New Blood | General Chat

AWWwwww you have a dog???

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Yes yes I do

Was gonna start working on it now

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:joy: Alrighty then
I probably needed to make a banner for him anyway

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Some sort of light blue works

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Okieee will do tomorrow

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Yes yes you did :joy:

I was looking at replies on miscs and he didnā€™t have one so I was like I might as well

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:pleading_face: theyā€™re everything he deserves

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He likes this girl okay

His mom and dad :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And then Kai exists but he calls maybe a handful of times a year so heā€™s less of a dad

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She better be a nice girl. He deserves it


Kai knows he failed as a dad to him. But Kai knows Zach has a really, really good mom and dad that can give him the world

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Aww :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thatā€™s gonna sting for sure

Honestly, thatā€™s like the saddest thing for me - when a character who is typically addressed by a nickname gets called their full name

Okay but this is kinda adorable

God damn

Somehow you managed to take what I said and make it even more heartbreaking and depressing


Also, I have to get up early tomorrow and I donā€™t wanna

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Am I still going to watch a half hour of Netflix before going to sleep?



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She is :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Zach would have appreciated Kai being in his life more too

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Sheā€™s not allowed to call him dom

She knows that

He caught her off guard okay :triumph::sob:

I mean itā€™s a depressing story about the two of them :pleading_face:


Iā€™m dead :joy::joy:



You know the first thing out of his mouth after that is going to be some variation of ā€˜you can call me Domā€™, right?



fair enough


My family is well aware of the fact that I am not a morning person but for some reason, they keep trying to fight it

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Itā€™s my moms! Iā€™m puppy sitting for the weekend. I wish I had a dog!


I love that the sweater I wore to my grade 8 grad still fits me cuz the dress I wore sure as f-ck doesnā€™t :joy:

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