New Blood | General Chat


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I think we talked about it once before, wondering if Jez ever did or not.

I don’t remember what we decided, but I do feel like there was at least one encounter at some point.

Maybe that was how he even knew about Jez and her importance to Jordan.

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:joy: Yes that’s pretty much what I was imagining.

Maybe even messaging Ziah about it while Jess was messaging him to convince him to go along with it.

Poor Jess

Well, she can watch movies at Dan’s probably

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She do be curious.

He knew a lot of princes and princesses. Its hard to know if they’re the ones he knows

:pleading_face: Which is just why he was going to stick with her himself.

You had a list on this thread somewhere I think with the corrected timeline of Jess/Dori kid miscs

Should have.
Probably would have if I had known the right point in the timeline it was at the time

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It just worked out that at that point he wasn’t allowed to sleep with her according to Anna’s timeline for him.

And its completely not

He just wasn’t going to do it when his apartment was bugged

He would have.
I imagine Jess might’ve asked at some point


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He didn’t :sob:
Ziah would tell him he didn’t

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So much :sob: :broken_heart:

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Honestly though

Strange strange world we have here :joy:

okay I thought so. She asked him for a favor and he delivered but that and the fact that she had a few of the same friend she did are the only things that tied them together

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I think Kai would oddly make her happy. (LIke a sad happy). I mean, he’s not only the son of the man she loved, he’s also the son of her previous best friend. He’s a cumulation of two people she adored such a long time ago and part of her would be happy to see that Kai turned out like her Leo and that her daughter fell in love with that version just like Addie had years prior.

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I feel like Jordan would have done everything to keep Jezebel away from him

but Yeah, I do have a vague memory of us talking about this before and that’s why Jordan’s dad knew Jez was important enough to target.

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I wonder what Jez would have thought of his dad

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I feel like Ziah would have been the one to convince him to do it :joy:


true and dan has a good one


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I’m sure she was very similar in that aspect to his own daughter

Prince Kai needs to do better

First Kai dances with his OWN daughter, and then he can’t recognize Jess’

that’s true

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oh she wasn’t letting that fly

it was WELL DESERVED :triumph:

I don’t care if the apartment was bugged
she didn’t know that

he deserved those handcuffs

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This is why we miss ziah

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the fact that it took less than 24 hours for these to start popping up :joy:

(It was just announced that ENHYPEN will be voicing a band of beluga whales in the new Baby Shark movie)

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Relavant to everyone else

 she can see it even when he’s tried to hide it from her

And that’s all he needs :pleading_face:

Like if Kai is more like how Leo was with Addie, Elettra is more like Leo after Addie.
Definitely a manipulator, and pretty cold and calculating, but not completely crazy.
She had a breakdown at one point, but it didn’t result in stabbing. At most it would’ve been breaking things, etc.

There will eventually be a flashback scene.

Kai tried to play hero
 clearly it didn’t work out like he thought. But it did get him a date :woman_shrugging:t2:

Close-ish. They’re close, but Kai feels out of place. Like he doesn’t necessarily open up completely with her because he wouldn’t think she would understand.

For sure

Would Dan listen to her?

A moment where Jess finally gets to see Kai waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to go back to sleep, him possibly needing to get up and deciding to just stay up and drink some coffee at like 2-3AM. Still figuring out the details for it though.

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Her intentions were in the right place
 she didn’t mean to worry her dad

Yeah probably would have

He definitely would’ve worried about her

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I’m sure they did

Yeah I definitely see something like that happening

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He tried, but he couldn’t stop himself


:thinking: though, this does give me an interesting misc series idea.

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