JK Rowling vs. transgenders

Menstruation was the arbitrary line she chose to draw. Some people choose childbirth (which inadvertantly invalidates cis women who can’t have children) or chromosomes, completely invalidating fem-presenting intersex people. The simple fact of the matter is the term “woman” has no solid definition. I could be a woman if I so chose. The term “female” is also flexible, very flexible.

She doesn’t understand, she doesn’t care. She wants to understand and care less


She just uses her fame for something that is wrong, I mean she could help with other problems… but no


I wish we could separate Rowling from Harry Potter, but alas! She still makes money from it.


Can someone please tell me what being a victim of male violence has to do with being a terf? I was a victim of male violence and I don’t try to stop ladies from peeing.


How do you guys do the video things :sob:


Also like… what does being a victim of male violence have to do with anything? Men are sometimes victims of female violence. Men can often be the victims of male violence. That’s awful and violence is something we need to sort out, but it DOES NOT BELONG AS A JUSTIFICATION FOR ANY SH*TTY IDEOLOGY


Tenor.com xD




I knew she was a little bish, but that was a low blow, man.

Do any of you know Blaire White? She’s transgender and she made this video:


I’m confused. What’s a JK Rowling? :thinking:

I’ve been hearing people talk about it and how there’s some sort of scandal including trans people and a jk rowling. I dont understand. Could someone fill me in on the loop?

EDIT: so apparently, Jk rowling is someone who’s trying to take credit for writing Harry Potter? Thats really messed how some people try to take credit for other people’s work. JK Rowling really needs to stop :pensive: :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:


The author of Harry potter


I think they were being sarcastic


@ShanniiWrites @ChaoticDeluge

JK Rowling said in her first tweet:

Here she isn’t lying. Biological sex is real and trans women are biologically male, and trans men are biologically female. It’s fact. She didn’t say anything necessarily transphobic in that tweet.

Her other tweet said this:

There are similarities between the struggles of trans women and women in general, but it’s not wrong to clearly state that there are differences. Many trans women have no idea what it’s like to grow up and, e.g. have your period or to be socialized as a girl at a young age. And this is just not part of their experience. What she means by including “men violence” is that statistically, females are more often victims of male violence at a very young age and then on. So not being a biological female gives you the exclusion of having to go through that. Many trans women haven’t properly transitioned until their 20’s or 30’s, so that’s nearly 20 or 30 years of experiences that they cannot relate to because they did not grow up a girl. Why is it transphobic to say that?

This is her third tweet:

And this is true, 100%.

What is confusing is that in the thread on twitter, it is trans people who are agreeing with her. What is so transphobic about saying that a trans women is biologically male and therefore cannot relate to a biologically female’s life?

There are many trans influencers who have spoken out about this situation. Mars, and Buck Angel:

Who were both replying to a “trans ally” named George.

People calling Jk Rowling transphobic and so hateful and bigoted, but we have tweets like this:


Yikes take, ngl.

“Sex is real” is a dogwhistle, basically saying that trans women will never be real women. This is, once again, insinuation rather than just taking the words there at face value. Any idiot can understand what words mean, digging a little deeper gives you insinuation and context. Nothing is said in a vaccuum.

Also Blair White? Really? Yes, she is trans. She’s also a trans person who is very quick to throw any other trans person under the bus to make herself look better. So that she can be one of the good ones. Not to mention her palling around with white nationalists and open homophobes and transphobes? Just because she’s desperate to be accepted and understood by cis people. Not a great person to tote as the face of trans issues.

No-one says there aren’t

No-one says it isn’t

This has nothing to do with trans issues

Wrong, super wrong. Trans women statitiscally are way more likely to be attacked or harassed than cis women. Try again

No-one is saying it’s 1:1

Maybe so, but in the wider context of her defending a transphobe with non-points it is ignorant and spiteful.

