In a land of old, lives a land plagued by war. A war with savages, a war between kingdoms, and a war amongst its people.
The Forgotten Realm consists of five kingdoms: Augarith, Dupatta, Iravia, Kohl, and Xorin. The entire continent is at war with mysterious groups who continue attacking the Kingdoms. It’s unclear why or who they are, however, the groups seem to be working together, in some capacity.
Your character will be a part of a small group of thieves who live in Kohl. Each character has their own unique ability. Everyone’s opinion is equal and no official leader has been titled.
This SG will contain fighting, puzzles, riddles, and strategy, along with a carefully constructed plot that I will try my best to make interesting.
I know this doesn’t offer a lot of information, but a lot of this story depends on the characters you make. They will each have their own storylines and I also don’t want to spoil too much of the story. Here’s the slide for anyone who may want more information.
This will be a small SG (5-10 characters). There are 10 character archetypes altogether (though some can be combined), and if you show interest (how is stated below), you’ll be informed what those archetypes are. It may be a while before this gets going, but for now, I just want a group of people who are interested in actually joining this SG. If you’re interested, please send me a Private Message (PM) and I can tell you more about the SG, and we can discuss your character.
I’ll edit this post once I’ve received 10 messages. You can title the PM with anything, though preferably with "[Your Name] - The Forgotten Realm. If you already have a PM with me, please make a new one.
This is also a cooperate SG, so I do hope that everyone is comfortable with communicating their ideas. Please don’t feel discouraged at all, any idea is a good idea - probably. If you’re a new RPer, SGing is a good place to start off. Not only that, but it’s a good opportunity to focus on how your characters would respond and their personalities. Any questions you have I’ll be happy to answer, unless they’re spoilers, of course.
I know the way that I’m doing this isn’t conventional, so I thank everyone who is okay with the way that I’m doing this. Hope to see your messages soon.
If there aren’t enough people by the time I have as much as possible planned, I will be hosting a sign up, as well.
@crazycaliope @Cadborosa @Littlefeets @sunflower.flow @benitz786 @CerealKiller
Thought I’d let you guys know that this is starting up again in case you’re still interested, no pressure, of course