Let's Complain About... Parents!

I can’t express how much I hate your mother for that. The actual f*ck


god that’s horrible, my mom doesn’t post pictures of me on her accounts but when she does i can practically feel it and i get to her before she posts it and analyze it to see if it’s a good pic lol



Don’t you just hate it when parents compare you to other people’s kids but you know that they’re ten times worse than you?

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My mom does the same. And when I talk to her about it it’s " If you don’t like it leave my house! " Like no, that not how it works.

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That’s f–ked up

I sleep in the laundry room right now because there are no rooms left for me in the house. The laundry room is off the kitchen and used to be part of the garden. It’s a fairly new extension that we made to the house and, because it has 3 outside walls, it gets very cold.

It also has the downstairs toilet there and people tend to do a big, steaming turd in my toilet before I go to bed, so that’s fun. But it also means that, when my granddad is hogging the bathroom and someone needs to go to the bathroom, they have to knock on my door to unlock it so that they can use the bathroom.

Whatever. I don’t mind getting up early every now and then because someone needs a poop. I really don’t. But lately, my mum has taken the habit of coming to the kitchen (right next to my bedroom) and screaming at my nan at 7-8am.

Now, considering the fact that my boyfriend works nights and most of the people on the Forums are online in the evening, plus my job usually takes place after school (tutoring), I tend to go to sleep at about 2am and wake up at 10am. On the weekends, I go to sleep at 3-4am and wake up at about 11am-12pm.

But consistently lately, my mum hasn’t let me have that sleep. Today, I opened the door at 7:30 and tried my best to go back to sleep. But they left the kitchen door wide open. The baby is screaming because she’s ill and I’m wide awake now.

So, I say something to my mum. I say that I don’t mind waking up to open the door if someone needs the bathroom, but I’m tired of waking up every morning to screaming and shouting. It’s a horrible, horrible way to wake up.

Her answer is “you sleep all the time. You sleep enough” . Just because we have different sleeping patterns, it doesn’t mean I sleep all the time. In fact, I haven’t even had 8 hours for the past 3-4 weeks because you insist on having your shouting matches in the f*****g kitchen.

So her response is “then go to bed on time”. What exactly am I getting to bed on time for? Because, you know, “on time” is relative to what you’re waking up for. If I’m waking up at 4am, 8pm would be “on time”. But if I went to bed at 8pm, she would freak out and say I’m always asleep. It’s because she attempts to hover over me and police me, but she can’t police me all the time. So, when she’s not policing me, she just assumes I’m doing nothing.

I bet she means “on time” for her shouting match. Well, I don’t think it’s very fair that I have to change my sleeping pattern and spend less time with my boyfriend to suit her moods. It’s a horrible way to wake up and I can feel my heart rate going crazy every morning when she does that, because she wakes me up from a deep sleep.

But she said she didn’t want to hear because I said she was blaming me, someone who’s not even being shouted at, for being woken up by her shouting and that’s not fair. So she told me to shut up. She never listens to anything when anyone says anything she doesn’t like. If anyone asks her to stop doing anything or expresses that the way she is acting is hurting them, she blames them for being hurt by her and tells them of ways they could change their schedule to appease her whims.

I hate living here.


Goddddd :sob:

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Oh my god.

My dad always compares me to my more extroverted, “reactive” and chatty sister.

He says that I need to be more “reactive” to people and not just exist “monotonously” like a “retarded buffoon”.

Well, I am sorry that I can’t fit into his expectations. Apparently, I am not allowed to be my my own person anymore!

So I just said to him, “Yes, I know I am not that reactive as my sister. But, can you blame me? Higher and valuable metals like gold and silver don’t react at all. I hope you have learnt enough Chemistry in 10th grade to know what I am talking of. Being gold is better than being highly reactive sodium.”

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my parents left me-

Not my mom forcing me to stay in NYC for college through a fee waiver issue I had. When I said multiple times that I’ve wanted to leave the city for college to create new experiences. Good golly, miss Molly, this is wonderful .-.

My friend got into one of their colleges and I’m just… stuck here.

I’m happy for them, but it hurts. Bloody hell, am I not gonna be able to do law school either??

Me: comes out

bruh wut-
you dont need to be passive aggresive-

My mum often tells people about my plans for the future although I don’t really have any plans… and she thinks I’m hiding my boyfriend from her :woman_facepalming:

@Discussions Here’s your space to complain a bit about your parents


Where do I even BEGIN with mine?

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Asian/Indian parents…
Do you want a never gonna end list of complain?

I love my mom, and my only complaint about her is that she lives in another country with an 8-hour time zone difference. We videocall every day, but since she’s so bad at technology, whenever she’s experiencing some kind of technical difficulty with her phone, it makes it so hard for me to help her because I can’t actually see what the problem is.

hi im a 14 yr old im going to be 14 next week but im confused bc my mom is trying to enforce christianity on me but idk if i wanna do witchcraft or not

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How did u find this place lil bro