Okay, let me give you a lesson here. Saying “sex is real” over and over again isn’t even a strawman argument. IT ISN’T EVEN AN ARGUMENT. Like, have you ever even spoken to a trans person? No-one says sex isn’t real. Sex is obviously real. No-one says that the issues of trans and cis women are 1:1 exact, they’re obviously not. These are not arguments, because this doesn’t happen.

Gender isn’t real, and there is overlap between the issues of trans and cis women. That simple. Do you disagree there, or are you going to yell about sex being real again?


Ok cracks knuckles.

I make it my business to fight ignorance and misinformation when I see it, so I think I need to take some time to all you why you’re wrong about what happened. I don’t care what you think. You are wrong about the facts.

So, I think in order to put this in terms that you’ll understand, I need to give you an example where I replace gender with race.

I'm using the scrollable function for this, but please read.


So. Let’s say you have a white woman. Let’s give her a name. Maybe something like Faya Morstater? Yeah, let’s go with that.

Faya is a freelancer who has a contract with a company. This contract she has is going to end very soon, but she is hoping that the company will choose to renew their contract. Of course, that is their choice if they want to work with her again after the contract is over.

In her time in the company, Faya has said some things that may be considered racist. She talks about how she refuses to believe that black people are the same as white people and that when a black person asks to be treated the same way as white people, they’re delusional.

The things she is saying are making her colleagues uncomfortable. Worse yet, the things she’s saying are, on occasion, directed at the clients of the company she is working with. It is costing them business and affecting the reputation of the company.

They ask her to stop and she does not. Instead, she goes to Twitter and doubles down on the things she hs said, which affects the company even more.

They do not fire her.

However, when her contract is over, they decide that they don’t want another contract with her. They pay her for the time and work she has done and expect her to go her separate way.

But she does not. She sues them, claiming that her beliefs are making her discriminated against in the company. Now, they don’t have a problem with what she thinks. Their problem is that the things she did have caused some damages to their company.

However, she thinks she can sue to force them to keep renewing the contract? When they only signed to have her work up until that date anyway? They didn’t fire her beforehand. They just decided they wanted to find another contract with someone else. They did all they were legally obligated to do.

So she loses the court case.

Then, an influential author comes along.

Let’s call that author R.K. Jowling.

Jowling says this:

Say what you want.

Dress how you please?

But fire a woman for saying that race is real?


Naturally, people get upset because the author got all the facts wrong.

She wasn’t fired. Her contract just wasn’t renewed. People aren’t forced to renew contracts over and over again. People are put on contracts so that they agree to work a set amount of time. If both sides decide that they want to continue the work after, that’s up to them.

Also, they didn’t decide not to renew her contract because she said race was real. they decided not to renew her contract because the things she did caused them to lose business and made people around her uncomfortable.

Jowling knows that. Jowling is implying that harassing black people is the same as saying race is real.

Jowling is implying that saying that black people and white people aren’t the same is the same as saying race is real.

If someone came up to you and said “black people and white people are different but equal” and when you got angry, they said “But I’m just saying that race is real”, what would you do?

This is exactly what happened to Rowling last year, except it was sex instead of race.

Now onto your tweets.

Those were not the first tweets. They were her attempt to defend herself from the tweets that people were upset about.

What she originally tweeted was this:

And this is not the earliest thing she did this year. When she was replying to a tweet about a child’s drawing, she accidentally pasted some transphobic quotes from someone else, but this could be an accident, so we’ll let that slide.

Now, this tweet is stupid.

Why? Well, we’re not even going to go into trans people.

Not all people who menstruate are women and not all women menstruate:

  • Many 11-year-old girls menstruate, but they aren’t women. Rowling herself has defended Forstater’s statement that “women are adult females”. So, is she saying that 11-year-old girls are women, is she saying that 11-year-old girls don’t deserve equality for their menstruations? Or is she an idiot?

  • Most cis women eventually go through menopause. Do they stop being women as soon as they stop menstruating? Or is she an idiot?

