Have you ever written a story based off a dream?

Mm, I should. I dream up some crazy sh-t. But no, not really.

I’ve done this multiple times. Technically, Daughter of the Blue Dragon is a story based off a dream I kept having. The main novel I’ve been working on was based on a dream with nightmares mixed in. This had been around the time when I was starting to love werewolf movies instead of being terrified of them.

@Writers Have you ever writing a story based off a dream?

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Not written, but I’m planning to :eyes: It’s weird because I’ve not been meddling myself with sci-fi stuff and then I suddenly dreamed about an apocalyptic one.


Interesting, you should let us know when you finish it!


It won’t be in a million decades, though, but sure, thank you!


Lol I know what you mean I feel the same way about my stories too.


I always have quite a hard time doing them xD


Lol yep! The creativity comes in spurts.


Indeed xD


Yes! I have! Well, it’s not done but yeah!

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Nice! I hope you get to finish it!

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I haven’t done it much, but I have. One story wasn’t necessarily based off of the dream, but the dream sparked the idea and something similar was going to be a plot point.

Then one story I’m trying to write is completely based off of a dream I had. I only remembered a small piece of the dream, but that part of the dream I have planned as a scene. I just have to figure out how to move the story to that point.

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Closed due to inactivity :innocent:

Thread reopened because this thread has potential and a user wants to add to it :blush:


all my stories are based off dreams lmao

the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was supposedly made from a dream about a ghost, although there is no ghost and he tossed his first draft into the fire

In one of the comments, I said “back in my emo phase” when I meant to say “when I first got into my emo phase” hahah. It’s not a phase, I’m emo and proud!!!

Hehe anyway, I wanted to add that the story I’m working on privately is based on my dreams and personal experiences.

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