Certain things deserve to be screensavers
Andy’s ass is one of them
With the 14 additional tattoos most people haven’t seen
Makes Jess special ya know
Was there a nugget? @CerealKiller
This line still gets me every time @Littlefeets
Such a simple line, but it works so well for that moment
I was reading those miscs to get a feel of how to write jordan’s
and I adore little carefree charlotte
She’s so cute
all she wants is to go skateboarding with the twins and her bro
oh and her notebook back
how dare dan write in it
that’s not good older brother behavior
But her bro’s too busy being a weirdo to keep his promise to skateboard with her
and dan’s going on and on about this akielah girl he likes
what about HER?
he is being the weirdest weirdo
So rude
It’s okay she’ll forgive him when dan reverts the time machine’s effects and she’s not his sister anymore
Charlotte would rather have her bro and just have him stop being more of a weirdo than normal