Originally published at: Shani's Tutoring | Creating Great Minds
Frozen may be a metaphor for homosexuality for some… but does that really make Elsa gay?
I want to preface this by saying I think more variety in terms of different sexualities would be great!
However, there’s not a single thing about Elsa that makes me just go: Oh yes, lesbian. If anything, with the way she acted quite indifferent about her sister’s love life I’d more likely group her as asexual. I haven’t seen the second movie so I can’t speak for that one but in the first one she really seems to show no interest in relationships at all besides the ones Anna is in and I really think that’s more so she can keep her sister safe than actually having an interest in the romantic/sexual relationship aspect.
Also, why can’t she just stay single?
Edit: And I know she could be both lesbians and ace but for me I just don’t see her really being a relationship type person.
I hate that this is a thing, you can’t define art for other people, we get from it what we want to get from it and that’s not for anyone else to decide. I also don’t give a f*ck about Frozen and I’m not holding my breath waiting for Disney to deem queer people worthy of outright portrayal on screen - it’s going to happened eventually but at the moment it’s still taboo, they have a brand to protect and don’t want the smoke - so I got no dog in this fight.
The closest I’ve seen so far to a LGBTQ+ Disney character, was beauty and the beast
most ppl definitely just saw “Let it go” as a coming out anthem, so they just paired it with Elsa being gay. I don’t really care about which was Elsa swings, but it would be cool to see a lesbian being represented in a big movie. There was that one cop in Onward that was lesbian, but she only had like 5 minutes of screen time so
To be honest, I see Elsa as super ace. I don’t know why she needs to be sexual at all!
Is it weird I never thought about Elsa’s sexuality at all before seeing this thread? I mean based on what I remember I agree I would probably see her as ace
I never thought about her sexuality and think people are doing way too much to even think about it. Let it go was clearly a song where she lifted that feeling of control by others off her back and where she became free to be herself and not hide. Why should it matter? It shouldn’t matter. If you are using your time to think of ways how a character from Disney is from the LGBT+ community, you really need something else to do. Disney is very traditional and they didn’t have a character from the LGBT+ community until this year in 2020 and that got backlash.
who’s that btw
Who was that?
Am I the only person who never thinks about the sexuality of cartoon or movie characters? If it’s not relevant to the plot, it’s not relevant to me either
I guess you wouldn’t say backlash, but it’s been banned in some countries. I’m not entirely surprised because some countries don’t support that stuff.
Exactly! I don’t understand why people always assume that if a woman doesn’t have a boyfriend our husband, it means that she likes girls. Can’t people just not be interested in sex or romance?
I remember Finding Dory having a lesbian reference and no one said anything about that (I think).
I don’t see the problem though
das true
This right here. Thank you, some people just want to be by themselves for a little while.
I think that’s because she was voiced by Ellen who is lesbian.