Ninth House | Official RP Thread

Atlas Theodore Alstone


Atlas slowly opened his eyes, greeted by the familiar sight of the night sky above his head. He was laying in the comfort of his bed, soft enough to sink into and covered by smooth silk. What he was looking at wasn’t a window, nor a look into the sky at the present. It was merely an illusion, one he embedded onto his ceiling’s sleek surface. It was a calming sight to wake up to, watching the lights and the mist swirl around, creating an ever-changing display of nature. They’d move around the canvas, travelling across until they disappeared behind its golden borders. Atlas could lose himself in it, letting it carry him away from the present and into another, temporary world.

Temporary. Very temporary. A few moments, and no longer. He raised his hand, drowsily swinging his wrist to dispell his magic. The sky faded away, leaving a blank, dark blue canvas for the next night. On his left, the golden frames of his large windows filtered in sunlight, bathing the room in a peachy tint. It was sunrise, around six to be precise, the usual time Atlas woke up. With a small smile, he sat up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. It was his second day back, and he was already impatient to begin the year. At last, he was back to the classes he dearly missed, getting to imerse—

His foot didn’t even make contact with the ground before a chill ran down his spine. He looked down, watching as a pool of water rose up to his ankles, soaking his foot in. Dull pain radiated across his bones, starting from his heel all the way to his skull. Atlas’ eyes widened, the feeling of dread further growing.

“No…” he muttered to himself, retreating his leg up onto the bed. “Not again—” his breath caught in his throat. The sole of his foot left no marks on the bedsheets, completely dry. A salty smell filled the air and Atlas’ chest tightened, his hands clenching around the covers.

He forced himself to take a deep breath, despite the suffocating sensation growing stronger. Turning his head up, he focused on the ceiling above, expecting to see the comforting sight of the stars — only to be met with his dimmed reflection from its dark surface, its wide eyes staring back at him.

He closed his eyes tightly, his breathing becoming heavier as he struggled to control himself. What he was seeing wasn’t real and he knew it. But somehow, that made it more terrifying. Firstly, he was sure it wasn’t a dream. It had happened enough times for him to realize that. So was he hallucinating? Was it his magic playing tricks on him? But that would imply he’d lost control of either himself or his magic, and how could he, Atlas, ever allow that to happen?

He almost wanted to call someone at that moment, to bring them in and just ask, what do you see now?

He wasn’t even sure if he wanted to know the answer.

Atlas felt the water engulfing the bed, seeping through his clothes and reaching his skin. It seemed to rise quicker and quicker, from his waist, to his knees, to his neck. He clenched his eyes tighter shut, shapes swirling in the darkness of his vision. He held his breath, the sheets wrinkling below his hands as he held on tighter. All he could do was brace himself for it.

As the water rose over his chin, his nose, eventually swallowing him whole, only one thought was going through his mind. Is this how they felt?



Atlas got out of bed as usual, got ready for the day and more importantly, his first class of the semester. It was another year and another chance to prove himself, to rise as the top student others envied. It’s something he’d repeated to himself multiple times that morning.

He walked down the hall to the classroom with a quickened pace and a warm smile. His steps echoed against the walls, blending with the sound of chatter, and Atlas found his mind wandering to the ball the previous night. To the mysterious woman he saw, the one who disappeared before he could even confirm her identity. He couldn’t help but wonder if he’d see her again, if there was a chance she’d talk to him. It’s been a while, did she even remember him?

Then his mind trailed off to Desdemona, the one who’d healed her… The one he lied to without remorse. What was he thinking, making up an entire backstory about him and Esther!? He was facepalming internally at his drunken stupidity. What if it really was Esther and she finds out what he’d said? She’d kill him. Twice. Or maybe even more times. Though Atlas considered himself to be smart, there was no limit to his antics if left unsupervised and anonymous, such as with a mask hiding his features and the alcohol clouding his judgement.

Atlas groaned, tilting his head up in annoyance. Despite everything, a chuckle escaped his lips. These thoughts were a welcome distraction, even if for a moment.

As he continued to dwell on the events before, his surroundings blurred and he began walking almost on autopilot. He had these halls memorized even in his sleep, leaving it to his subconscious to guide him.

But something he could never learn was the pattern of students, always moving and changing. Atlas’ walk was stopped by a sudden collision, sending him stumbling back. He grabbed onto the wall, disorientated, as the halls came back into view. There was a man standing in front, seeming just as confused as Atlas was.

Quickly, he regained his friendly smile. “Oh god, I’m sorry! I wasn’t looking where I’m going.”


@cordyx Seung-min Yoo

@Mouschi Esther Ruth Dubois mentioned
@raviola Desdemona Sevdaliza mentioned



|| Location-Hallway ||

As Kairo stood amidst the bustling hallway, observing the ebb and flow of students passing by, his attention was abruptly drawn to a ginger-haired figure approaching him with purposeful strides. His gaze lingered on her vibrant ginger, who for a moment served as a stark contrast to the sea of students around them. She exuded an air of confidence, her outfit reminiscent of something out of an amine, like those Japanese school girls.

With a barrage of smiles and rapid-fire chatter, the girl launched into conversation with Kairo, her words flowing like a river with barely a pause for breath. “There are plenty of benches around here, you know? You don’t need to lean against… A wall. Do you know how hard it is to keep them so shiny?” Her playful remark caught Kairo off guard, momentarily confusing him as to what that comment was supposed to mean. But before he could respond, she quickly backtracked, her laughter ringing through the hallway as she reassured him that she was only joking.

Kairo couldn’t help but feel a mix of surprise and curiosity as Aurora introduced herself in such a friendly and enthusiastic manner. Her bright smile and warmth were disarming, yet as she mentioned his class schedule and even the specific house he was enrolled in, Kairo’s eyebrows arched in mild astonishment. It was impressive, to say the least, but if we’re being honest, it was a little bit creepy (just a tiny bit). “How did you-” He couldn’t shake the nagging questions of why was she being so friendly? And how did she know so much about him already, on his very first day? Was she some kind of student ambassador or part of a welcoming committee? Was it brain magic? was she reading his mind? It was almost overwhelming, the way she seemed to know details and greeted him as if they were old friends.
Alright focus, Enchanted Music Composition, Professor Walsh, classroom 25, over there, remember it. noted.

