Carmen Liu
She had trailed the mysterious boy every step, discreetly following him as he walked to God knows where, because wherever he was walking was definitely not the bathroom; they had passed it not so long ago. If Carmen was not an athlete with stamina, she would have gotten tired walking by now because Erik did not seem to stop walking; it seemed that wherever he was going was really far from the rest of the group. As they reached a particular door and he paused, Carmen expected to be relieved to be able to stop walking after having followed him for so long, but instead she was confused. Really confused.
Erik King had just vanished from thin air right in front of her.
She blinked in disbelief, wondering how he could have disappeared so strangely . Was it some kind of illusion or a trick of the mind? Determined, Carmen cautiously approached the door where Erik had vanished, expecting to vanish too or at least for something to happen.
Nothing did.
Nothing did because Carmen was not a ghost, but Erik King was definitely one. If Carmen was more prone to emotion, she would have shown what she was really feeling: fear and disbelief, but instead her face was bored and amused (two emotions she was not actually feeling). See, Carmen did not believe in mythical creatures; she did not believe in a lot of things because her childhood never gave her time to believe. It was a constant battle of trying to survive and prove to the Drew family that she was worthy enough to remain their daughter and that they should not ever throw her out (she knew they would dare not, but you could not blame her for having such fears after all, she was just, nvm, she should not dwell on the past right now). The point was that Carmen did not believe in a lot of things, but if there was one thing she believed now was that Erik King was not a human, Erik King was not normal. But how was she going to prove that without sounding crazy to everyone else and putting herself in the spotlight? Carmen was way to use to the dark, that she did not want to step into the sun.
She sighed, all that useless following and yet nothing will happen because Carmen would keep her mouth shut. At least Erik knows, well he does not actually, but he will know soon that his secret will be safe with Carmen, because all Carmen ever does is hide and compete. But no wonder Erik was acting so weird lately, he was probably having time controlling his ghostly powers or something or maybe he was a demon with guilt that he had sacrificed one of his classmates- by the way it has actually been long since Carmen saw Lu one of their classmates, last she heard from Lu has moved out of the country but then again from what it seems… maybe she got killed by Erik. Whatever it was that happened to her, Carmen knew one thing:
Stay away from Erik King and watch him from afar, so he could not hurt anyone and so she could save everybody from the shadows. She fill find a way to reveal it and keep everyone safe because at the end of the day, all she wants is to secure the safety of everyone.
Staring at the door once more, Carmen turned the other way and started to walk back to the group. As she walked to where her group would be in, the lights started going dark and she tried to make sense of where she was going and not to bump into anything. No, she did not bump into anything but instead she bumped into someone. The collision sent Carmen stumbling backward, nearly losing her balance.
The person she had bumped in, a young boy from the look of his voice had said some words she did not quite catch when suddenly she heard the sound of an old dusty camera flashing and then it was light everywhere.
Startled, Carmen looked up to see a disheveled stranger standing before her. It was a short, a really short, scruffy boy who could be no older than 14- maybe 15 if she gave him the benefit of the doubt but he was definitely not a junior nor a senior- because Carmen knew every junior and senior.
When the boy tried to help her stand up, Carmen declined standing up on her own- she did not like people touching her, nothing personal against the guy- she did not even know him anyways and she was way to grown to be arguing with a little kid after all. If she was right about his age, she would be 3-4 years older than the little boy, which for a teenager was a lot.
“I’m Hayden, by the way. What’s your name?”
He introduced after telling her he would lead the way. Carmen stood off and dusted herself, her skepticism wavering as she studied the boy’s curious demeanor. Was he a ghost too? Was he a reason for the light shut down? Carmen felt like the world was not playing a cruel joke on her and she did not like that.
“Are you a gho- I mean I’m Carmen.” She could not believe she slipped off with the ghost talk, “That camera flash was quite something. Are you with the (insert school name) ?” Carmen asked staring at the old camera in his hands.
@M0thpawz- Hayden