Health & Beauty: Thoughts On Revenge Bodies

What are your thoughts on revenge bodies?

I think they are pointless because I don’t see the point of losing weight after breaking up or divorcing your partner. Again, I thought people should focus on their own health instead of pleasing others.

Just asking yous lot because I once had a conversation with someone about how stupid revenge bodies are and this person condones it. I don’t even know what to say to that when she mentioned about losing weight to get revenge on her ex…weird.

Gotta love watching My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You. Her videos are factual and funny!


My thing about revenge bodies…

Man the best revenge for an ex is moving on! Get over it. Although I kinda do see the appeal in looking fantastic and moving on, change for you. Not for them


I agree! I don’t see the point of losing weight for revenge when you can lose weight for yourself. They’re not gonna notice you if you take revenge on them by losing weight.

Seriously, some people are so childish & desperate when they want to get back at their exes. This needs to stop!


I mean I had an ex who posted her ‘revenge body’ on facebook, forgetting she hadn’t blocked me.

My response was literally just ‘Revenge for… You cheating?’


Bruhh who given her the audacity to do that l? Smh some exes accept friend requests from these super model men/women just to make their ex jealous. That’s worse!!!


I agree with @ShanniiWrites you should change for you not for them. Do you really think that your ex is just going to look at a picture of you and be like :sob::sob::sob: “I want you back”. Not only would that mean they only wanted you for your body it would also mean you had wasted a lot of time changing yourself for somebody who you don’t need to change for.



Also, some people need to get off our flaming backs when it comes to working out for yourself. I usually workout at the gym for myself and omfg I had friends that used to make really pathetic assumptions like:

  • “She’s trying to please a guy”
  • “She’s only losing weight for clout”
  • “She thinks she’s an influencer”

All these stupid assumptions they’ve came up with. Good thing I’m not even friends with them anymore because of the fact that they were all behind the fact that I suffer from bulimia. It wasn’t helping when one of them said “hurry up and lose weight”. Weight loss doesn’t happen in a day or a week (though I wish that happened), it’d take a lot of time if you’re consistent & patient.


This is the type of thing you see in cliche stories, and I’m just sad that it’s happening IRL. People shouldn’t lose weight to please someone, that’ll just be a wasted effort. If you happen to look good and you just feel better in general after being broken up with- then that’s great! But I don’t see a point in just bettering yourself for someone, not for yourself because then it won’t be for you.


It depends on the break up, who broke it off, why they broke up etc; but revenge bodies can be really good (depending on the previous relationship). Like it’s not gonna seem amazing to other people if you actually do get a revenge body if your the one who either 1 broke up with the other person and or 2 was the main reason for the break up. But if the person dumped you (or their partner) for their own reasons and it wasn’t really fair to you then that would be a better reason for getting a revenge body lol.



This is why the fitness industry is dying because of nonsense like that. Seems that people don’t care about their health anymore.


I mean, they’re not really that good because they’re only getting fit for other people, not for themselves. I love it when people do get fit for themselves and have a much better life after a bad breakup, but that is different from getting a revenge body, you aren’t doing it for them you are doing it for you.


getting fit can be a really good stress reliever so I can see the good in it, it just depends on what happened and I guess if the person wants the revenge body solely for revenge and not just for a new change then that’s kinda alarming.


Hmmm idk, I just feel that revenge bodies can be a cry for validation.


I think it’s stupid, you tryna prove a point or something with the revenge body mentality? You are awesome and you shouldn’t change for anyone, all that matters is to feel like you and you do what you want for you.


:clap:t4::clap:t4::clap:t4::clap:t4: Say it loud & clear to the people at the back!!


And my opinion on it: it’s purely stupid and childish the whole revenge bodies thing. Like, what are you trying to gain from it?
I really don’t understand why would a girl/woman want to change her body for someone. I personally will never change my body for anyone.


Tell me about it! No point pleasing anyone that isn’t worth your time.


If going through a breakup is what inspires someone to get down to a healthy weight, then so be it. :woman_shrugging:t2: If the term revenge body gets thrown in there too, then so be it. Not your body, not your problem. Simple as that.


I think while it’s better to do it for yourself, it’s not always possible as revenge and negative emotions sometimes can be a better motivator since we’re all weird humans mostly driven by negative emotions…

I’ve never done a “revenge body challenge” per se, but I did spend lots of time working out after breakups for the endorphins and I’m not going to lie, a desire to be “hotter” and “win” the breakup did motivate me more than being healthy and other lofty goals. I’m a petty person :woman_shrugging:

The part I can’t relate to would be posting it online all over that I’m getting a “revenge body” or whatever. I personally could never imagine posting my weight loss stuff online in any case (unless I had great results, but even so, I’m pretty private), but I can see how it’s especially annoying with the whole “revenge body” thing…


It’s hard to find motivation to lose weight, so if the ex is the reason, I’d say it’s not a bad thing. Except saying you did it to get a revenge of them… what revenge exactly? :thinking: