I just wanted to make this thread so that it can be a place to share mental health related things.
You can share anything related to mental health, meaning your post(s) can positive or negative. I think it’d be helpful to have a place to share these things.
For real though, I have crazy anxiety. I also have mental breakdowns at least 4 times a week. I’m also alone way too much so I get many bad thoughts. Also depressed.
It can count as mental health, sure. Are you okay? Do you want/need to talk about it?
Wherever you need to. As always, I’m here to help you, if you need or want help.
I’m really sorry to hear that. As I said above, if you ever want to talk or get help from me, you can always talk to me. PM me/message me(here or otherwise). I’m always willing to help.
I’m pretty much your classic autistic kid, throwing a screaming fit over something stupid. Once, I flipped out over deodorant and almost started screaming. This time I actually did.
I also struggle with anxiety and depression, so if you ever want to talk about it, let me know.
The past few months have been pretty good for me, but I also get bad thoughts when I spend too much time alone. I had an injury on Monday, and I have to stay home until next Friday, but I keep thinking… what if I don’t heal by then? I’m alone and I have to spend a ridiculous amount of money ordering food or paying someone to cook for me. Just when I was starting to get back on track financially. I keep worrying, even though I know I shouldn’t.
I injured my foot recently and have had to take antibiotics but I’m also on so many other meds that I’m worried that it’s gonna make me sick, I can’t sleep, I’m uncomfortable, nearly full blown panic mode and idk what to do. I feel sick but I think that’s partly due to my anxiety.
When I felt like this in the past I’d run to the kitchen and get stuff to eat but thing is I can hardly walk lol. It’s 1:32 and I really don’t wanna wake anyone up but I don’t know what to do!
I’m definitely having an anxiety attack oof
Part of the reason I think I’m feeling like this is cuz I didn’t really eat dinner cuz I got so stressed literally that whole day. I spent part of it sobbing cuz I felt so ashamed that I managed to get injured like this.
Don’t feel like that, it’s normal to feel all of that. It really doesn’t help your feelings at all, plus if you’re an independent person having everyone do stuff for you isn’t fun.
I’m so sorry to hear that! Injuries are hard, when they are mixed with mental health, they are even harder, so if you need some time to just relax, take it. It’ll help.
Anyway, I really hope you feel better soon! If you ever want/need someone to talk to, my PMs are always open!
Aw, I know you talked about your foot, but I’m really sorry to hear about that mixing with your anxiety. I know it’s really hard to deal with injuries and mental health (such as anxiety) on top of that, so if you ever need or want someone to talk to, I’m here.
I’m so sorry to hear that! I really really hope you get better soon!