Kombucha - anyone like the stuff?

Who here likes Kombucha? For those who might not know, it’s a fermented tea drink that has lots of probiotics so it’s thought to be pretty healthy. You can get it at the grocery store (especially health food stores) and sometimes it’s even on tap at certain coffee shops (at least in the US).

image https://www.wweek.com/resizer/EzJ-BuVsKDVbX0q-0zglls0JOq0=/600x400/filters:quality(100)/s3.amazonaws.com/arc-wordpress-client-uploads/wweek/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/23173126/lede_BoochCity_kombucha-lineup_SamGehrke_4526.jpg

I love it but it’s kinda expensive so I’m thinking about trying to make my own. Has anyone done that before?

For store-bought, what are your fave flavors and brands?


Man I love Kombucha, I love all the flavors and all the brands so I can’t pick or narrow it down tbh

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I have no idea what that is. Wine?
Never mind I just read the post :rofl:


Same! I didn’t even answer my own questions. Glad you’re into hippie stuff like me :joy:

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it’s pretty much this type of tea that has a weird after flavor, I know a lot of people that don’t like it but I think it’s really good!

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It is mildly alcoholic so some places do card you for it even though it’s like 1-3% alcoholic usually.

You can get cocktails with it.

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Tbh I’m such a hippie, I don’t even deny it lmao

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I don’t like any other tea besides Somali tea. Maybe it’s because I never try them :laughing:


lol I get that. I drink a lot of different types of tea tho cause yummmm

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I will try… never in my timeline, at least.



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I know :coffee: :star_struck::sparkles::cat:


Never tried it before :no_mouth::eyes::sparkles:

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I may try it

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Same lol

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Saaaaame! If it’s considered hippie/crunchy, I’m into it.

And if I absolutely had to choose, I think I’d choose Cayenne or Ginger flavors!

I’m looking forward to making my own so I can experiment with different flavors and teas!

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ooooo that’ll be so fun!

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I tried it once and spat it out lol!

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Haha it is an acquired taste!

In a TV show called “Young and Hungry” the girl explained what it was and never before had I heard something that explained it as good as this. I usually only heard of it and never tried it but, after young and hungry at least I knew what it was.

I can’t directly find the quote but it’s at the end of this video


Does it also taste like dirt and bacteria?

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