Interview The Person Below You

Literally Interview the Person Below You :two_hearts:

:sunglasses: You don’t know who they are. But they know who you are. What are you going to ask?

:clap: You have to ask 5 questions. No “what’s your name,” or “where are you from” crap, either.
:clap: Questions have to be in a numbered layout.
:clap: You can’t ask questions that have already been asked. EVER. If you even THINK somebody else on the thread asked a question, don’t ask it. :imp:
:clap: When responding to questions, you have to quote them. Because… uhhh… I’m too lazy to scroll.
:clap: If someone responded to your interview you MUST like their response. Even of you didn’t like it. We spread love in this community. :imp: :couple_with_heart_man_man:

:1st_place_medal: I’m starting because I’m a winner.

Hi, person I don’t know yet. Here are 5 things I think I probably want to know about you :slight_smile:

  1. What are you addicted to?
  2. What is the craziest, most outrageous thing you want to achieve?
  3. What’s your favourite genre of books or movies?
  4. What do you like but are kind of embarrassed to admit?
  5. What options would come up if you could “right-click” people?


Probably my phone :joy:

I want to go skydiving to get over my fear of heights sometime.

Hmm…probably mystery. Tough question.

I like one of my closest friends that I’ve known since Kindergarten…

Probably the what pops up when you click on Sims.

  1. Who’s your biggest inspiration and why?

  2. What’s the hardest thing you’ve had to overcome or achieve?

  3. Morning bird or night owl?

  4. Favorite tv show?

  5. What do you aspire to be?


Bruce Lee. For reasons. I want that body

A couple teachers at school who really didn’t want to see me succeed because I was poor :upside_down_face:

When I have a job, I’m a morning bird. When I don’t I’m a night owl.

My Hero Academia

A not starving artist =P

1: What are your allergies?

2: What’s your favourite hairstyle?

3: What kinda videogames do you like? :eyes:

4: Do you think interviews are nonsense?

5: How difficult do you think it is to come up with interesting questions?

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Afros in my opinion…

I kinda like playing Fortnite, Detriot Become Human, and Tearaway Unfolded. My FAVORITE FAVORITE is The Sims 4.

Not all of them… :thinking:

For me it takes me 2 days to make up questions, maybe more than that… but it’s pretty difficult if you don’t know the person well that your telling these questions to.

1. What type of food do you hate?
2. Broccoli or Pineapple Pizza.
3. Is drama something you deal with 24/7?
4. What do you do if someone makes a cringe fanfiction about you…?
5. SIMS 4: Island Living or City living?


omg when they break the question chain 3 posts in :weary: :pray:

For the next dude(tte):

  1. What are you absolutely determined to do?
  2. What was the last photo you took? Just in general.
  3. You read Miss MJ stories, don’t cha? :wink:
  4. What would an exact opposite of you be like?
  5. What do you regret not doing?

Start earning money for my writing.

It was a screenshot :joy: haven’t takin many selfies in a while.


A complete b!tch like complete and just sleeping around with no shame. Also a total mean girl and not caring about empathy at all. But also like very frickin smart.

Starting to date my boyfriend the beginning of the year :relieved:

  1. If you play Detroit becomes human who’s your fav character?
  2. What’s the one thing you wanna do in your life before you die?
  3. If you could die a certain way how would it be?
  4. Do you like talking about yourself? :joy::smirk:
  5. Have you planned out your future?
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Connor, of course :joy::joy:

Find someone who loves me.

Die peacefully in my sleep, I don’t want no freak accidents :sob:

Sometimes, but I usually don’t cuz… I hate me boring life :joy::joy:

My life is a literal schedule that I have to follow or else I’ll be disowned and be a disappointment.

  1. What’s your least favorite fashion era? :smirk:
  2. What is your opinion about death and why?
  3. Are you a HoLoSeXuAl??? :cd::joy:
  4. Do you like musicals/ movie musicals? If so, what is your favorite? (you can make a list too, I’m not evil :blush:)
  5. What is one of your pet peeves in hygiene?

The 50’s and their god awful clothing. So ugly.

I feel like we shouldn’t be scared of death because we all die eventually.

iT’s nOt a PrOBleM anYmoRe. Where’s BEYYYYN?

Never been a huge fan of musicals.

When people don’t put on deodorant. It literally takes you ten seconds. Just a few swipes and you’re done.

  1. Are you an emo rat?

  2. What’s the hardest thing you’ve had to tell someone?

  3. Winter or Summer?

  4. If you had to die for somebody you absolutely love to save their life, but have them mourn over you for the rest of their life, would you die for them?

