Ninth House | Chat

i like her too shhes hot

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let me see

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Its more thalia being drunk :sob:


so we’re still at the ball right? lol




@astxrism, how do we know if Celestine and Dante are going to find something of interest? Cause if we do, I would love to use it for my next post actually!

It won’t happen right away
I need to post more polls there are different paths some lead to something some not


But no time now so I’llll just post now
and if there’s a chance for something I’lll tell you


I’m honestly confused a little bit, cause I don’t really know what to do with my post like, how to incorporate this in my post without knowing if there’s something of importance they can come across or not? Like, I’m just a little lost about this tbh

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Stop I love Millie!!!

It’s not that serious and shouldn’t stop what you previously had going, it’s just not meant to guide you away from what your plans with other person were. That’s why my plan was to let it a little time pass and let you continue your interactions

Here are some examples:
You picked garden gate so just go on with your interaction… They were flirting a little, went outside, the flirting continued as they walked they just stopped by the gate. Just a little detail that doesn’t mean anything to anyone. You continue idk they kiss oh how cute are we’re slowly getting another Vinnie Amani situation? I read everything, stay informed and seeing whats happening I can let you choose if you want to take the next step with your polls if yes I post things like
What if someone leans on the left column of the gate?
What if it’s the right one?
You pick lets say right, okay, noted.
Interaction continues, maybe she pushed him and is like STOP NO I DONT WANT THIS GO AWAY DANTE I LOVE TAE
So now Dante is there against the right column where he notices a hey
So he can take it and be like SHUT UP CEL LOOK WHAT I GOT
Or he can ignore it and talk to Celestine apologize for what happened, whatever he’d normally do in that situation

Idk how else to explain it, it’s just not as important as I might be making it to be and shouldn’t guide you away from other plans
If that makeeees sense


Hmmm, okay, this makes a bit more sense now. I thought it would be like more direct hints in a way, so that’s where my confusion came from, but thanks for explaining it!


Goooood good
Why was that so hard to explain for me tho :sob: :joy:

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Things will be revealed when it’s time for it
But in my mind this was just supposed to be a fun little side thing that can speed it up


Should I not do it aaaa
Is it too much, still confusing?


No, no, it’s pretty clear to me now. I think it might be a fun addition!!

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Did they die tg


aww cuties


They didn’t, about a year apart I believe

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