How will we be deciding on new mentors and apprentices?

I think it was good to make a thread about this in our new section, there is some discussion and miscommunication about that, probably because we haven’t set very strict rules or anything like that.

Personally I believe that we should keep to a maximum of 15 mentors. Is more than we have now, I know but I will get to that. These mentors should be active, and have at least been online in the past 2 months, if they aren’t they will get removed from the group and downgraded to an apprentice.

So if we follow my plan we will lose 3 mentors and we will have one spot. When this happens we need a new mentor, so we will just have a discussion and vote (majority decides) on who is the best choice (preferably from the apprentices) and then ask them if they want to become a RP mentor.

Anyone any opinions/suggestions on this @RP-Mentors (and @RP-Apprentices)


That sounds fine with me. But how do we get more apprentices?


Yeah, that’s a good question :thinking: I could ask in the RP chat if there are people who want to become an apprentice and I might make an official statement about this if we have all agreed on how we will be dealing with this!


Perhaps we should instead look at possible future mentors and choose from there? Or. We could just keep the amount we have now, if everyone is an apprentice or mentor, than it kind of defeats the purpose

Perhaps make it a requirment they have to be an apprentice. And I was thinking that the vote should be a bit more than majority, like 2/3 or something like that. That would mean about 10 members have to agree.


The problem with that is people might leave at anytime and the person would have to wait maybe months to be upgraded. I think maybe 7-10 members have to agreed. That person would also have to meet requirements as in being active and helping the rping community, or making it a funnier and nice place.


It depends on how much the community, especially the RP community, will be growing, in a few days we had quite a few new RPers and when episode actually shuts down the section I expect another bunch of RPers to come here! So I guess up to a maximum of 20 apprentices on the longer term could be fine, but yeah at this point most of the RPers are either mentor or apprendice already :grimacing:

I can agree with both these things!


I say 2/3 of the active rping mentors. So if we only have 6 active ones, than they would need 4 votes.

Yes, I definitely see what you mean. Later on as we get more people than we can raise the amount with a max of 20 apprentices.



Yeah. There’s a few I would recommend that aren’t on the team but I agree with everything you and Anime said.

Also where do we recommend people? Already I have saw many good people rping…


I asked @celestialkitten to add a few people, but we should have a section where mentors nominate apprentices


And we are on 15 cause I kicked the inactive ones out, like the main thing for mentors is that they should be active…

Feel free to make a thread where we can suggest people!


:grimacing: Glad I’m active lmao


It felt terrible to do cause I kicked 2 amazing RPers out :pensive:


I think they’ll understand…I also think it might be good to reevaluate the current mentors, probably by the community, I feel as if anyone that asked got in even if they were relatively new…


Don’t worry… we should make it that rp mentors that was kicked out can automatically became a apprentice


Probably a good way to work their way back up, I agree.


I agree with this. Even though they are inactive now, there was a reason why they were voted onto the Mentor Board in the first place, so they should be able to easily return if they become more active in the future.


Or now that I think about it, perhaps anyone can nomonate someone in but the mentors vote for the apprentinces. Perhaps the vote will take place end of March so everyone has time to submit their nominations.


I’m not keen on the limited numbers


Why not?

If we have too many people than it would be just a regular tag?


Too many Chiefs and not enough Indians isn’t good. The RP mentor/staff/apprentice board should be limited and/or for the “elite”. The purpose is to help the newcomers and manage the RP section. If everyone manages the RP section it would become a sort of anarchy and not work well.