Health & Beauty: Flushing

Let’s all talk about flushing and no, I don’t mean flushing the toilet :toilet: I meant when your face goes red for no reason. Have you ever experienced that? If so, what was it from? Since the concert on Sunday, my face has been red for a long time and it’s not to do with the guy I’m crushing on. Could it be from the alcohol?

I found this article where it talked about what causes flushing:


My face always turns red when I talk to others for too long because I get too emotional and/or embarrassed :eyes::sparkles::sweat_smile: I hate it because my friends always ask me if I have a crush on the person I’m talking to… :expressionless:


It could be to do with anxiety or what you’ve eat.


hmm this happens when people say I have a crush on random person, and even if I don’t have a crush on them I still blush like crazy lmao. but to be a bit more general about flushing, when ever oriental people drink alcohol their faces tend to flush so maybe that’s what it was? i don’t even know if you are oriental but if you are then that could be why.


Lol I’m Asian but I am definitely not Oriental. I don’t drink alcohol that much and somehow my face has been flushing since Sunday, maybe I was pretty tipsy.


Possibly? Idk, maybe you’re sensitive to it?


Maybe, I don’t know :woman_shrugging::eyes::sparkles:


Weird. I think I haven’t drank for a while so idk and I think it’s because I chew a lot of gum meaning that my jaws are aching from it.


ah okay


I don’t know for how long the flushy face is gonna go. I don’t mind my face flushing after an intense workout at the gym.


I never have experienced flushing :blush: before.

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Lucky you eh?

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Holy s*** my face is always like that because of acne and it’s just-

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This happened to me tonight when drinking wine but my face flushes easily and I hate it. Going to try to find products that help with this redness since it’s annoying!

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It’s so weird! Do you think it’s because I don’t drink alcohol that much? Or could it be from anxiety and stress? Gonna have to book an appointment with the doctors about this!

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It can also be something that just happens with time (thanks seasonal allergies for appearing when I was 25 out of nowhere) or has been happening and you didn’t notice, but yeah, I’d say it can’t hurt to see a doctor!

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I read the title and my first thought was ; why on earth would people want to talk about flushing the toilet?! :mask:

I tend to flush sometimes. Especially in the cold, and I have tan (ish) skin.

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