I hate really loud thunderstorms during the night

How many of you been in a thunderstorm with loud thunderstorms and ground lightning?

It was raining here just during ten loud thunderstorms and I think a lighting just hit something somewhere. It happens before even during school too.

What do you do when a storm hit your area or during school?

I remember one year during 11th grade It was raining hard thunderstorms and lightning. At least teachers may the right decision to keep teenagers at school.

I will be on and off this weekend due to rain and thunderstorms as well.

Ps praying for everyone that is about to get hit by hurricane?


yr not the only one.

Currently, The Bahamas, will be passing us by Sunday…

I actually do

@lanafrazer Here a song when I listen to even when the power is out. image

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I actually really like thunderstorms, especially at night, the sound of thunder and occasional flash of lightning help me sleep better lmao. I don’t remember ever having a serious thunderstorm here though, although we’ve had severe thunderstorm warnings, so maybe that’s why I am cool with thunderstorms.


Oh no I can’t stand this song :joy:
My mum used to listen to it on repeat SO much rip I can’t hear it anymore


ok, but I like to listen to it in my bed.

As well as the loin sleep tonight.

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Okay. I don’t like the ground lightning, but every one as different options on different things including storms.

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Ooh! Glad that I found someone like me! I think thunderstorms help you sleep because of the sound of the rain and trickling water. It’s kinda relaxing.


I hate unexpected loud noises in general.


I love thunderstorms but they always wake me up and I have a lot of trouble falling back asleep. :pleading_face:


It was just thunderstorms here about 5 minutes ago.

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:hugs: :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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omg same, lol.


Although still look for a rainbow every time it done raining.


I am going to be off on Monday night though Tuesday due to storm.

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Since I will be off starting tonight. Please pray for the coast as it will be a hurricane.

My power went off early in the morning yesterday and it was raining so hard. Luckily I do like playing piano while it raining outside.

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Well the beach I go to sometimes and look at the damage.

Even the beach in South Carolina( myrtle beach)

If Southport, N.C. got hit by damage as well.

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A tropical storm is heading my way + I got a couple tornado warning this morning. :eyes:

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Scary but hopefully no one got hurt or killed by it.

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