Let's Complain About... Parents!

My mum said this yesterday after looking through a photographer’s Instagram. He had a lot of food-related pictures with girls in them and she said, “All your generation does is eat, lie and be bisexual or just commit every one of the seven deadly sins before they die.”


Yes, yes exactly! And then I never hang out with people I know and my parents ask me why I have no friends :expressionless:


Whenever my parents are lecturing me, they randomly accuse me of showing aTtItUdE (when I’m not even thinking of showing attitude). It’s annoying :neutral_face::rose::two_hearts:


Mom repeating the same damn thing over and over again when she ask u to do something. MISS, I AIN’T DAMN DUMB OKAY?! XD



Before the coronavirus, when my sister’s boyfriend used to come over, my parents would always gush over how great he was. Whenever I told them he’s a jerk, they’d just tell me “stop being over-protective.”



Wow that’s mean! :see_no_evil:

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So like my lil bro and I were arguing over something and my mom told us to ou to our rooms, so i go and im about to lay on my bed but when i try to get on it my knee gets all twisty and bends out of place and I yell cuz it frickin hurt man, and my dad comes to see whats wrong and my mom goes to yell at my brother even tho it wasnt him

so a few minutes later she comes to apologize but she says she was scared he did something (i mean, fair, it was a mistake giving that boy a nerf machine gun) and im like ‘im sorry for getting hurt’ and my bros like ‘sorry for existing’ :skull:


My parents don’t understand I’m Pan and my mom won’t get me anything rainbow

bump :no_mouth:

my dad is a control freak, my mom is overdramatic and always complains, and my younger brother always cries when he loses, as you can tell, not a huge fan of my family

they have done some good stuff for me though…

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Oh no…

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Me: at work trying to earn money
My mom: HoW dArE YoU To noT tExt Me BacK? YoU NeVer cARE AboUt Me! Why do you have to go to work?

Btw if I wasn’t working she would complain that I never make any money and I’m only living of of her.

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O.O My parents are great…aside from not getting me anything rainbow.

My mom was great until she started to reach the age of 40 and became so racist, anti -lgtbq and manipulative all of the sudden.

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hugs We can share mine.

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hugs back ty :heart:

Of course. Us queers gotta stick together.

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bump! What are your problems with your parents?

My parents are very casually homophobic. I don’t know how I’m gonna come out to them. Not that I even know my sexuality, I’m currently questioning :sweat_smile:

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This always sucks

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My mom thinks that I have a secret Internet boyfriend whenever I smile at my phone when I am just merely accessing the forums :pleading_face: