stories based off of dreams.

Funny because the novel I am writing is actually based on a dream :joy:

You got me there! :sweat_smile:

I sleep write sometimes. The stories don’t always make sense. Thou they are funny to read

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My dreams are literally insane. I thought about writing about them but it’s better if I wait for a mature app (not for sexual things but they’re not-so-fun nightmares)

Most of my ideas come from dreams the main story I’m working on was a dream. But I didn’t actually get to see who did it before my alarm went off :joy: but this is the synopsis.

When a famous fashion designer goes missing it’s up to you and your partner to try and find her but what happens when you find out she isn’t who she claimed to be.

I’m not sure if I’ve written a story based off a dream dream. But think I’ve gotten small ideas here and there from dreams and incorporated them in a story. I used to dream a lot and write a lot when I was younger, like really young. Haha before 13, my stories weren’t that good but I liked to dream and day dream and was quite imaginative, or that was what I thought.

Anyways, no I don’t think so.

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No, I don’t think I’ve ever written a story based of a dream, because I almost never dream at night, and if I do dream, most of the time I dream about a zombie apocalypse :joy:

Most of the stories I write (cough, cough I mean attempt to write… curse writer’s block) are either inspired by or based upon the dreams that I have.

No, but I think a lot of really good stories could be written based off a dream!