Mental health thread

It does help. Thank you for sharing that with me!


I have a similar process. In my experience, journaling my thoughts has helped a lot. Even if you are numb and not feeling much, just writing a sentence or two can really be helpful. I think journaling could help you, as it has helped me a lot. But, itā€™s really up to you because you know you best.

As always, if you need someone to talk to, my PMs are always open. :heart:


Maybe that can help, that writing stuff down can be a way to let my thoughts out and prevent the numbness from happening. I think I will be trying this!


I still need to vent. Idk why this sh^t bothers me honestly, I didnā€™t anything wrong. But, my best friend told me heā€™s liked me for 6 years and yesterday he asked me to be his valentine. Guess whoā€™s demi-pansexual?! This human! So, yeah, I donā€™t like him back and donā€™t know if could ever. I just donā€™t like him like that. I also said no to being his valentineā€¦I donā€™t regret a thing but I just feel bad.
End Results: depressed, hating myself, and hating my sexuality.

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I once had a friend that I thought had a crush on me, and that made me kinda uncomfortable. Like we were kinda new to being close and he saw it in a different way than I did. I didnā€™t like being close to him and being the only one heā€™d talk to because we had different interests, and I tend to go for people who are similar to me. I didnā€™t want to reject him so I just ended up distancing myself from him. I didnā€™t reach out to him and I stopped hanging out with him like one-on-one and started hanging out more in groups and talking to other people. He moved on. Later another friend told me that he did indeed have a crush on me.

Iā€™m also ace so that wouldnā€™t have worked lol.


That happened to me too! I sorta, maybe, stopped being friends with him. Iā€™m just trying to put some distance cause, tbh, our friendship wasnā€™t supposed to last this long. I probably sound crazy, but like itā€™s a system thatā€™s complicated.

Heyyyy Iā€™m aro or ase too! I kinda used demi for a bit of hope but it ainā€™t true.


Added a few tags

I just want to say, for anyone struggling with anything mentally, just remember that all of us are here for you! Whether itā€™s something small or something huge, we all support you here.

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Hello! (Why am I starting this like itā€™s an AA meeting?)

So Iā€™ve been really struggling with imposter syndrome and perfectionism. Its hard for me to do things sometimes (like assignments/school work) and because of that I often think that Iā€™m stupid/unintelligent and because Iā€™m getting basically straight Aā€™s I think my teachers arenā€™t actually giving me real grades, theyā€™re just being easy on me. Which, kinda true to some extent cuz I go to an untraditional school that just doesnā€™t focus so much on that competition to get the best GPA. Like for example, my math teacher only grades tests and if youā€™ve done the homework sheā€™ll give you a 10/10. Just things like that, and I have a history teacher that always gives bonus points.

But Iā€™m also in an Advanced Lit class where we do read hard stuff and she does challenge me and sometimes I think that because I have a bit of trouble or make mistakes I think automatically that Iā€™m unintelligent and that the work was easy for everyone else. Which isnā€™t the case at all and she says Iā€™m doing well and that the stuff she gives us is hard. She also says Iā€™m gifted which is hard for me to believe sometimes because I donā€™t have a way myself to judge that.

I had a chat with her today and basically discussed this, except to a lesser extent than I did here. I basically said how itā€™s hard for me to read stuff generally just outside of class, and because I couldnā€™t do that I thought that I wouldnā€™t be a good teacher because I havenā€™t read all the classics and dissected them. And then she was like I donā€™t have to do that basically and with teachers thereā€™s this perfectionist thing of expecting yourself (or other people expecting teachers) to be knowledgeable about all aspects of Literature. Which isnā€™t realistic.

So that helped a lot but I still struggle with imposter syndrome a lot.


Like an identity crisis? I really should know this, being a psych majorā€¦

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Ofc Iā€™m no expert, look this up to make sure (also you donā€™t have to know everything about psych)

But itā€™s basically when you feel like what youā€™re doing is fake. Like all that success you gained or good things or skills, you donā€™t actually have them and youā€™re worthless and a liar. Basically an imposter lol. Thatā€™s how I define it for myself.

Like for me, I convince myself that Iā€™m not good at literature and my teacher is just nice and gives me good grades or doesnā€™t see how bad I actually am at it. Which this isnā€™t true, but I convince myself of it sometimes.


Soā€¦inferiority complex?


Heh, Iā€™m just embarrassed.

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" Imposter syndrome is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud . It disproportionately affects high-achieving people, who find it difficult to accept their accomplishments. Many question whether theyā€™re deserving of accolades."

This is a much better definition.


Crap. This is me. Could this be an inferiority complex?


From what Iā€™ve looked up, they seem like kinda different things. Imposter syndrome is basically feeling like a fraud, while it sounds like an inferiority complex is feeling very insecure/inferior.

Imposter syndrome seems like more of doubting successes and compliments, and while it seems like this could happen with an inferiority complex as wellā€“theyā€™re different things.

But idk 100%

ā€œ'Impostersā€™ suffer from chronic self-doubt and a sense of intellectual fraudulence that override any feelings of success or external proof of their competence. They seem unable to internalize their accomplishments, however successful they are in their field. High achieving, highly successful people often suffer, so imposter syndrome doesnā€™t equate with low self-esteem or a lack of self-confidence. In fact, some researchers have linked it with perfectionism, especially in women and among academics.ā€


Ah. Because I definitely have an inferiority complex. Not sure about impostor syndrome.


I might have that too! But it seems more like imposter syndrome lol, my therapist has brought that up I think so it isnā€™t coming out of nowhere, but I havenā€™t had a formal discussion or diagnosis or anything. I think it is worth it to discuss and acknowledge tho cuz when I do I donā€™t blame myself as much.


I also think itā€™s hard because with literature since Iā€™m not in college and have resources I donā€™t know where to look or have the ability to look to find resources and be able to read advanced texts on my own. I currently donā€™t have the time or willpower to do so, but I know I would be able to in a class setting/or with someone guiding me.

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For instanceā€¦ew.


I either woke up today very anxious or sick and Iā€™m not doing good rn lol. I have school today and Iā€™m probably gonna stay home.

Im probably anxious cuz of all the stress Iā€™ve been under recently.

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