I looked back at where I started writing down all of these, and apparently I started this one back in March and just now finalized stuff to post it
It’s just so them
There was no way they could be anything other than those two
I truly don’t know who could be her Benedict.
Laurel has a claim on Raph though.
Logan is simply on her own…
I knew not everyone would’ve read all these books, but I just kept making comparisons so I had to list them regardless of if anyone had read them.
It’s why I blurred any descriptions/analysis that way if anyone didn’t want to see anything about books they haven’t read they could easily skip. But if it encouraged anyone to read any of the books in this bbo, that’d be a win too
Leo can’t help it that he’d rather be with Addie.
Literally, you can’t read this book and tell me Warner is not like Leo
It’s a list of sooooo many of the book series I’ve loved reading (and other than The Selection, which I read a couple years ago, its all ones I’ve read this year)
Though I wanted to include comparisons to more of the Bridgerton characters. (Either from the main books or the prequels) but I couldn’t figure out who seemed like who
He’s an awful, awful man
I knowwwww
Leo has no idea it’s not the situation he thinks it is.