LGBTQ+ Problems

This thread is a place for you to talk about all of the problems and struggles that come specifically from being a member of the LGBTQ+ community. It’s about those problems that a straight person may never experience or even understand, but other queer people might!

Post as many as you can!

If you just want to talk about the LGBTQ+ community and meet some other queer folk, the LBGTQ Thread is perfect for you!


Everyone thinking you’re straight because finding an opposite-gender partner is easier than finding one from the same gender or a different gender.


It being easier to date people from the same gender because:

  1. It is genuinely not so easy to find out if someone is into your gender unless they make it pretty clear.

  2. There is still quite a stigma around same-gender attraction.

  3. When people see you dating someone of the opposite gender, they assume you’re straight so they rule you out as a possibility.

  4. I think it’s a bit of bi/pan privilege where we can just pass as straight to have an easier life. It puts a lot of pressure on us to actually follow that lifestyle. I mean, if we can, why wouldn’t we, right?

All of that is then combined with the fact that you still need to find someone who is compatible with you. You both need to be attracted to each other: physically, mentally, emotionally, romantically, etc. When you factor in the limitations that I mentioned above, it’s just easier to be in a straight relationship.

Also, there’s so much bi/pan erasure. Like, when I was into women in the past, I’ve had people say “so what are you gay now?” No. My sexuality didn’t change. It’s always been pan.


When you ship a same-gender couple in a book, TV show, game or film, people always assume you’re doing it BECAUSE you’re queer.



Me, dating a boy: Yes.


This is Just a few my personal problems with my aromantic pansexual self could be different for others

  1. Not Being taken seriously/people think i’m Just doing this for attention.

  2. Not a lot of representation

  3. A lot of sl’t shaming

  4. People still pushing me into wanting to get married because ‘everyone falls in love, you can’t escape it’.


Right, you’re aro.


Don’t even get me started on this! It’s such a stereotype of bi and pan people! Since we’re just straight if we’re in a straight relationship and gay if we’re in a gay relationship, people must think we’re only bi if we’re in both gay and straight relationships at the same time?! Dumb as hell!

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As a straight woman, I do agree with the stupidity that comes from some straight people. I can’t stand it when they ask stupid questions such as “who is top/bottom” or “who is the boy and who is the girl?”
It’s sickening when they fetishise homosexuals, bloody disgusting!

Being a bisexual doesn’t mean you’re greedy or confused. You are allowed to like both genders!


People always get caught up with the word privilege and I don’t think they know what it means. I think people think that privilege means your life if easy. it just means you have something that people who aren’t in that group don’t have: the ability to pretend you’re straight and still live a somewhat authentic life.

I hate the whole nickpicking with terms. I dislike the word privilege, but surely we all know what it means by this point?

It’s like how you can have white privilege and still have a bloody hard life for other reasons. You could be poor or LGBTQ+ or disabled. However, you don’t have “not being white” to deal with on top of it. It just means you don’t have one setback. It doesn’t mean you don’t have others.

I don’t like that word either, it’s too exclusive if you get where I’m coming from. I’ve always thought it means lucky e.g. I feel privileged that Neffex follows me back.

This is exactly what I mean. No one was talking about whether bi people can find love easily or not. That’s a problem that anyone of any gender or sexuality can have. However, straight people and bi people in straight relationship don’t have the added issue with actually being able to find people who are interested in their gender that they are interested in. For gay people in particular, that narrows their dating pool significantly and makes it even harder to find someone. That’s just basic statistics.

If I’m bi or straight, I know I have most of the population of the opposite gender that I know I can at least try to see if something works with. Gay people don’t have that privilege.

I also know that I am unlikely to be attacked, harassed or assaulted for trying to hit on the wrong person. The Gay Panic defence is still legal in many states, after all. That makes them even less likely to try.

Very true.

So everyone has issues finding someone. Especially men. However, gay people have more setbacks than people who are straight or who can pass as straight just by statistics and facts.

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I mean, there are other things that can be a setback! Like disabilities, race, job, etc. It’s just that being gay is another setback that you can have

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I’ll @LGBTCommunity

Do you guys have any problems related to being LGBTQ+ that you wanna discuss?


Pansexual’s are unicorns.