Jass's art feedback and tutorials thread!

Hi there, I use this place to

  1. Post tutorials how to draw certain things
  2. As a feedback thread where you can post your art and I will give my honest thoughts on it and advise what you could do to improve!

List of tutorials:
Outlines and some basic tips

Now about the feedback part.
Please be able to handle constructive criticism before posting since even with the most perfect art I will find something to improve. It’s as simple as that. Just post your art, 1 piece per person at the same time till I gave the feedback, if you are up for it. On longer term I will explain things mainly by referring to my tutorial, so that’s why I combined it.


I’ll definitely set this to tracking and pop in to see how this is coming along :revolving_hearts:

I’m excited to see what you post!


Outlines and basic advice

Tutorial 1

It’s time for the first tutorial, basic stuff and information about how to make a good outline.
A couple of things are important to take into consideration when making an outline and you have different paths to go. But first some basic tips. I use ibis paint btw, so it could be different from what you use.

Basic advice

Use at least a 2500 by 2500 pixels canvas, in the beginning I worked on smaller canvases but I noticed quickly I can work way more detailed on a bigger canvas.

Always use stabilizer if it’s available, it will make lines flow better.
Especially when outlining force fade is really useful since it just makes the quality of the outline better and you avoid weird overlapping lines.

Ibis paint has a really useful selection layer, use this to help you with coloring inside the lines!


First important point is which brush to use for an outline? Personally I prefer mixing the brushes. This is a selection of brushes I do use, at least occasionally, for the outline.
I will explain one by one where and why I use them.

Dip pen hard: the neat version of the biggest part outline.
Dip pen soft: I use this one for eyes (especially the lashes) and lips. Sometimes the nose for a bit softer look
Felt tip pen soft and hard aren’t that different, but I use those to fill gaps in the outline.
Digital pen is the one I use when making a rough sketch
Pencil I use occasionally for the line above the eyes, just really tiny details that don’t need a lot of focus.
The fade one is excellent for the inside part of the eyebrows in my opinion

Secondly proportions are probably the very most important thing in any art piece, if something is wrong it will be noticed. I had the feeling something was off a lot and in 99% of the cases it is in the proportions and sizes. Personally I would advise beginners to trace (copyright free of course) images and study at lot of faces by looking at pictures. If you are a bit more experienced I would advise you to put a comparable pose of what you want to make on the side of your canvas.

There are a few options how to make an outline, I will go through them all.

Option 1 (tracing your own rough outline)

Begin sketching the outline really rough, like pen size 15 on a 2500 by 2500 canvas. Slowly remove and draw new lines till you have the pose you want. Then put the opacity of this layer lower (to 30/40) and add a new layer. On this layer trace the rough outline with a pen size of 5 max.

Option 2 (no tracing at all)

Start with a small brush, about 4/5 and just draw. Then fix parts you messed up, it’s as easy as that. I wouldn’t advise this unless you are more experienced, since even tho it’s the quickest way there is a high risk of your outline ending up with lines that look weird cause they are erased, drawn again, erased and once more drawn. It’s hard to make it flow perfectly this way.

Option 3 (tracing)

I wouldn’t advice this unless you are a beginner cause you can get stuck in the art piece you are tracing and lose creativity. Anyway put the copyright free image you want to trace as lowest layer, lower the opacity to 40/50 ish, and start tracing on a new layer.

What’s the difference between a good or bad outline?


Straight lines taken in 1 go, no stops
No lines crossing over
Not to thin or thick lines


Lines where you notice many stops
Weird curves in the lines
To thin lines, make it harder to color
To thick lines, just looks unprofessional.

How about an invisible outline?!

I like invisible outline, this basically means you change the color of the outline from black to the color every part is. You can do this before coloring, which I would advise beginners. It gives you a direction to go. If you are more advanced it might be a better idea to change the color in the end or even on the go cause then you will get exact matching colors and that will improve your work. Also you can use your creativity more since you aren’t stuck yet to certain colors.
In both cases go with a slightly darker color tho, if you use the exact same color it will look weird.

How to specifically draw noses and eyes will be told in the next tutorial and the one after will be about hair and ears.


Lol, you weren’t joking about that, you liked it so soon :upside_down_face: I hope it isn’t disappointing…


Absolutely not, I’m bookmarking to have a better read when I have more time on my hands :heart:

But from what I’ve gleaned it’s wonderfully informative :3


Damn, a bump since crossing this reminded me I should actually start doing this again :grimacing:


Medium bump.


Woah this is an awesome thread! I don’t draw but this is really interesting to read about lol


Are you still doing this?




I feel really stupid for asking this, but how do you use the selection layer? :sweat_smile::eyes::sparkles: I tried to figure it out but gave up :sweat_smile::eyes::sparkles:


You can basically use all the tools in it. Like you can fill stuff or just use a brush. It’s only to select a certain area so when you see everything you want is purple you go back to the layer you want to color and then you can use a big brush to color it. Hoped this helped.

Btw, everyone get ready for 2 new tutorials tomorrow!


Thank you, I’ll try it out when I am less stressed :blush::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:


Is that similar to a layer mask?


I’ve never used that thing before. :sweat_smile:


Added an art tag


This thread is officially reopened! I’ve done that so I hopefully will be able to bring in a bit more focus on art in the last 2 days of the weekly theme which is art and I couldn’t just not reopen it!
Expect some tutorials soon :eyes::purple_heart:


I’m putting this thread on watching


What do you guys want a tutorial about? I will be making the top 2 tomorrow morning! Sorry I’ve been so busy with life recently :sweat_smile:

  • Skin
  • Hair
  • Eyes
  • Noses
  • Clothes

0 voters


clothing tutorial

I will start this with 3 videos and then do a writen explanation after about the most important things

Sorry I messed up with this one, I should have selected all the yellow and not the outline before like using the brush to add different colors on it :sweat_smile: Thats why it kinda looks weird…




Drawing Clothes

Okay, I will give some general advice on how to draw clothes.

  • Always make the clothes a tiny bit larger than the skin, it looks pretty weird otherwise.
  • Use colors that complement hair, skin and eye colors. This is useful to check out
  • Think about gravity when designing the clothes, I’ve seen people draw clothes that don’t flow in a natural way. Folds and shadows are a key element of it. In my clips I’ve just convert the first steps in drawing a piece of clothing but I don’t really know how to explain the more advanced stuff, it’s something you have to learn yourself by doing a lot of studies and just looking at how things flow naturally and where shadows should be or not. If you wonder about how to draw shadows properly, practice with turning a circle into a ball shape.
  • Don’t be scared to use the patterns ibis provides, however make them your own, don’t just fill a piece with it and think you are done, change the color, add shadows and add other details to make it perfect. They aren’t an excuse to be lazy