How do you deal with having too many ideas?

Ideas are everywhere, and though sometimes you’re short of them, there are also times when everything just flows through out of nowhere. This happens to me sometimes too, and I used to treat this as a big problem because it will urge me to create more which isn’t really idea at all times. Take for example—my many characters from “Fairytale-d!” I was such an uncontrollable and immature turn back then, and I’m pretty sure no one liked that just as much as I’m irked to look back at it xD This also went true with RP ideas, which I… regret on doing.

While those were true, I think I’ve gotten better at handling them now. I have some simple ways on how to deal with having too many RP/SG and character ideas that’s been effective for some time now:

  • Write them down and be patient for the next chance. Nowadays, I’m a perfectionist in a way that I want the character to actually fit the atmosphere of the RP or SG I’m joining in, because then I will know myself my interest will be kept alive. If I do this, I’ll like my character more and since the atmosphere is fitting, it will be more easy to develop them in the RP. As for the RPs and SGs, it’s better to just write them down too—you will avoid the risk of them flopping.
  • “Merge” them. There are ideas you can merge to make a more interesting product. This is actually what I do the most and it’s my favorite way of dealing with overflow of ideas. I write them down, then I see which ideas can be fused and then voila—you have a better and more exciting idea! This helps in character depth the same way as how it helps you with RP/SG ideas!
  • Share them. There are some ideas you need to let go. You can eliminate them, then it’ll be much easier for you to handle this crisis. Or, better yet, you can ask people to collaborate with you and develop this idea you have (this applies to RPs and SGs)!

So how about you, @RPers?

  • Have you ever had an “overflow” of roleplay-wise creativity?
  • Can you share some of your ways on how you deal with them?

I write them down. Then move on for a little and the ideas that stick are the ones you need to use.
Mistifying for example has been aitting on my computer for half a year and only now I moved on to making it an rp.

my solution is simple. forget them, because youre convinced you dont need to write them down and will remember them just fine. youre wrong. you learn that time and time again, buty ou dont change. youll just repeat the same mistakes

There’s already a thread about dis @Nil


Nope, that’s a different one, I believe. This focuses on the roleplay section, while that one is more general and more story-specific if that makes sense :eyes:


I dont do anything and suffer :smiling_face:


Same :star_struck:

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mash them up :clown_face:

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Any advice or anything?


I often just let them float for a bit. If ideas keep returning, it’s a sign they have potential to be worked out. Then I write those down and see how far I can work them out. After that, they often leave my mind until one of them offers the chance to be worked on again by popping new ideas and additions into my head.


For us in helps that I like to write and so does Soph. I write my ideas down and Soph edits them and vice versa

Maybe having someone to rain in your ideas helps

:eagle: Raven

Imagine having ideas



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What even are ideas


So relatable sigh


we should mek le rp

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sure - we should make a 1x1 RP about our characters tbh

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lmao we’re already doing that

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I know but like more… hmm how to say official and professional lmao, could be lowkey fun

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I have a little notebook where I write them all down for later :]

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