“Aurora, you say,” Kairo replied, returning her smile with one of his own. “beautiful name. I’m Kairo, or Kai, its a pleasure.” He introduced himself with a light smile, a nice compliment in hand “anyway, thanks for the welcome and all the help, you might have just saved me from getting lost, who knows.”
He chuckled softly, a hint of genuine gratitude lacing his words as he appreciated Aurora’s assistance. Despite this being their first encounter, Kairo couldn’t help but feel a sense of ease in her presence. There was something about the way she smiled, the way she carried herself, that made everything feel a little brighter and more welcoming.

Her bubbly presence was a welcome distraction from the nerves and uncertainties of his first day at the academy. There was an effortless charm about her, a magnetic quality that drew him in and made him feel as though they had known each other for far longer than just a few minutes.
“It’s like you have a talent for making newcomers feel right at home,” Kai continued, a playful twinkle dancing in his eyes. “Or maybe it’s just all the smiling. Or maybe,” he paused, tilting his head slightly as if pondering a mystery, “you’re just naturally good at spreading sunshine wherever you go?”

As he spoke, a thought came back and nudged at the back of Kai’s mind. How did Aurora know stuff about his schedule? Was she also in Enigma Stag? The possibility intrigued him, adding another layer of curiosity to their conversation. “So, are you also in enigma stag?”



≪ °❈° ≫ Possible TW ≪ °❈° ≫

Renlin had a physical advantage over Tae. There was no doubt about that. Tae was relying solely on his ability to defend himself, which clearly wasn’t enough as his cousin pushed him until he found himself colliding with the wall. The first push had been enough to knock Tae off-balance and he couldn’t readjust before the next ones came.

He gasped for air when he made impact and he clenched his teeth as Renlin’s fingers dug into his shoulders. He squirmed, trying to push back or free himself but before he could, the hands on his shoulders migrated to his neck. He grabbed onto Renlin’s wrists, trying to release his grip even a little to give himself more room to breathe but the opposite seemed to happen.

Tae had faced death once before. At that time, he had been scared but now, he knew that it was better to just accept it. Renlin had him beat. He closed his eyes and prepared himself for whatever would happen to him next but nothing did. The hand around his neck released him and he fell to the ground, gasping for air. He stayed there, waiting for either the ringing in his ears or his breathing to stop. When he was certain that he was alive, and that Renlin had left, he used the wall to drag himself to his feet, leaning against it as pain surged through his body.

He pulled out his phone, debating whether or not to call for help, or even who to call when he saw that Amani had texted him asking him to meet her at her dorm. He walked to Amani’s room, taking slow, small steps because that is all his body would allow him to do. Maybe she wouldn’t ask questions about the black eye he already knew he had or the fact that he was breathing as if he had just been held underwater. It was highly unlikely but he could have hope.

Tae arrived at her door just as his weak leg began to give out and he collapsed, leaning against the door. The only thing Amani didn’t tell him was if she was presently in her room. He knocked on the door as forcefully as he could before putting his head in his hands and waiting for his friend to come. He was no stranger to pain, but there was only so much that even he could ignore.

≪ °❈° ≫ @Kristi - Amani ≪ °❈° ≫

@Madilnel - Renlin


Copy of Copy of Silas (1)


"What’s life without a little adventure? Arya had asked playfully, and coffee for that matter

“Torture,” Amani had said, her lips curving to a small smile. It was a playful remark, one that did hold any true meaning, It was not meant to be taken seriously and yet the statement in itself was quite true. Life without a little adventure or coffee for that matter will be torturous. Amani could not imagine a life where she was scared of adventure or a life where during a stressful study session, where she would spend hours studying different subjects or practicing magic and not have a freshly brewed coffee on top of her desk. If an alternate universe of Amani lived such a life, well, Amani was glad to be living this universe’s life. “Could you imagine trying to pull an all nigher without a good cup of freshbly brewed coffee?” Amani chuckled shaking her head at the mere thought. “It would be unfortunate for me to admit, but I’d probably fall asleep on my books before midnight,” she admitted, a playful glint in her eyes.

The glint in Amani’s eyes remained a continuity as she dived into cryptic musings, musings where each of her words could mean something else- where every gesture, every inflection, held a hidden depth. Amani began to talk about scissors, and what makes a true puppeteer, making Arya eyes sparkle as she began to speak. As Amani listened intently to Arya’s words, her brow furrowing slightly as she considered them, her fingers tapping against the table. “Interesting perspective” Amani began, her voice measured yet firm. “But I believe it’s not just about seeing through the illusions and cutting the strings. It’s also about understanding why those strings exist in the first place, what forces shape them, and how we can navigate through them without being ensnared.” She continued, “Besides, the wielder could be incredible weak but the scissors they hold could be magical, field with power and yet easy to weld and cut through the toughest of strings, so it essentially,” She took a sip of her drink, “Does lie on the scissors, Sellenova” A small smirk adorned on her lips, as Amani settled in her chair, her shoulders relaxed.

It seemed that cryptic musings between them was a type of conversation never meant to see its doomed, because they kept talking, but this time the conversation had been switched as they began to talk of Icarus and the sun and how he had flown close to the heavens. With the way they discuss Icarus and the sun, one would think they had a degree in mythology, or perhaps they were just too pretentious for their own good- but then again the best people were pretentious no? Anyways from what Arya had said, there was one particular thing that had struck Amani, it was the 'is it not better to soar too close to the sun than to never spread one’s wings at all? Amani could not help but to think about… she could not help but to think about it in general. Amani leaned back into her chair, her gaze on a window behind Arya’s, she could not understand what truly was making her think too deeply about this, considering the fact that Amani knew the answer: yes, indeed it was better to soar too close to the sun that to never spread one’s wings at all. But was it? Like Icarus, one might never know their limit and fly too close to the sun, revealing things that might leave falling short- crashing back to earth with shattered wings. But Amani knew her limits did she not? So such a thing did not apply to her, why was she even thinking hard on this? Internally, she shook her head. “Is it better to be burned and pleased or is it better to be safe and disappointed, that is what you’re asking innit?” Amani asked playfully as she stood up straight. “I suppose I would rather be burned and pleased, after all life should not be a dichotomy of black and white, but rather a vibrant tapestry of shades and hues.” She paused, letting her words hang in the air like the delicate threads of a spider’s web. “And Besides, being burned or fire itself can symbolize rebirth, a new self- take the Phoenix for example,” She continued, “But in the end, I think i shall fancy just being the creator for now, dreams are not as everlasting as the power of creation,” Amani concluded using her pen to ‘write’ something down.