  5. Do you like Pink Floyd? If so, what’s your favorite song?



I had to tell my cousin i liked someone last year (something that i never do) because my sister mentioned it

Summer all the wayy!! I absolutely hate cold :triumph:

If it was a very important and loved person, i would but the thing is that they would mourn me meaning that they will be dwelling for the rest of their lives and not move on because of me

I like Pink Floyd my teacher talked about them once and made us listen to another brick in the wall and its one of my fave groups since then

  • Do you think aliens exist?

  • What’s the weirdest prank you’ve ever played?

  • How do you judge a person?

  • Have you ever lied about your age?

  • What’s the funniest thing you’ve done or had happen while your mind was wandering?


…whoa one moment.

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Nope, nope.

I told my male friend I loved him due to an another prank on another thread…

Actions. And then of course what they’ve done to the people around me.

Lolol yes. Mostly as a Joke. Apparently I am

2, 6, 9, 666666666, 9999999, 292929 16, 15, 78, 50, 42, 14, 73, 11, 90, 54 and the list goes on. Don’t worey I’m of legal age to be on the forums :wink:

  1. Favorite Singer
  2. Worst Phobia
  3. Best Dare you recieved
  4. Most Dangerous thing youve done
  5. Favorite Anine
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Andy Biersack

Kinda hard to explain but it stems from a fear of the dark

“Run to the T posing Jesus statue and back with no shoes on”

Ate raw chicken

I’m assuming you mean Anime? Tokyo ghoul

  1. Do you enjoy screaming in songs?
  2. Have you ever been fired?
  3. Have you ever got drunk during school?
  4. Do you like cheese?
  5. Why is the sky blue?

Somewhat. I like screamo ukulele.

I’ve never had a job :neutral_face:


Not really

Blue is the longest color of light or something. Anyways, I’m pretty sure he light from lakes and oceans and stuff reflect and make the sky blue? Idk.

  1. What is your favorite sport?

  2. What inspires you?

  3. Cheesecake. Yay or nay?

  4. What’s your favorite book/book series?

  5. Ar—are you a…telepath?


Tennis :relaxed:

That’s hard to answer…
Everything inspires me in some way :woman_shrugging: :sparkles:

Never tried it :no_mouth:

I don’t have one, I’ve read way too much to have a favourite :sweat_smile:

You will never find out, just like I will never find out if that was actually a reference to something :upside_down_face:

  1. What’s the weirdest dream you ever had?
  2. Do you have any talents that almost nobody knows about?
  3. What is your favourite food and why?
  4. Would you sacrifice yourself for a friend?
  5. If you could revive one dead person, who would it be and why?

Okay so to make it short, my neighbor’s house got stolen by there realtor and there realtor held Sleepy (the dwarf for sleeping beauty) hostage and the rest of the dwarfs and I had to recuse him while my neighbor’s lived in my mom’s car. At least we got Sleepy back

I can put my legs behind my head, it’s called the human pretzel if you don’t know what I’m talking about.

Human pretzel

(You have to click the link and click the thing at the boom left corner)

Vegan white cheddar popcorn is A M A Z I N G

I don’t have to explain myself

100% yes. If someone is my friend than that means they dug a place in my heart for them to stay.

Okay, so, this one is a bit weird, but theres a spirit that hangs out at my house who my two of my friends and I have named Tuxedo man (with his permission) and he’s a really cool guy, so I would bring him back to life cause he died too young (early 20’s)

  1. How long would you last in a zombie apocalypse?

  2. If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?

  3. What’s the dumbest thing you have seen someone do?

  4. If you had a theme song, what would it be?

  5. The Illuminati has come out of hiding and is talking about a plan to destroy humanity, what do you do and how do you react?

  1. 2 seconds, maybe a few days if I had people supporting me.
  2. Is everything I’m thinking about the universe true and real and if not, what is the real truth to the universe?
  3. Give someone who hadn’t done the studying the actual test
  4. Creepy Billie Eilish song
  5. Travel, explore the world, then discover I’ve been part of the Illuminati all along, and I wouldn’t be involved but wouldn’t do anything to stop it


  1. If you could see ghosts/demons/angels how would you react and why?

  2. What’s the meanest thing you’ve seen someone do?

  3. What’s been the proudest moment of your life so far?

  4. Are you a writer? If so what stories are you working on/will work on?

  5. You are told that you get 3 magical wishes - almost anything you want (although no infinity stuff or ultimate power or anything like that) but those 3 wishes COULD come at a very sever price, would you risk it?


Lol the creator of the post says you have to quote the questions your gonna answer :joy:

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Yw :joy:

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I have no idea what that stands for.

“You’re white” ???