International Womens Day 2022

International Womens Day

Hey guys, I can’t find a thread about this anywhere else but the 8th of March, which is today for me, is international womens day! Like all things that have a day dedicated to them, it’s time to think about the issues women are facing, why these issues are a thing and also just celebrate woman stuff. :sunglasses:

But if you interpret this day differently you can talk about that too. Of course I want to say that thinking of these issues and thinking of women isn’t exclusive for today and is something that we should care about all year round.


Are there any issues women face that you want to talk about?


Wowowo happy women :partying_face:

I’m going to send links to two blog post threads that relate to women in some way then some other threads that aren’t linked to blog posts!

@Bloggers check these out!

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my school had actually planned an entire event day for it as well

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Normal threads:

I do want to say that if you think some of these discussions or discussion titles are a bit yikes, just from the title of the link, I suggest reading the whole discussion and contributing your opinion

That’s cool! I don’t know if my uni are doing anything, it’d be a touch disappointing if they didn’t even mention it.

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tbf no one mentioned (or even knew) international mens day was a thing too.
(19 November)

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There are many days for many things, I only knew today was international womens day because of instagram :joy: I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing it’s just hard to keep track of all the days. With that said, considering the vast amount of issues women are facing I do think having at least a day where people share stuff can be good, I’m not sure about the long term.


no school had announced it last week that we were doing an international women day event and we could get credits for it if we participated, but when I asked if they are planning anything for men’s day, they looked at me like I was crazy, so we looked up when it was, saw the date and pointed at the only two guys in our year that they are now in charge for this year’s

and it’s not even only our location, it’s like every location in the Netherlands and a bunch of dutch influencers are speaking. I think our location had a sex-education pannel around now. just talking about anything a woman could be challenged by.

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My main thing I’m advocating for here is to not forget the stuff that’s learned today.

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Okay, time to share a pretty personal story I’ve been actually dealing with the last days and feel like is appropriate to share here.

I absolutely love swimming, at this point I do it 3/4 times a week. However, there is one downside. A lot and lot of unwanted stares. Not just like a quick glance but I’ve had guys really checking me out head to toe. That’s just not okay. I mean, personally I’ve been through more serious stuff which I won’t go into, so I can deal with a stare. It’s stiill uncomfortable, but it doesn’t affect me anymore. However, I shouldn’t be having to deal with it, and I bet there are a lot of women who actually are affected by things like that and really struggle dealing with it much more than I have. Tho, I’ve also had a point where I was this close giving up on something I love because of the unwanted attention. So yeah, I feel like on this day we should give a bit of spotlight to MeToo and just in general how often women are still victim of unwanted attention, and many much more serious than the example I’ve just shared.

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Yeah I’ve been hearing women sharing your experience, especially in places like swimming baths and gyms. Even if it’s a stare and not a violent/verbal attack it’s still enough to make you uncomfortable, therefore it’s still an extremely valid issue and more needs to be done.

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Well, the first step is speaking up about it. That’s the thing that creates awareness. So it’s very good that’s done. But it’s kinda messed up, people have been bringing it up to the gym of my uni and instead of solving the problem they are basically victim shaming and implemented stricter dressing rules for women specifically. So yeah, still a long, very long road to go…

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boooo we need men day

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There is a mens day, on November 19th as Meek said. Today is womens day.

This reminds me of people who say straight pride is needed. No, it’s not. Men don’t face a lot of issues women do.


I’m going to ask that you please don’t troll this thread? As an OP request.

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my mom have lots of kids and my dad thin he do lots of stuff in the house NOO what the f*ck your think my mom have 6 adult kids and 3 babies she cant do everything at one time!


That’s valid, and your dad should do things in the household. Like you said your mom can’t do it all on her own, no one could.

Brings me to a good point tho, why is it still expected in general from women to be at least the main parent taking care of the children and the household? That’s simple, men on average have a higher salary so it’s less of a sacrifice for women to work less. So salaries should be much more equal so there can be a much better balance and freedom for women to actually decide if they want to work or stay home more. If salaries aren’t equal that can never be a fair decision to begin with.