Amani’s lips curled into a playful smile at Arya’s remark about Nietzsche, her eyes glinting with amusement. “I’m more of a Schopenhauer’s aficionado myself,” she quipped, her voice laced with a hint of mischief. “But I suppose Nietzsche does have his allure too.” Amani said relaxing back into her chair. As she listened to Arya musings about ravens, Amani could not help but to tease, “Seems like someone knows quite a lot about birds, I reckon you are more the bird lover than me, no?” Though it wasn’t like Amani was an actual bird lover, she didn’t care for birds, she had simple thought of them and threw them under the bus when asked a question. "But indeed, the raven does not merely exist within the shadows; it is a master of them,” she replied, her tone laced with a blend of respect and intrigue. “It’s a creature that doesn’t just survive the darkness but thrives in it, teaching us that there is much to learn from the night. That is of course if one is up to the challenge," She smiled.

"Like how they love to chirp? because I would love to learn about that through you. Birds they never stop chirping do they, you could chirp and tell me about what you’re keeping so hidden, teach me so many things’ She suggested, with a playful raise of the eyes. Was Amani perhaps being a bit hypocritical in keeping her own secrets, refusing to answer questions about what she has been up too, while egging Arya to answer? Well no! Because unless Arya’s life had been similar to the embarrassment Amani experienced yesterday, then Amani sealed lips were not comparable. Also, Amani was playing, well not really but she was.

Amani had gone on to say that what was mystery without a little peek between the curtains to which Arya had disagreed, stating the its better to wait for the show to finish. “But isn’t the sayng, a little peek in the curtains keep the cat entertained?” she remarked, her voice tinged with amusement. “And don’t we all have a little feline in ourselves?”

As she leaned back in her chair, Amani’s eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint. “After all,” she continued, her voice carrying a playful cadence, “what fun is there in waiting for the show to finish when we can sneak a peek and revel in the anticipation of what’s to come? Life’s too short to miss out on the thrill of the unknown. Besides” Amani continued, “We never know when we could go ‘poof’ and disappear, dead or locked up in a place no one can find you.” Her lips curved to a small smile at that.

"Surprises, you say? I’m all for them,” she said with a chuckle. “And as for unexpected flavors, I might just have a few secrets up my sleeve that could tantalize even the most adventurous sweet tooth.” Her gaze held Arya’s, playful yet inviting.

“As for cinnamon,” Amani continued, leaning back with a thoughtful look, “it’s the spice of life, isn’t it? A dash too much and it overwhelms, but just the right amount and it enhances everything it touches." [/color] Her posture shifted, a languid grace in the crossing of her legs, an elegant silhouette framed by the ambient glow.

She leaned in closer, her words a whisper now, “And believe me, it’s a feast for the senses, as much a visual delight as it is a palatable indulgence. I have quite a lot of things one might be glad to indulge in," She flirted, a playfully inviting expression on her face.

As she finished packing her bag, Amani flashed Arya a knowing smile, her gaze locking with Arya’s in silent camaraderie. “It seems you indeed know me too well” she quipped with a playful wink, “Winning is always a pleasure as it is something I tend to do on the daily,” She smirked, “Hopefully you can keep up with me on that,” She jabbed.

As they made their way out of the cafeteria, the chatter of students and the hum of activity filled the air, blending into a symphony of campus life. The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the cobblestone pathways that crisscrossed the campus grounds. A gentle breeze rustled through the trees, carrying with it the promise of a new beginning. Amani led Arya away from the mundane hustle of the cafeteria to a secluded part of the university grounds. The air was thick with the scent of old oak and the rustling whispers of leaves spoke of ancient secrets and timeless tales. They found themselves at the entrance of the university’s botanical conservatory, a hidden gem known to few, where the rarest of flora bloomed in quiet defiance of the world outside.

It was a spot Vincenzo and her tended to go to after he had explored far enough and found it, a spot she was bringing Arya too because she wanted to dead the importance of this spot to her. They had called it ‘one of their safe heavens’ , their dirty little secrets along with them going on to the roof to relax and talk about things because for some reason they could never do it normally could they? Anyways, Amani its importance was that it was only known to them and some other people who barely ever went there so it was a secret spot for them and thus in cutting ties with someone you also have to cut the special things between the two of you, no? And that is what Amani was doing. Sure, she could have brought Tae or celestine- actually she did try to bring them once, but she was far too busy studying that it eluded her mind.

The glass doors swung open to reveal an Eden of sorts, a lush sanctuary bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun filtering through the stained-glass dome. “Never seen this place have you?” When Amani had asked this question, she had not look at Arya but instead at the place. Amani shook her head, regaining her composure. As they walked in, the was a big flower in front of them to which Amani had said, “Careful, it’s poisonous,” Was it actually poisonous? No but Amani felt the need to tease.

As they ventured deeper, the flora gave way to an intricate display of ancient artifacts and sculptures nestled among the greenery. Works of people who had discovered the place previously, and some bought by Amani to decorate the place- had to keep it interesting after all. There was also poetry hanging on the walls, some cut off from books by other people and weird cryptic messages[color=#5f8578] “This,” Amani gestured broadly with an arm, “Want to guess what this is?”

Amani leaned against the cool marble of a statue that depicted an ancient scholar, her expression one of amused curiosity. The playful glint in her eyes was a clear invitation for Arya to indulge in the game of guesses

@CerealKiller - Arya


@Caticorn - tae
@raviola - vin
@cordyx - celestine


Copy of Copy of Copy of Silas

[𓆩⟡𓆪 𓆩⟡𓆪 𓆩⟡𓆪]

“Oh, sorry” Mona chuckled, looking away in embarrassment. “I just thought you might have been drinking because, well, everyone else was, and, I don’t know,” she scratched the back of her neck. Then, she put a soft smile back on her face; her resting expression.

