New Blood | General Chat


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Do it :triumph:

got really unmotivated

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Isi :sob:

WHO TF gave Chris points he’s legit dead wtf :joy::joy::joy::skull:


I just want chars deep secrets exposed


You missed this then @Madilfill

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Also @novella you didn’t make it a wiki

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I’m just dying tho he looks like 15 in this picture :joy:


This is kinda how the rest of us felt last time because of Elodie….


yeah she was doing tasks and stuff but people loved her and gave her points
and that was high key unfair



The points thing makes sense but at the same time it makes it so the tasks never mattered and you either had to be really liked or really feared to win

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If the points are done- then I feel like task points need to be manipulated

for example

If Phoebe was given a really difficult task - it should be like “Well darling, we know you’re really low right now but because we’re feeling generous, if you do this task - we’ll bump you up 100 points”

something like that to put her right below or on par with the winners

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Like yes

Phoebe probably feels like sh/t for being so low

but that is a key moment for Blue royatly to start manipulating her more than they have ever done before

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Exactly. That’s why the giving/taking points is good to have happen once to shift things more and raise the stakes for those who really want to win, but more than that makes the tasks then lose value.

Yes. Kinda like how when we did dare or drink for the characters, some of the characters were given more points for completing their dares to help them catch up some.

Exactly. Its a chance to really play up that manipulation.

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Exactly. ANd then people on the list should have more to lose too. Enough that it would push them off the list.

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they defo will be

some of them already have been i made a few changes already to the halloween tasks so they earned more from them to keep it somewhat proportionate


Tis appreciated

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