  • Cis women can have a number of health problems that could stop them from menstruating. Does that stop them from being women?

Now onto the transgender argument: no one is saying that sex isn’t real. People are saying that gender is a social construct and you don’t need to be a woman to menstruate and you don’t need to menstruate to be a woman. She’s got a problem with that? If she didn’t have a problem with that, then why would she have such a problem with a tiny little opinion article that no one had even heard of?

The article she mentioned is more accurate than the thing she wants to change it to because it includes young girls (and binary trans men and DFAB NB people, but that’s the thing she has a problem with). So why does she want to change it if it isn’t to exclude trans people?

If sex is real, the statement would still be “people who menstruate” because literally no one is saying that sex isn’t real.

If there were no trans people, the statement would still be more accurate than “women” because girls exist.

She’s literally willing to throw girls who menstruate under the bus just to make a point about trans people? Or she’s an idiot with a huge platform? Your choice.

Then, when people got upset with what she said, then she said what you posted.

Going “iM jUsT sAyInG tHaT sEx iS rEaL” after you’ve tried to exclude trans people from an opinion piece

is like saying “iM jUsT sAyInG tHaT rAcE iS rEaL” after you’ve tried to defend segregation.


My point was that people were angry that she was saying that biological sex is real. And you’ll be surprised by how many people actually get offended when saying sex is real. I’m not yelling, I’m simply stating that what she said about women’s issues and trans women’s issues are comparable but are not the same. And trans women can be victims of male violence, but this is because they find out they’re trans, or they think they’re “gay” for being with a trans women - the reason is to do with being trans. Not being a woman. I’m just saying that a trans women can’t relate to a biological woman’s issues, and people are getting angry at that.

And the whole point of being trans is to say that you are transitioning from your original gender to the other. So saying trans women aren’t women isn’t necessarily inaccurate. They are trans. And they will always be biologically male, and vice versa for trans men.

JK was trying to reply to those who believe that sex isn’t real, and most people who say this are non trans people who want to come off as saviours or allies, but never consider how trans people feel. And by the looks of it, a lot of trans people agree with her.

Also, just because Blaire has different opinions than the average trans person, it doesn’t make her opinion as a trans person any less valid. She always stands up for the real issues regarding the trans community like calling out trans predators and talking about issues with children being forced to transition. She just agrees that trans people are trans and aren’t biologically the gender that they identify with socially.

And I’ve said before that trans women and biological women have similarities in issues but there is a clear difference, being that trans women don’t grow up with the issues that biological females grow up with. It’s a fact.

What did she say that was necessarily transphobic? That trans women can’t menstruate? Isn’t that true?

Agreeing with science and biology isn’t throwing trans people under the bus. Everything she says is a fact. What’s incorrect about what she says, I’m so confused. Unless I’m missing out on something.

You’d be surprised, once again, by how many say exactly that.

Yes, but I’m trying to explain why she added that in her tweet. It was about women having different issues than trans women.

I didn’t say that only biological women are the majority of male violence, I just said that it’s a social issue with being a woman in society, and growing up as a female is something that adds onto the oppression by men, which is something trans women can’t relate to because most of them transition socially at older ages - not all, but a lot do.

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I was so confused and misinformed on what was happening but this awesomely explained everything so dank je!


I didn’t know about her earlier tweets, I thought that the ones I posted above were the only ones. I do see the issue with a lot of her tweets and they are obviously offensive.

But there is still a controversy about the ones I posted, meaning people are angry about what she said about sex being real. There are plenty of people who deny science and try to represent the trans community by saying that stating biological sex is real is offensive, even though the majority of trans people agree.

The points I made were regarding the tweets I posted, but I do agree that her other tweets were offensive.

They were not. You are wrong. Read my piece please and educate yourself. She is saying that to defend what she actually said and you are either falling for it or you’re dog whistling in exactly the same way as her. If it’s the latter, that makes me very sad and I’d lose a lot of respect for you.