And that was exactly what Thalia was doing- drinking just like everyone, perhaps more than everyone else. “Well I’m not everyone else am I?” Thalia had responded, a small teasing smile plastering on her face, “Besides, I’ve decided to quit alcohol for a while.” That was not a complete lie, after all, it was a decision she had just come up with the morning she had woken up with a hangover. A good decision she would have to say, although made a tad bit too late.

Moreover, Thalia had thought that she had gotten off the hook with this one, that just like her father when he had almost caught her drinking, Mona would seize her questioning, and just accept everything Thalia had told her naively, but instead Mona had dropped her hands to her sides, and questioned why Thalia was lying to her.

Busted Thalia thought to herself, she was B-U-S-T-E-D and the smile on her tired face almost fell, “I only had a couple of drinks,” Thalia laughed, “Not enough to make me have a Crapulence.” Hopefully that was more believable.

Though Thalia could not help but to wonder how exactly she had figured out that Thalia was lying to her, did Thalia seriously look that tired? Seeing herself in the mirror before Thalia headed out of her dorm room, yeah, Thalia would admit, she did not look like the goddess Hathor or Aphrodite, but she didn’t think she looked that bad. She was just a little bit under the weather and her eyes were a tad bloodshot- though she had used illusion magic to cover the the blood shot eyes , making sure she did not look that drunk if at all. It was a good thing, that though due to certain limitations Thalia was not quite good with magic compared to the other students at Wyndham but she was better than average at illusion crafting.

“Nessa,” That was Thalia’s response when Desdemona had told her that she had missed at the ball yesterday, “I was with Inessa, congratulating her on her performance. She was a major performer on stage last night,” Thalia continued. “But I didn’t see you anywhere, I didn’t know you came, where where you?” Thalia questioned, curious to see who Desdemona was with if anybody at all. There was a reason such a thing was of special interest to Thalia, and It was due to the fact that Thalia did not really know if Desdemona was really close to anyone else besides Thalia. Sure, Thalia saw Desdemona interact with people occasionally, greeting them with friendly smile and way too friendly hugs but that was just because Desdemona was Desdemona, not because she was necessarily friends with them- though in Desdemona’s mind she probably already considered them friends. “Who were you with?” Thalia changed the way she asked her questions, to hopefully make it more understandable.

Another lie had been told, when asked about her whereabouts and how her night had been. Thalia had been quite cryptic in her response, and when asked if she had flirted with someone and it did not go quite well, Thalia had simply said it was ‘something like that’ no more, no less. “Good question,” Thalia had said when Mona had what happened. “Just some strange activities here and there, not really important. How has settling in Wyndham been for you?'” Thalia asked switching the subjects, “The Campus is quite big, and can be quite overwhelming for new students from what I heard and remembered from being a freshman,” Thalia said as she pressed her fingers to rub her temples, hoping to alleviate some of the pressure, but it only seemed to intensify the throbbing headache. "Wyndham had been quite overwhelming’ But that had nothing to do with the size of the campus. No, it had to do with what she did to get inside the school and the reason she was here for and the fact that she only had a couple months- being a senior to find them. Perhaps she could ask for help again, from Amani, but she did not know if she might be pushing her luck going to her again, considering she was not really Amani’s favorite Starling.

The topic of conversation had switched as Mona talked about her bearded dragon and Thalia with shock very visible in her tired eyes had asked if she had brought Kiki with her to which Mona had whispered it was a secret. She had then gone on to say that Kiki couldn’t stay home alone causing Thalia to blink rapidly, “Was there not anyone you could have given her too to take care of her?” Thalia had asked confused, “Could have asked your parents,” Thalia pointed out, because that would be the far better choice. Thalia was not quite show how much trouble one could get for bringing a pet into Wyndham but hopefully it was not a lot. When asked if Thalia could show her how the cafeteria works, Thalia had nodded, though too many that would seem like a weird question- who doesn’t know how to use a cafeteria? Well, homeschooled people or more like homeschooled people who were Desdemona from the looks of it. “It’s actually quite simple.” Thalia had said once they arrived at the cafetiera, We have a variety of stations with different types of food—there’s always something for everyone. You just pick what you like, and then swipe your student ID to pay. It’s all included in our meal plan Thalia added, retrieving some break fast first- some food that would helpfully help with her hangover, and some food for Kiki. The later had made Desdemona quite excited, making Thalia’s lips curve to a fond smile, she was always quite adorable when she was excited, it was truly a sight to be beholden.

It was time for them to leave and into Desdemona dorms, or that was what Thalia had assumed, but it seemed Mona had a different plan. “Huh?” Thalia had been quite taken aback with Mona saying she wanted to show her something, for after all, she did not know what Mona might be talking about or wanting to show her. But she decided she would go with the flow, her head was pounding too much to argue. Mona had taken them to the kitchen, opening a fridge and pulling out a container with crushed beets, making Thalia wrinkle her nose- she was not quite the fan of crushed beets, she dislike the texture against her skin and tongue and the smell. “No!,” Thalia had exclaimed in disgust when asked if she wanted some crushed beets. “I erm,” Thalia began lowering her tone, “I don’t do crush beets or beets of any kind, the texture doesn’t go to well with you know.” Thalia expanded on her dislike for beets, hoping Desdemona would understand what she was hinting at. Seeing that Desdemona still had a bit of pink on her lips, though she had tried to wipe it all off, Thalia got some tissues, wrinkling her nose slightly as she came closer to Desdemona, and with a gentle touch, she reached out, her eyes meeting Desdemona’s with a softness that spoke volumes. “Here, let me,” Thalia whispered, her voice barely above a murmur. The world seemed to slow down as she carefully wiped the pink remnants away, her movements tender and attentive.

As the last of the pink faded, Thalia found herself lingering, her gaze locked with Desdemona’s before she gave her a soft smile, pulling back, 'There, all clean." Thalia said, her smile growing wider. Now, let’s go meet Kiki, shall we?”

And they did just that, for now they were in Desdemona’s room. not really Thalia thought when she was asked if she wanted to feed the reptile. What Thalia really wanted to do right now was sleep and figure out a plan on how to find them. But she did not say that of course, instead she had mustered a small smile and said, “Why not?”

