Movies that are not as good as their novels

We’ve all seen this scenario: your favourite book is being adapted to film and you’re really excited, but when you finally get to see it, it doesn’t live up to your expectations. With book to film adaptations, there’s always going to be aspects of the novel that don’t translate well into the film format, however, some films completely miss the mark and the movie ends up falling short of the source material. What are some movies you feel are not as good as their novels?

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cough Percy Jackson cough

This will forever and always be my first answer to this question.


MPHFPC. The movie was good, just had many incorrect things.

I haven’t had the chance to watch that movie in its entirety. I’ve heard mixed things about it though.

Like what?

Some people like it, others don’t, that sort of stuff.

Have you read the books?

I know I’ve read the first one and I might have read the second, but I’m not sure.

There are five

Ok, the main thing is that Olive and Emma’s peculiarities are switched and Olive is about seventeen.

Ah. I have a box set with the first three then.

Right. I remember seeing a video about that.

image My favorite part :slight_smile:

The Giver. They didn’t include many details from the book in the movie.
but i also prefer books over movies so i may be bias

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Oh my god, yes! Also, I really, really hated the ending! It felt very cringey.

The fault in our stars !!!

as sappy as it is, it’s one of my favorite books I read it like a million times and I was SO excited that the fil
was gonna come out
And when it came out I watched it and I was like ew no
The film SUCKED on so many levels I swear to god


I haven’t watched that movie yet. I read the book but I’ve never had the chance to watch the movie

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There was a movie (series) version of the Hobbit made recently-ish which were just so much worse than the book

that jawline tho

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Yes. That jawline.

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