Let's talk about horror movies!

It’s definately worth it! You won’t even be able to guess the same director gave us Saw!

Added horror, film and discussion tags

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Thank you!

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Agreed !! Have you guys seen the animated prequel yet “Seoul Station?” And are you curious about the sequal coming out later this year named “Peninsula” or originally titled “Train to Busan 2”. Which isn’t animated but live action like the first movie
Movie poster for the Prequal of the The Train to Busan

Movie poster for the Sequal to The Train to Busan

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Anyone reading this can reply to these questions as I’m trying to keep this thread more active again :eyes:

  • How much do you care if a horror movie actually scares you or not?

  • What horror sub-genre do you most prefer ?

  • Are there things in horror you are especially sensitive to? ( For example; Gore , the paranormal , based-on real life etc…)

  • Do you have a favourite horror villain?

  • What horror trope are you sick of seeing and which one do you actually enjoy seeing?

  • Are there any underrated horror movies most people don’t know yet , but should totally watch?


I cried so much in train to busan. I loved it. Havent seen those animated ones.


I m not that scared of horror movies as I said I had a conversation with a real ghost

  1. I dont care if a horror movie scares me anymore just because the older I get, the more difficult that is. So I cant judge a movie by that.

  2. I dont know what subgenres! I dislike paranormal activity, but I like paranormal stuff… is that what the ring would be under?

  3. Nope.

  4. Alessa Gillespie :heart_eyes:

  5. Hmmm… I’ll think about it.


What did you talk about with the ghost? :eyes:

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Not really since different things scare different people hehe as long as I’m not bored I’ll enjoy it

gory stuff (not the technical name but stuff like Hellraiser or Texas Chainsaw massacre)

Ghosts are the only horror thing that genuinely scare me especially the urban legend type ghosts :joy: I will still watch ghost stuff!

Dang this is hard to decide on, probably Samara Morgan just for this line

Therapist: You don’t really want to hurt those people
Samara: That’s the thing…I do

I dOwNlOaDed aN aPp nOw I sHaLl diE :joy: I’ve seen alot of newer horror movies kinda following the same plot these days in general but honestly I’ll give anything a go!

I haven’t met anyone else who has seen these but they are pretty good, they were on the horror channel one night.

  • The people under the stairs
  • Cats eyes (this may be more of a thriller)
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So excited for them both! Haven’t seen Seoul yet since I can’t find it anywhere… Is it good?

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This isn’t nessacarilly a horror thing, but if someone’s being force-fed or forced to eat huge amounts of something, I won’t be able to watch. That’s, like, one of my biggest fears.

Fingernail stuff is too gross for me (Not toenail stuff, though, since I’ve lost a couple and it wasn’t too bad).

I hate it when people draw pentagrams and blame all the demons on the Wiccans. Like, if we were there, y’all wouldn’t have had demons to begin with. Just fess up that you messed with something you were too stupid and inexpierienced to deal with.

The “evil Wiccans” thing could apply here, too. I’m also getting kind of tired of tiny horror villains (Chilld’s Play, Gremlins, Children of the Corn). Like you can literally throw them. Shouldn’t be this hard, guys.

One of my favorite things ever, though, is the way people trip in horror. Like half of the time they’re literally getting caught on air.

Leatherface (in the first 2 movies, at least) is a genderqueer icon and a literal baby and I love him. I also love myself some Michael Myers. Don’t know why. Maybe it’s the jumpsuit.

Honestly, the new Invisible Man is much better than it deserves to be. I was one of the lucky few who got to see it in theaters before quarantine, and I loved every second. Idk if it’s availiable on digital or streaming yet, but if it is, watch it.

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The first two actually aren’t that bad (In my opinion, at least). They’re kind of artsy, and not a gore fest like Hellraiser or Saw.

YAAAAS! This was one of my first. I didn’t sleep for weeks.

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There is enough gore for me to enjoy it hehe

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Like When that guy’s scalp fell off? Mmm… Goopy…

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Hahaha yes! Very goopy :joy:

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Not much she was asking me to give her a lift in the middle of the night lol


Haven’t seen the movie myself yet as well,but I do plan on watching it this weekend. The general coneses from what I have heard is that it’s not as great as the first one, but still enjoyable nonetheless. It does have different characters though, but it has the same director.

Turn on auto captions if you don’t understand :headphones:

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I love horror movies that can scare me! I want jump scares and creepiness but from watching so many horror movies I kinda became immune to that :joy:


Nope, give me everything