Thalia took the package of blueberries from Desdemona hands, and Thalia had hesitated for a moment not knowing how to proceed- she had fed animals before, but that was her own pet feline. But still, she turned over to Kiki, trying to appear as friendly as possible to the animal as she extended her hand toward Kiki’s, offering the blueberries to the waiting dragon.

Kiki eyed the blueberry for a moment before darting her tongue out to snatch it up with lightning speed. “Guess Kiki was really hungry,”


@Madilnel : nessy




Leaning back against the wall, Vincenzo’s ears were still ringing, looking down at his dressed down outfit. His jacket was long gone, but he realized he had never taken off his lazily done tie. With his thumb, he pulled the center of it up, loosening the handsome knot, and then separated the two ends of the tie with both hands. The motion of it had been irritating him while the shadows hit him, swinging the red fabric on his shirt lightly, but not light enough for him to ignore it.

But he still wasn’t satisfied. The buttons of his collar had been squeezing on the bottom of his neck under the pressure, and the linen fabric of his shirt had that feeling like paper rubbing on his skin. Really, he was just sick of his skin itself. He undid a few more of the top buttons on his shirt to feel more comfortable, and that was also when he realized he had no shoes to take off.

He had taken them off as soon as he walked into the suite. Jesus Christ, I just beat up a guy in pink and white socks, he thought and placed his fingertips on his temples. They would have just been a white match if it weren’t for Ren who wanted to wear the same of everything from shirts to their male lingerie.

I beat myself up in pink and white socks, he chuckled, but the laughter faded out to a sunken feeling as he remembered what he had done. He licked his lips, and looked down at the conversion between the wall and the floor. But out of the corner of his eye, he saw a shadowy figure nearby; a tall, thin man, who’s second leg he couldn’t quite make out clearly.

He hadn’t really thought about who it could be, but instead just turned for clarity. That was when it all made sense.

Agastaya, facing Vincenzo’s direction, appeared to watch him with his knowing, dark eyes. He had been Vincenzo’s friend for some time, but they were currently in one of their “off” periods, so he didn’t really want to see the guy at that time. He wanted to see him even less in this moment specifically, at a low point. Enzo wondered how the man might have been perceiving him; his outfit a third of the way undone, bruised purple.

It was the same mess he would help clean up during spring, sometimes fall, maybe winter, but few summers. At least not this summer. It tended to be the period where they seemed to forget they were friends, like it wasn’t worth keeping in touch when everyone went home in June.

To Vincenzo, it wasn’t. Honestly, Agastaya made his skin crawl sometimes. He hated his condescending look of concern, his awkwardly-lengthed hair, the humility of his skinny frame. He looked like he had the knowledge of a hundred years, but you could hardly tell because he bathed in a fountain of youth that made his bold brown skin smooth. He hated the memories that he could not erase. But worse, he dreaded that they had to speak again.

”Yes, my summer was great, so glad yours was too.” The man approached, and Vincenzo sighed. Of course that was his opening line, why would he be any less obnoxious than usual?

*”What the hell are you doing?” He asked rudely.

“What does it look like, Staya?” He huffed, stung by the man’s insensitivity in asking that. Did he not remember how often this used to happen? How it still does? If the man wanted to rekindle their friendship, he was doing one hell of a job. He should have known by now that Vincenzo liked to hurt himself when he knew he fcked up, when he felt everyone staring and he began to be afraid of himself, too. Agastaya’s ignorant comments felt like knives tracing over his injuries. Granted, Vincenzo may have deserved it. He never asked Agastaya about his cancer, even though he sometimes worried that it would come back.

“You know the answer to your question,” Enzo continued, his voice low. He wanted to tell the man to leave, but he couldn’t bring himself to say the words. He had done enough for today.


@Tina.G Oggy
@Madilnel bestie mentioned


/¯°•º¤ϟϞ҂ Hallway to Umbra Coven ҂Ϟϟ¤º•°¯\

Agastya couldn’t help but pause as he stood in front of Enzo, his eyes scanning the fragile lines of his face. The summer had been a blur of sun-kissed days and late-night talks with other friends, but he hadn’t heard from Enzo once. Not a word, not a text, not a glance before he vanished.

But here he was, now, standing in front of Oggy, looking like he’d been put through a wringer. Or maybe just his own torment. His eyes were sunken, his skin pale, and his usually sharp jawline was dulled by the shadows of fatigue. Agastya felt a pang of… something. Concern, maybe? Guilt? It was hard to pinpoint.

But Agastya had no right in being upset over the radio silence Vincenzo had given him over the summer. Now they were back on campus, not friends. Where did that leave them Agastya wondered. “What does it look like, Staya?” Enzo huffed. It looked like Vin had just punished himself again, forced his own discipline on himself atop what fate was getting ready to deal him. “You know the answer to your question,” Enzo continued, his voice low.

“You look like you’ve been through hell.” Agastya wasn’t sure what else to say. “Sorry, no, I meant you look like you’ve been put through a spin cycle with a side of bricks? Probably shouldn’t give you ideas.” As He watched Enzo, he couldn’t help but notice the subtle changes in his face. The way his eyes seemed to be trying to hold back a storm, the slight curve of his lips, the faint smudge of fatigue etched on his forehead. It was like studying a map, trying to decipher the hidden terrain of his emotions. Too bad Agastya practiced words and not feelings.

Agastya took a step closer, his eyes locked on Vincenzo’s face as if I was trying to memorize every detail. His left eyebrow was slightly raised, a tiny twitch that hinted at a mixture of frustration and pain. Around his collar, a faint bruise that seemed to be spreading like a slow-moving stain.

Agastya could see the tension in his jawline, the way his teeth were clenched together in a silent snarl. It was like he was trying to hold back a scream, or maybe just a really strong opinion. He could almost feel the weight of his silence, like a physical presence that was making my own skin feel tight.

As Agastya studied him, he could sense the fragile threads of his emotions, like delicate vines that were threatening to snap under the pressure of whatever had happened. It was like trying to read a code, deciphering the hidden messages in his face. But even as he was doing this, he knew it was all just an act. A carefully constructed mask that Enzo was wearing to hide what was really going on beneath the surface. And yet…

“Okay, now pretend I’m me from last year. Freshman year, whatever. As a friend, it wasn’t your fault. Whatever it is, at least not completely.” Agastya took a step back, looking anywhere but Enzo’s face. “Okay. Back to present me. I’d tell you to go screw yourself but it looks like you already did.” What had left him looking like this? And why did he seem so… broken?

