Hunger Games Simulator!

Hello, I am President Jenny, and I will be THROWING YOU INATO AN ARENA! JK, I will actually be putting a number of you into a simulator on Join by filling out this smol form!

Smol form!

(Has to be boy or girl, there is no non-binary or gender-fluid options :pensive:)

And may the games be ever in your favor!


Hello? Anyone?

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How does this work?

You fill out you name and your pronouns, and then I put them into a simulator. It’s a bit violent btw :sweat_smile:

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No, I got tht part. I mean I haven’t done anything like this before so u am curious what happens after your name is put there?

It’s a random generator, anything could happen. There is a screen where it shows you how many people are dead.

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Name: Saasha.
Gender: Female.

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I followed the link but the site confused me :sweat_smile::joy:

I’ll show you if more people enter :confused:




Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

You are the only one who wants to join?

Name: Hanna
Gender: Female…

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Ohh I remember having used that site before and it was fun back then. So you can count me in!

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Name: Emily Santos
Gender: Female

I’m putting your usernames my children

Ohhhhhhhhhhh :astonished:

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Name: Mysteria :wink:
Gender: Female
