Ideas for the general section of the forum

Hey guys!

@Announcements (yes I am announcing this thread). We thought it would be a good idea to make a thread where you guys can write your ideas down for what you wanna do or see on the forums. This can include:

  • Thread ideas
  • competitions
  • Playlists
  • events

The staff will be able to help you with organising and running your ideas if you are struggling to put your idea into action. This will be a thread I keep a close eye on as the ideas suggested will be taken into account.

Enjoy :wink:


Some ideas:
1-I have a Spotify family account (6 spots, currently 2 are open). If itā€™s alright, Iā€™d like to create a ShanniiWrites playlist. It can go hand in hand with the YouTube channel. Iā€™d gladly work with whoever runs the channel so we can figure out a schedule :slight_smile:
2-Can the YouTube channel do tutorials, discussions, on various writing platforms or talk about/read out loud ShanniiWrites blog? I know ShanniiWrites is busy so she may not want to do it or at least not all, so maybe some members can. It would be cool to have guest speakers (hope that sounds right for this).
3-Iā€™m not sure how or if events are discussed/announced, but maybe we can look for virtual calenders online and add on whatā€™s coming up on the forums. Competitions, contests, role-playing events, when the new play lists, blog posts, YouTube videos are coming out etc.

Sorry if this doesnt go exactly with what was supposed to be discussed. Wasnā€™t sure where else I could put it :grimacing:


Hey I run the channel and I would be more than willing to work with you if you wanna make a spotify playlist for the forums, infact I welcome it since I donā€™t have a spotify :joy:

takes intense notes :eyes:

We did have an events calendar but it didnā€™t work too well so we shall definitely look into this.


OK awesome! Iā€™ll create a profile for the forums, check out the YouTube playlists, and create the Spotify ones. Iā€™ll do this when I get home and send you the link. Not sure where I could post :thinking:
I hope the videos happen! May take some work and organization, but I feel like alot of people would enjoy it :slight_smile:
Aw man :confused: to the calendar lol. Was there alot of events on it?


Well thatā€™s the thing, it wouldnā€™t let us post them :joy:

You could make a thread for it ā€œThe Official ShanniiWrites Spotify Playlistā€ or you could post it onto the YouTube playlist thread or (so many ā€œorā€™sā€) you can post it straight onto the contents page which is pinned in the music section. Youā€™re rad btw :sunglasses:


Lmao! That kinda sucks but itā€™s kinda funny :grimacing:

And okay to the posting spots lol. Iā€™ll also post on my social media accounts!
Thanks! Youā€™re rad too :grin:

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I got home a bit late then was busy with stuff :smirk: Iā€™ll try and do it as soon as I can! :pleading_face:

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Make user choice of games to use as profit for the forums? That was what I was getting at when I brought it up in the chat. Itā€™s an idea that might work. At least, until we get our own writers portal up and running.


Maybe there could be a roleplay competition? It would be like the Prompt RP at Any Time, where it would be a free-for-all RP session of a few days, and then afterwards there could be a panel of sorts, with voted RPers-of-the-month or RP staff that select who made the best posts?

Iā€™m going to tag @CrazyCaliope to see what she thinks, since she is the RP mod :banana::sparkles:


There are voted RPers of the Month, thereā€™s actually one for this month. Iā€™ll link the thread for you. Idk if thatā€™s what you meant tho lmao

The rest I think is a pretty cool idea though


I know, I have seen that and plan on voting once I become more familiar with the community. I just think that having one specific thread for the posts and only a few people choosing would make it less of a popularity contest :banana::sparkles:


Ohh hm, yeah, then thatā€™s definitely something to take up with Cali lol


Yes, yes, this is a great idea. Iā€™ll add it to the ideas list and have a think about how we can make this work. Thank you.


Oh, itā€™s no problem! Thank you for considering it :banana::sparkles:

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(wink) We consider everything from our users. Youā€™re the most important part of the forums.


Playlists will be available on Spotify as well!
Spotify may not have the specific versions/covers so check YouTube if you want the original playlist!

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Hell yeah, Iā€™ll put this on instagram too and a link in the linktree if thatā€™s okay with you?

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For sure! By the way, I didnā€™t find specific covers for some, so I went with the original artists. Hope thatā€™s okay!

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Thatā€™s completely fine I know that some arenā€™t available on spotify

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