/¯°•º¤ϟϞ҂ @raviola • Vincenzo ҂Ϟϟ¤º•°¯\



Copy of Copy of Silas (1)

After her talk with Arya, classes proceeded in their usual rhythm, a structured march of hours that ticked by with academic precision. Amani navigated her day with the practiced ease of routine, her mind occasionally wandering to the unnerving clarity of what she had experienced the night before—a dream, or so it seemed, that felt too visceral to be merely the conjurings of her sleep-addled brain. It lingered in her thoughts, intrusive and insistent, almost like it was more of a memory- a memory that was deep in her mind but she could not see so clearly.

She had shared these dreams only with Tae Seo Dunman, for multiple different reasons, one of them being that he was the only one who could truly understand her and her dreams, giving the fact that although they were not the best of friends originally when they had first met, they shared a really strong connection and he often helped her to decipher this weird dreams back when she was a child and this dreams were quite frequents- dreams that they both seemed to share. And Last night dream was particularly vivid, a replay of scenes so specific they felt borrowed from a life she wasn’t sure was entirely her own. That was to say Amani did not particularly understand that dream and if there was one thing Amani hated was not understanding or knowing what was happening.

After her last lecture, Amani returned to the quiet solitude of her dorm room, her footsteps echoing softly in the empty hallway. The room welcomed her with its familiar, comforting embrace. She set her bag down with a soft thud against her desk, marking the end of her academic responsibilities for the day. The plan had been simple: a quick shower to clear her mind, to try to think about the dream more- to see if she could understand it before Tae came like her text had asked him to do.

As she gathered her clothes and toiletries, a knock at the door sliced through the silence. The person who was behind the door was predictable, Tae, it had to be Tae, because she had not invited anyone else other than him and all her friends who were not Celestine or Tae knew that they were not allowed in her room at all due to let’s call it circumstances.

He was here earlier than Amani had predicted, but he was here none of the less making relief wash over her like the waves. She hastily wrapped a robe around herself as she walked up to her door. When Amani had swung the door open, she could not tell you what she was expecting- no, actually she could and it was definitely not her favorite Dunman slumped against her doorway, his face a canvas of bruises and cuts, his breathing shallow and labored.

“What the!” Amani gasped, cutting her self short as her eyes widened and she instinctively knelt beside him, her hands hovering hesitantly over him, afraid to touch lest she exacerbate his injuries. “What the hell happened to you?”

There was no response, just the labored rise and fall of his chest. Acting quickly, Amani flickered her wrists, using her shadows to wrap around him and carry him up, Once inside, she had placed him on the bed, releasing the hold of her shadows on him, assessing his injuries with a swift, worried glance. She could not help but to think that this was almost like Isaac- like the day she saw Isaac after the incident, bruised and bloody, but the difference was though Tae looked half dead, he was not actually dead, he still had a pulse and he was going to keep being alive because Amani needed to find out so many things, starting with what happened and why. Amani reached into her drawers, pulling a ‘magical safety kit’ like her mother called it , it was basically a compact collection of essentials taught by her mother who loved to use her magic to care for people (silly Amani knows, doctors exist for this kind of thing, why waste magic on that but that was a topic for another day) As she pulled the kit from her drawer, her fingers moved with purpose, unzipping the bag and laying out its contents: salves, bandages, and a small vial of shimmering liquid that glowed with a soft, ethereal light.

Kneeling beside the bed where Tae lay, Amani took a deep breath to steady her nerves. She had used some Photokinetic Resonance to examine him properly, her fingers working with the magic that she was taught to use by her mother. She dipped her fingers into the shimmering liquid, whispering the indications as she let the shadows dance from her fingertips, gentle and coaxing. They wrapped softly around Tae’s injuries, not with the cold touch of darkness but with the warmth of night’s soothing embrace. The salves cooled and the potion’s magic seeped into his wounds, knitting the torn skin and easing the swelling.

“So, are you going to tell me why you look like shxt?” She asked, as she raked his appearance, going over the final touches of her magic, “Because a few seconds ago there was no difference between you and a man on the verge of death,” Amani continued, her face far from the usual amusement that seemed to flicker.





Thalia reiterated that she had not been drinking, but Desdémona pressed her until she eventually confessed. I knew it! She thought, but then struggled to digest the whole of her dialogue.
“So, you decided to quit drinking, but you had a few drinks, but you didn’t get drunk? Forgive me if I’m wrong but… that doesn’t really make sense.” Mona spoke the words, but they did not convey passive aggression, only her raw thoughts. It was simply a pet of her demeanor.

“Inessa Duman? I think you’ve mentioned her. She’s tied to someone else you know somehow, I just can’t place it.” Desdemona thought aloud, trying to remember where else she might have heard that last name. Vaguely, her mind saw an image of the prior night’s drunken speech by some other student… but Mona moved past it. At least Thalia hadn’t drank as much as he did, that was for sure. But noooo… who was the person she thought of?

Then again there was that evening over the past summer when Thalia told Mona about that boy she liked over poolside snacks. Thalia was wearing a cute yellow bikini, and Mona wore a red and white pinstripe one-piece, eating slices of watermelon with Tajin, their feet swaying in the water as they sat on the edge. Back then, they had only met a few weeks prior, so when Thalia talked about her love interests, Mona giggled, rooting for the love story to end with a happily ever after. Nowadays, Thalia would talk about her day, and Mona’s eyes would trail down to her lips.

Desdemona wondered what house that guy belonged to, and who it was that tied to Inessa. Her fragmented visions indicated at him, but she did not know whether to believe it. Mona’s magic, especially after the prior night, was especially weak. And when her magic was weak, her mind tended to craft false illusions. Either way, it wasn’t that important, not at all, so she moved on.

“But I didn’t see you anywhere, I didn’t know you came, where where you?” Thalia questioned, curious to see who Desdemona was with if anybody at all. There was a reason such a thing was of special interest to Thalia, and It was due to the fact that Thalia did not really know if Desdemona was really close to anyone else besides Thalia. Sure, Thalia saw Desdemona interact with people occasionally, greeting them with friendly smile and way too friendly hugs but that was just because Desdemona was Desdemona, not because she was necessarily friends with them- though in Desdemona’s mind she probably already considered them friends. “Who were you with?” Thalia changed the way she asked her questions, to hopefully make it more understandable.

