Let's talk about...transitioning racial identities?

Do people know that black isn’t a gender or??? And you can’t identify as another race… It’s not how it works I bet the white woman who “identifies” as black says the N word😒

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Um… What?

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But our ancestors did! They did and some white racist people are still discriminating against us and t telling us we should go back to being slaves. Someone told that to my friend once anonymously in her dm’s.


It’s not that hard actually… There is this Asian woman who got hate for wearing braids and then she later apologized saying how Asians today don’t understand cultural appropriation … She said that while removing some of the braids as she apologized but she still kept some - this is cultural appreciation . She wore the braids and talked about the history of it and how she is amazed by it and how deeply sorry she is for wearing it before without realizing the history of it.

Bhad Bhabie wore braids and went she got backlash for it she said " I don’t want too be black , who wants to be black? " this is cultural appropriation ! She insulted the black community and continued wearing their protective hairstyle while using blaccent, hating on the black community and trying to take away braids from the black community.

If you’re from another race and wear braids without knowing the history of it and you insult the black community that is cultural appropriation but if you’re from another race and you wear braids AND you know the history of it, is amazed by the beauty of what black people created, wouldn’t dare claim their work as yours or you just want to show how empowering something from the black community is then it’s culture appreciation. It’s you wanting to show your love for that community/minority.

Yes :+1:

How do you even identify as a race, I- :sob:


I agree with this. All I’m saying is that @phnx made a good point saying that is based on the idea that race does not exist.

For the part on slavery, I don’t think it’s very relevant to what I said. Maybe there was a misunderstanding.

I leave you to your own research for this. I’m not properly defending the stance, just that they raised some very valid points. Interesting articles are fairly easy to find.

Okay, I agree, but those are theorhetical distinctions (which are usually easy to see). My point was that it’s harder in practice.

I feel like this is horrible you can’t transition your race? Just stop it and accept that your white. Not even mentioning how mocking I find this to the transgender community. Just call it what it is. It’s not trans racial it’s “I want to look black without the struggles of being black and by doing so I also want to hurt the transgender community”


You tell me :sob:

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I’m not saying this is right, but I don’t think it’s blackface under that definition

That definition specifically describes “theatrical make-up” which seems different from whatever’s happening here, although I can’t be positive about that


it is still wrong though

Just because race doesn’t exist doesnt mean it isn’t problematic.

Quote :“Race is a human social construct mostly based on phenotypic characteristics which are used to distinguish social powers in the institutionalized oppressive system called “racism”. Skin color is very much a staple base when deciding who is what race, but it is not absolute. If skin color was the final defining characteristic of who was white, pale skinned POC from all the races could be white. It also has to do with genetics. Every heard of the ‘one drop rule’? Look it up. Race is a fluid concept that has rules that can be bent and twisted to benefit or please the power that controls it. That power would be white supremacy aka white people. Though I will make sure to mention, just because race is a made up concept doesn’t mean it doesn’t have very real negative effects and consequences to those who don’t benefit from it aka POC. You still following? Good.”

Just because race doesn’t exist and that we all humans originated from the same black woman (yes , it is scientifically proven that humans all come from the black woman search it up) doesn’t mean it isn’t problematic.

Black face has been used to mock black people for years and it’s still happening this “trans racial” stuff can easily be removed.

You can wash your body, straighten your hair and then walk away so you wouldn’t get to face the same oppression Poc face. This is really damaging and boycotts the experience poc go through.

Yes we are all one race! But black face/yellow face (non-asians who try to get Asian features/make theirsleves seem Asians for fame-) is inherently damaging.

Changing their skin color is probs not damaging to you but it’s damaging to a lot of poc. Look now I am not saying don’t get a tan- if you want to get a tan go for it but being like "I am trans racial " and all that stuff just isn’t cool.


Also bump

I must admit that I’m not sure what to tell you. What you said definitely stands, and it’s not exactly going against the point I made. All I meant to say is that this

Makes sense. I’m just nuancing the situation a bit because it’s not all that evident in my opinion. Sure, as you said, some people may find it damaging, but others might not. Following what Averis said, it’s difficult to defend that it’s objectively damaging, unlike prominent race-based discrimination, for example. Here, we have an act that might be subjectively damaging -it will really depend on the person. Is it enough to justify stopping these people from changing their features? I think it’s a difficult question, which is why I don’t have a set answer. All I know for sure -which is what I was also saying before, but you may I have missed it- is that claiming that you’re transracial is silly based on the prior quote. So we’re on the same page.

Also, this conversation is getting a bit old, so I’m not sure I will be continuing it.

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I hate it sm. Wtf

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You can’t change your race. You just can’t. Race is genetic and relates to ancestry. Each race has their own facial structure, physical features, skin tones, etcetera. Being transgender is okay, because gender is a social construct, unlike race and ethnicity. How are you going to change your line of ancestors? You’ve already been born and they’ve already been born. There’s nothing you can do about that.

This act is especially offensive when a white person tries “transitioning” to be a POC, like the woman shown here. People of colour are discriminated against, stereotyped, and viewed as aliens, regardless if they are Asian or Black. This is literally racism and cultural appropriation.


What the hell

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I was wrong transracial does exist!

but it is not what this is.

Transracial is like being adopted by someone from another race (you are still the same race you were before but also someone who was adopted)

But this, this is not real.

You cannot change your race


yea, transracial is supposed to be a cultural thing, like a japanese kid being raised in a spanish culture - that would be considered transracial, and the kid could call themselves spanish as well as japanese, but actively trying to change your ethnicity is not just impossible, but it’s wrong too (and very different to changing your gender)



if you’re raised into another culture that it’s not your own then technically your trans-racial. But you cannot change your race/ethnicity it isn’t possible.


Changing your gender is totally ok and possible but your race/ethnicity cannot be changed.


omg that means i’m transracial-


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