New Blood | General Chat

Dori’s only happy if Jess is with him

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No one else talks


We’re irrelevant lmao

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Need to amp up the numbers

If me and Isi stopped talking this would be completely quiet

Hm yes

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I’ll go back to my corner



Talk about something else

I get bored

I reread dans timeskip yesterday

My motivation is floor level


You know what was funny?

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The whole thing


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Valerie Wood. God… I wrote this speech a hundred times. And honestly, I could never find the right words. The right way to say this. Because you deserve more than perfection. You deserve the world. I don’t know if I can give you that, but I can promise I will spend the rest of my life trying. I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you laugh, to make you smile, to make you happy. So god… please Valerie…. Will you marry me?”

You liar

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Is this what happiness felt like? Having a women he loved as his fiancé? Having her be pregnant with your child? Was this it? Daniel Parker believed so. He had truly never been this happy before. He had Valerie as the love of his life. He had Jezebel by his side being a damn good sister, Little Laurel looking up to him. Jessica supporting him through everything. He had everything a man could ever want. The next few months went by in an instant, and not for a moment did his happiness subside. He loved Valerie and had switched his classes online just so he could be with her every step of the way. He was planning a wedding – one with both of them after the little one was born. A little one that was a girl…. Okay look, that wasn’t expected. A girl. sigh He did think he had been through this enough time with Jezebel begging for a boy. But was he upset? Not in the slightest. He was just… happy the baby was healthy.

Then WHYD you leave






Well I hope he’s happy now