“I saw a lot people!” She assured her with gentle enthusiasm. “I wasn’t with anyone specifically, but first I met Raven, who is this nice but scary girl in quantum. I think she’s probably someone it’s safer to be nice to,” Mona shared. Even though Raven had not behaved very outwardly intimidating, she had that look in her eyes that made even Mona a bit nervous. “And then I met Atlas, who was very nice, and very strange, and his not-girlfriend Esther. Did you see that girl that fainted? That was her, and I intervened to see if I could help her.” Desdemona, within this very covert conversation, did not really think much about her words as she said them. Her thoughts happened as she said them.

“She disappeared right after, but I think I healed her!” She said with a bit of pride, even though she knew she most likely shouldn’t use her healing powers on just anyone. They were meant to be targeted, and only used in emergencies, she knew that. But just as easily as she agreed to please her parents by following their rules, she tried to please everyone else, too.

“He told me their whole love story too, I think. Some of it was really crazy!” She moved on, not wanting to necessarily retell the whole thing when other people could hear, and she had already revealed his name. It was a bit perplexing how Desdemona had a sense of propriety in that way, and that way only.
“But of course I went!” She trailed back to what Thalia said earlier. “I was looking for you, but, you know. I didn’t want to intrude on any of your other plans,” Desdemona said in a low voice. “I just went mostly because Mom and Dad said I had to last minute.”

Mona considered objecting to Thalia’s changing of the subject, but then she asked another question, and the girl just went along with it. “It’s been good,” she replied. “I’m excited for classes! And I decorated my dorm already, the green of my room doesn’t really go with Cipher’s purple theme but I like it anyway. I don’t feel nervous because of school at all! Though, I guess maybe I’m nervous about how my magic is going to work today… I really strained myself last night…”
Desdémona tilted her head down, and did her best to shut out thoughts of the fire. A part of her wished she knew what it meant, but the rest of her was too scared to find out.

To her surprise, Thalia seemed quite against Kiki’s presence at the school. Unfortunately, Desdemona had not quite developed the theory of mind to understand that most people would disagree with that decision, so she was a bit hurt. She decided to answer the girls question about her parents, but no longer did she feel as comfortable as she was speaking in her usual junction of words. At least she didn’t make any mean commentary on them not being her actual parents.

“They don’t like lizards. They weren’t going to take care of her.” She said a bit sadly. Desdémona never actually asked them if they would, but she assumed it by herself, because if their concerns didn’t involve her, there was even less of a chance that they involved her pets. They preferred something else, someone they actually cared about and she couldn’t blame them, there was a reason she could not compete.

In the cafeteria, Thalia explained how they retrieved breakfast from the Wyndham cafeteria; and then smiled at her as they kept talking. For a second, it was fulfilling but she still thought about the girl’s concern about Kiki. She felt like she had broken a rule by bringing the little creature, and that maybe she was being too much to handle in that moment. Sometimes that would happen over the summer, too, when Desdémona asked too many questions and Thalia’s tone grew lazier as she answered them. She figured perhaps she would have to reduce her energy levels here, become a new version of herself at college.

Mona rushed her to the kitchen, where she began to prefer her own breakfast, but when she offered it to Thalia, the girl practically jumped back, furthering Desdemona’s belief that she was bothering her. She was hit with by a pang of self-consciousness, but then Thalia explained herself and it all made sense. Desdémona immediately put the toast back on her plate, and then set the plate on the counter so it would not be too close to them. She had not specified the reason for her intolerance to the texture, but Desdémona knew what she meant. She wished she could do something more about that, but she just had to help to the extent that she could.

“Sorry,” she apologized with the pink stain on the corner of her lips. She expected Thalia to say it was alright, or minimize it or something, but instead she came closer, and Desdémona felt her heart rate accelerate, her cheeks flushing another pink hue. There was a soft look in her eyes when Mona saw them, and the tissues neared her mouth. Following her lead, she dropped her bottom lip slightly down for her to get the spot.
Her nose was wrinkled when she approached Mona, showing how she didn’t want to touch the purple stain. But still, she ignored her distaste, just for her.
Thalia stepped back, and the girlish smile on Desdemona’s face reappeared, preserving a bit of her hope that Thalia and the others at school would get along with her just fine.
Thalia smiled too, which made her smile more.

'There, all clean." Thalia said, her smile growing wider. Now, let’s go meet Kiki, shall we?”

“Okay!” Mona replied happily, and she took her hand assertively to lead the girl to her room.

In slooshy little steps, Kiki approached the girls, and Thalia extended her hand to feed the bearded dragon herself. Desdémona placed a hand on her heart, and scrunched her nose watching the sweet moment, but Kiki had other plans. While she waited for Thalia to set the berry down, Kiki swiftly stole the blueberry away with her tongue, which was a motion that Mona had tried to train her to do with Mona only, because some people were freaked out by it.

“Kiki!” She reprimanded the lizard. “That’s not nice!” And instinctively, she picked the thing up and placed her to rest on her palm, then went to the bathroom, lowering her hand for Kiki to crawl onto the floor. “Go play,” said Mona before closing the door, indicative that Kiki also had a source of entertainment in the bathroom, specifically a small assortment of plants and pebbles. After the wood shut, she said a bit louder, “I will let you out soon! Guests are over right now!”

Then, she sweetly turned around to face Thalia again. “I’m sorry about her, her manners are usually better,” Desdemona stated with a tone that she meant to sound serious, but most likely came of as quite innocent. She knew it was when she looked at Thalia, and Thalia looked back at her, neither of them knowing what to add to that dialogue before Mona chuckled.

@kristi Thalia


≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫

Tae curled into himself as he waited for Amani to come to her door. The last time he remembered hurting this much, he had just woken up in the hospital after the accident. The memory ignited the ever-present soreness in Tae’s body and he winced as he cradled his right arm against his body, now unsure of what hurt more - his body or breathing. He had lost his sense of time and couldn’t tell how long he was outside before his friend opened her door.

