Since there is an RP section in this forum, there might as well be a new ideas thread too. Essentially, this thread is here for your RP/SG ideas, so that you can see how many people are interested and whether you should even bother starting an RP/SG signup thread. It helps to decrease the number of signup threads that don’t even make it to the active RP/SG stage, and therefore reduces the clutter in the RP/SG section.
Here’s what the original maker of this thread said in her opening post:
Hello- if you’re an old user, this thread is very familiar to you already! If not, I’ll be pasting the old description I created for it below, and you can access thread archives here .
This thread is an idea I suggested on the Cleaning Up the RP/SG Subforum from the old forums. From now on, if you have a new idea for an SG/RP please post it here. This way, we’re freeing up space and it saves you the time of making a whole thread/GoogleForm if not a lot of people have interest in your idea.
If you’re just a regular RPer, I’d recommend subscribing to see new ideas that you may want to check out in the future. Interest doesn’t have to mean commitment necessarily.
To make this more efficient for everyone, I recommend (but don’t require) using the following samples as a format for posts- I’ll use ORPs to explain the format a bit better, and I’ve used stuff I’ve created to explain it.
SAMPLE 1 [The Arcana Wars RP]: Hey guys! So I had a new idea for a roleplay (ORP: Explicitly state whether it’s an SG, RP or whether you want to leave it up to the players). What would you think of a post-apocalyptic future where the only people left are the characters, and they don’t know it, but they all have unique abilities, and they’re destined to fight each other to the death until there’s one left, and that one gets immortality, until the next game in a couple hundred years? (ORP: Explain your idea/concept clearly. If you’ve already written a blurb, include that too) I’m looking for exactly 22 characters and thinking 1-2 per person (ORP: If you have a fixed number of characters you will accept, specify that) I’ll start it if I can get at least seven people interested (ORP: Include how many interest forms you want before you start). I’m not sure yet, but I think I want to start this at the end of February (ORP: Give a general start date if you can so people can plan around their busy lives). I hope you’re interested!
SAMPLE 2 (no ORPs) [The Homecoming Masquerade SG]: Hey guys! So I was wondering if anybody would be interested in a new SG! My idea is basically having a prestigious private school in the capitol of a made-up country run by vampires, called the Prestiged. Every year, this school holds a masquerade at Homecoming where girls are given the chance to be a Prestiged. A girl shows her interest in being Prestiged by showing up in a black dress, and one girl is selected to join- the rest are killed. I’m not sure how many characters I want- as many as I can get, but they’d all have to be girls. I’m planning on releasing forms as soon as I can get enough interest!
Please actually use this thread to gauge interest so we aren’t clogging up the SG/RP forums with threads for ideas that never get started. Definitely make signups separately if you get your desired amount of interest, but start here please! Also, feel free to post ideas that you like but may not start for a while.
So before you make a signup thread, post your idea for an RP/SG here and don’t forget to add a poll so you can see the number of people interested in your idea. There is no point in making a thread for signups for a new RP/SG if there is only one person interested (unless you’re planning on making it a 1x1 lol).
Since there seems to be some confusion about this thread, I’d like to make sure everyone is aware that this thread is supposed to be used for RP/SG ideas only. Please refrain from making comments about an idea—as these comments clog the thread—and instead, PM the person. If you like an idea, simply like and vote on ideas rather than replying. As well, this thread is not to be used as an advertisement thread for already existing RP/SGs; that thread already exists here.
Note that you don’t need to delete your idea post once you’ve made signups, 'cause then it’ll still be there for other users to see, and if they’re interested, they just have to search up your RP/SG, and bam another user interested in your idea. Besides, if everyone deleted their ideas after they made signups, this would be a pretty empty thread, don’t you think? I also want to say that if you do make your signups thread, don’t use the @/Rpers tag; the entire point of this thread is to see who’s interested in your idea, so that you don’t have to notify seventy+ people!
If your idea gets the wanted amount of interest and you create a signup thread, remember to tag @phnx or simply post it on their RP/SG Materlist thread so that they can add it to the hugee list they have there. Tag them as well or just post it on the thread once you start the actual RP/SG so TL_DR can update the list.
I’m not sure if it is still active, but if so, please add the start dates for your RPs to the RP calendar.
Thanks and happy RPing~!