Let’s talk Synesthesia!

First off—what is it? Well Synesthesia is the production of a sense impression related to one sense or a part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body.

In other words, synesthesia is when two or more senses come together to create something more. For instance, whenever you hear a sound you’d see a color, when you think of the letter “ A “ you associate it with a color, etc. I actually have a type of synesthesia where whenever I hear a sound I see a color. I also associate some words and letters with different colors and tastes. The letter “ R “ is rusty and reminds me of the taste of blood in your mouth, just an example. Did you know there are over 80 types of Synesthesia?

Synesthesia isn’t dangerous to your mental health or has long term effects on your mind—it’s actually shown that synesthetes perform better on certain tests of memory and intelligence.

Do you know anyone who has Synesthesia or do you yourself have it? It’s pretty rare. About 1 in 2,000 people have it! How crazy is that?

If you’d like to know more, there’s this neat little website talking more about Synesthesia . I definitely recommend checking it out.


I read a book about it, forgot the name.

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I think I might have a type of synesthesia, colors effect my mood a lot, like way more then the average person, and sometimes they effect my health too. Like when I think of the color bubble gum pink I feel nauseous, but only when I think of it. Idk if it’s a type but I think it’s interesting lol


It could definitely be a type of Synesthesia.

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Oooh cool!

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Very interesting. :thinking:

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I have a character with synesthesia, and I used to date someone with it. It’s a really cool condition. Condition the right word? idk, it’s just cool xD


Synesthesia is really cool because it’s a different way to interpret things that you wouldn’t think twice about.


I’ve read “Do not read this book.” Or somethn like that and learned about it

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I read a book where the main character was like that- amazing book, and it’s really cool in general!


@ChaoticDeluge What would you do if you had Synesthesia?


I’d probably.


Have synesthesia I guess

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I’m not sure. I’ll get back to you on that one!


Shannii: Says she’ll get back to you

Also Shannii: Doesn’t get back to you


I think I have this. I’ve always associated days, numbers and the alphabet with colours e.g. Monday is red, Tuesday is orange, Wednesday is mint-blue, Thursday is like a greyish purple and Friday is navy blue.

I won’t go through what my whole alphabet is like but A is pink, B is red, C is yellow, D is pinkish red. 0 is greyish blue, 1 is blue, 2 is yellow, 3 is red, 4 is dark green, 5 is cyan.

Weirdly, “ShanniiWrites” is yellow and “Episode” is red but the “forum” bit is green…



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Oh wow.

Monday is blue, Tuesday is yellow, Wednesday is green, Thrusday is purple and Friday is red, because we need to celebrate Friday nights.

Anyway, I usually have this thinking, and I find it weird.

I thought it’s normal to have this.


Moved to health and beauty as it does relate to health

I still don’t know what to say about this topic and I hate not having a clue :grimacing:


I don’t know if this is synesthesia but i don’t like the number 8 i don’t like the word and the shape it makes me wanna puke or something and i usually skip it when i count

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