I had a random thought. Have you heard the song that goes “red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world!”? Well, I’m probably thinking too far into this, but red and yellow are racist terms for Native Americans and Asians…@Discussions?
Yeah… it’s racist…
Ugh…knew it. Christians strike again.
Wait, that’s offensive.
How do we find ‘red and yellow’ offensive but not ‘black and white’?
I wasn’t saying that. I meant when I said Christians strike again.
Um…I really don’t know. I prefer saying African American anyway, but not all are from Africa…
And not all are American!
I know, but still. Got that question…
Yes, exactly.
Looks like I’ve opened a can of worms.
I’d say it’s racially insensitive and ignorant. I don’t think it’s racist on purpose.
Right. Makes sense.
As someone who is Asian, I do not really appreciate the term yellow at all I think this line is kinda unnecessary and racist, but I do not think the writer had racist intentions? Still it’s not a great line, I don’t love it. This was probably written a long time ago, it seems the author was alive in the 1800s?
I thought of you, actually. Let me see when the song was supposedly written.
- Ok, you get slack, buddy.
Haha yes I couldn’t find the regular date
Well… idk if I’d say that because it’s still bad but like… maybe idk either way, he had good intentions but I don’t like the language.
I mean I’m not as mad as I’d have been if it was written today.
yeah, fair