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When worlds collide


:joy::joy: when life was easy


For some personal reasons I couldn’t get to the part 2 of my JBO yesterday, but I’m on it now, after that, possibly another Dante reply :eyes:


excited for both :eyes: :sparkles:


This color is so prettyyyy you can’t see it on the quote lol


Cipher is done, but d-nm, do I need to mentally prepare to get into Umbra :sob:


Eeee excited



You forgot to put the color at the beginning here


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Dateability #2: Cipher & Umbra Coven - JBO

It’s that time, time I go judging everyone’s characters. This time, based on how dateable they are, factoring in both physical appearance and personality. Please, don’t be personally offended if I decide to score your character low, it’s just for good fun and not meant to hurt anyone. Take what I’m saying with a grain of salt please!!

Agastya Kumara - @Tina.G

I mean, honestly, what I’ve read from Agastya this far, he’s f-cking attractive. He has that perfect balance of flirtation, mystery, seemingly actually paying attention to who he’s talking to. I think he’s super dateable based on this one interaction, and his bio too, that says he has this softer and funnier side once he opens up, yeah, I like him, 9/10

Arya Sellanova - @CerealKiller

I’ll say, I’m still getting to know Arya, so it’ll mostly be judged on the bio. I can’t find a reason why she wouldn’t be dateable, she seems smart, quite graceful but not in a cocky way and she just has quite a fun vibe based on her one post with Inessa. There are not really any red flags I can spot, so for now, 7.5/10

Cayenne Cassidy - @Littlefeets

No posts yet :sob: Based on the bio, I feel like you don’t know with Cayenne. She seems like the type of girl who at time uses someone, like she doesn’t hesitate to use a bit of flirtation to get her way and give the impression she likes someone when she doesn’t actually, which lowkey is a massive red flag. Like I feel when dating her, you’ll never quite know if she’s serious about it and genuinely cares, or if it’s her wanting to get something out of it. That said, I’ll acknowledge that I think if she does settle down, she’ll be top notch. So it’s quite a difficult one, for now I’ll say a 6/10

Desdemona Sevdaliza - @raviola

She’s cute. Secretly I’ve been obsessing over her. She has so many positive qualities, and how she didn’t hesitate to help Esther :pleading_face: She just deserves a wholesome and adorable romance, and I feel she’s more than capable of that. I already imagine her to just be such a source of positivity for who she ends up dating, and going on like adorable dates. But idk if this makes sense, but what somewhat turns down my dateability rating for her, is that I feel she’s a bit too naive, wanting to see the good in people. Like I’m worried about her dating, protect her. 8/10

Floriano D’Angelo - @sunflower.flow

No proper time management, seemingly no ambition, unhealthy relationship with his brother, seems red flag after red flag with this guy. Like come on, a smile every now and then wouldn’t hurt, would it? I think as he is right now, he really isn’t datable and wouldn’t make a good boyfriend, 1/10 Find some goal in live, something that brings you excitement, and who knows, maybe there is a good guy in there we’ll uncover, hidden reallly deeply hidden inside

Hayes Ferrell - @astxrism

He smokes, -1. Jokes aside, I don’t think Hayes is dateable, for 2 reasons. There seems to be a lot going on his life, he’s lowkey struggling, and he just doesn’t seem in a place where he can be in a healthy relationship. Secondly, he seems quite ambitious and committed to his studies and improving his magical skills, not necessarily a bad thing, but I just think alongside the first thing, he just doesn’t have the space in his life to actually invest enough of his time and energy into a girl and for it to be good for him, it also seems like he’s the type to really keep things in and deal with struggles himself 5/10

Thalia Starling - @Kristi

She seems so uplifting of others (or at least with Inessa), I think that’s a good thing! But some harsh truths, Thalia needs to figure out who she is, what she wants, I feel like she really hasn’t yet. She’s trying too hard to fit in, to be someone she’s not. I think if she does that in romance too, that simply makes her less dateable, and girl, know your limits when it comes to drinking 6/10

Amani Monet - @Kristi

If you have nothing good to say, better to say nothing at all, isn’t that the saying? Soooo :zipper_mouth_face: Just joking, but damn girl. I mean, can’t say that dating Amani wouldn’t be crazy fun and like exciting, but like you’re not the only one she’s seeing. I don’t think loyalty is in her dictionary and she just tries to get from you only what she wants when she wants it 3/10 (Disclaimer, absolutely adore her as a character!)

Dante Blackwell - @Jass

For reasons I’ll not comment on Dante. But feel free to rate roast him with what your impression is!

Dominic Vaillant - @idiot.exe

I’ll say, I really don’t think Dom is a bad guy at his core. I think there’s a super soft guy hidden still somewhere in him and if he would ever find love, I think he would treat his partner right. The question tho, if someone can get to that, if he would allow someone to try even, I’m not optimistic about that. So, 3/10

Jesse Routeledge - @novella

He’s quite savage actually, I like. And I can defo see there’s a charming side to him. My question, shocker, is loyalty. Would he settle down more, or nah? Jesse remains a bit of a mystery to me, but that also makes him quite intriguing. He’s a type of guy you would want to try and figure out. I think he might be decently datable, but it really all depends om what comes next, so I will actually not rate him. I can’t fully place him yet.

Renlin Duman - @Madilnel

Renlin, my guy, it’s so obvious you are quite a flirt. I think you could make an interesting partner. I think there’s fun in the mischievous side of him. But I do doubt whether he would take dating serious? I feel he would see it more as just a fun thing, rather than that he would date to find something serious. Idk, 5/10 for now as you haven’t done anything that screams massive red flag, but I just get the vibes that’ll still happen, sooo

Tae Duman - @Caticorn

This far, I’m most hopeful for Tae out of all the Umbra characters. He seems quite wholesome actually, with his jazz music and (temporary) boldness, you go for what you want Tae! I think main problem is, that he seems somewhat closed off, so idk, but I’m optimistic about him tho, so a neat 7.5/10

Vincenzo Parravicini-Russo - @raviola

Vincenzo, let me ask you, do you respect women in general in the slightest? I don’t think so. As described in his bio, a carnivore. Just the way he seems to treat women as objects more than human beings, and just uses them, manipulates them even, to get what he wants, I think we are ending off here with the worst of the whole bunch. RED FLAG ALERT. ALL WOMEN, STAY AWAY FROM VINCENZO! -10/10


I feel I was still too tame with this, especially on some of the umbra guys :sob: But it’s just a gut feeling with some, how toxic they are, I have nothing (I can share at least) that really proves that gut feeling


Ahhh what!!! He may surround himself with red flags but he is not one!! He is a relationship lover boy to his core




We’ll see about that, be happy he got the 2nd highest rating in Umbra


That is saying something!!


Ask any of his exes! He is a great bf or hook up or situationship






Expected though


Seee ren is better


I think if he lets someone in to the point he would be in a serious relationship, well, I have faith he would treat them right. Cause I feel at that point, he would be lowkey a changed man. Don’t disappoint me Dom :sob:

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It does yes, maybe I gave him the disadvantage? of the doubt (like opposite of benefit of the doubt), but Renlin has something to proof if he wants to be seen as more dateable in my eyes

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