Mary-Sue Quiz: An Update

Hi all!

A little while ago, I mentioned my aim to merge ShanniiWrites with Shani’s Tutoring to provide one, streamlined, helpful platform for English and creative writing help. I also showed you that I’d created the Mary-Sue Glossary Term.

Well, now I have an exciting update for you!

I’ve found a way to host the extremely popular Mary-Sue quiz on the Shani’s Tutoring website!!!

So, it’s going to go through the usual update and improvements. It’s going to be less judgemental, more based on research and generally better at telling if your character is, in fact, a Mary-Sue.

It’s going to take me some time, but it’s step 2 in turning my blog post into a whole course! People will be able to go through the quiz and it will tell them whether or not they need to do the (FREE) course! Hopefully, that will be super useful!



So I’ve just found out I can generate a PDF based on the Mary-Sue quiz results! So, I can give you DETAILED feedback on why your character got the result they did – with Shani’s Tutoring branding on it!

This is going to be so amazing for a free addition to the website!

@Bloggers please let me know if you’re interested in trialling the quiz once the first draft is done! I’ll send it your way!

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Loving this so far!

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I would love to!

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Thanks for always being so supportive! :heart:

I always make promises about “if this takes off”, but if it does, you can be my first paid moderator (especially since your uni degree aligns so well)!

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