Naturally, she reacted with shock but when she spoke, her voice sounded far away and Tae could barely make out what she was saying. He wanted to say something, anything to her, but when he opened his mouth to speak, all he could produce were the harsh sounds of his breath, which at this point felt more like a chore than an instinct. He felt himself being lifted up by something and moments later, being placed down on what felt like a bed. He wasn’t sure of what she was going to do but he wasn’t really in a state to protest, even though he typically preferred to handle his injuries and his pain himself. He trusted Amani though and figured it would be better to just let her do whatever it was that she was going to do.

As she began working, the feeling of comfort consumed his pain. It was a warm and pleasant feeling, not unlike that of a mother’s embrace. As he felt his pain subsiding, Tae was able to open his eyes wider and actually process his surroundings. He was in Amani’s room, lying on her bed. He watched as she finished up with the magic he assumed she was using to heal him. She asked him again what happened, this time he was able to immediately understand her words and he was somewhat confident that he could answer.

“I’ve been there before. Trust me, I looked way worse.” He quipped in a mumbled tone when she compared him to someone on the verge of death, making his tone light even though his voice was hoarse. “I fought with Renlin. It ended with him choking me.” He explained, resisting the urge to add ‘…but I’m fine’ to the end of his sentence. He was still trying to wrap his head around what happened and he knew it was in his best interest to not lie to Amani. He couldn’t believe that he had been the one to start it. Well, he had thrown the first punch at least. His cousin had started it by bringing up Tae’s biological relationship to his brother, which had always been a touchy subject for him.

≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫

@Kristi - Amani



Dining hall/Botanical conservatory || with Amani

Arya’s lips curled into a playful smirk as Amani responded, her eyes glinting with amusement at the banter between them. “Torture indeed,” she echoed, her tone light yet tinged with a hint of sarcasm. She appreciated the playful nature of Amani’s remark, recognizing the underlying truth beneath the jest.

With a tilt of her head, Arya leaned forward slightly, her gaze locking with Amani’s as she contemplated their conversation. Life without adventure, without the thrill of the unknown, would indeed be a dull existence. And as for coffee, well, Arya couldn’t deny its ability to add a certain spark to even the most mundane of days. “It’s all about the balance, isn’t it?” Arya remarked, her voice smooth and velvety, laced with subtle wit. “Adventure to keep the heart racing, and coffee to fuel the mind. The perfect recipe for a life well-lived.”

Arya’s gaze remained fixed on Amani as she delved into her cryptic musings. Each word from Amani seemed to carry layers of meaning, drawing Arya deeper into the intricacies of their conversation. With a subtle nod, Arya listened intently, her mind processing Amani’s perspective with a keen sense of curiosity. She relished the challenge of engaging in such intellectually stimulating conversation, knowing that Amani was more than capable of holding her own in their verbal sparring.
“An intriguing perspective indeed,” Arya remarked, her voice smooth and composed, yet tinged with a hint of playful challenge. “Understanding the intricacies of the strings that bind us, the forces that shape our destinies—now that’s a dance worth mastering.”

“Understanding that gives us insight into the puppeteer’s intentions, allowing us to anticipate their next move.” She paused, her gaze locking with Amani’s as she considered her next words carefully
“As ‘puppets’ allegedly bound by the strings of fate,” Arya mused, her voice taking on a poetic edge. “Do we merely dance to the tune of destiny, or do we possess the power to rewrite the melody?” She met Amani’s gaze with a hint of intrigue, her eyes shining with curiosity. “Perhaps destiny is but a tapestry of possibilities, waiting to be woven by the hands of those bold enough to seize their own fate.”
Arya’s eyes gleamed with a playful glint as she continued, "After all, even the most ordinary of hands can wield extraordinary tools, it’s not necessarily good enough”

At Amani’s playful question, Arya couldn’t help but chuckle softly, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “the eternal question of risk versus reward,” she replied, her voice carrying a playful lilt. “But I suppose life’s too short for safe bets and predictable outcomes, isn’t it?” Amani’s mention of being the creator intrigued Arya, stirring a curiosity within her as she considered the implications of such a statement. She couldn’t help but respect Amani’s confidence in her own creative power, recognizing the allure of shaping one’s own destiny.
“As the creator, you hold the power to shape your own reality, to shape worlds and mold destinies, to breathe life into dreams and watch them take flight,” Arya spoke , her voice carrying a note of intrigue. “But do you not find the allure of the unknown equally enticing? The thrill of surrendering to the whims of fate, even if just for a moment?” She arched an eyebrow, a playful challenge gleaming in her eyes. “After all, what is creation without a hint of chaos to keep things interesting?”

As Arya observed Amani’s actions, she couldn’t help but wonder about the subtle movement of her pen against the paper this whole time, despite the lack of any visible writing. A small smile tugged at Arya’s lips as she acknowledged Amani’s playful charade, appreciating the subtle theatrics of their exchange. After all, in their world of secrets and hidden meanings, a little theatricality only added to the intrigue.

“A little peek behind the curtains, you say?” Arya mused, her voice laced with playful skepticism. “Funny, I don’t recall that particular saying. maybe it’s an Amani original?” She let her lips curl into a sly smile, her eyes never leaving Amani’s. “But if they wanted us to peek behind the curtains, there wouldn’t be a need for curtains in the first place, nor a show for that matter, would there?”

She leaned back in her chair, her fingers tracing the rim of her cup thoughtfully.
Arya’s thoughts drifted briefly to the summer break that Amani seemed so eager to probe. She had no intention of divulging what she had been up to, or at least not yet. The game they played was too delicious to end so abruptly. She met Amani’s mischievous gaze with a knowing smile, her own eyes alight with a playful glint. “True,” she conceded, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. “Life is indeed too short to miss out on the thrill of the unknown. But sometimes the greatest thrill lies in the anticipation, in the tantalizing dance between revelation and concealment.” She paused for effect, letting her words linger in the air like a delicate melody. “As for going poof,” Arya continued, “well, lets just try not to.”

Arya’s lips curled into a playful smirk at Amani’s mention of surprises, her eyes gleaming with amusement at the playful banter. “Secrets up your sleeve, you say?” she echoed, her voice laced with a hint of intrigue. “Well, I’ve always been one to appreciate a good surprise, especially when it comes to indulging the senses.” Her gaze locked with Amani’s, a silent acknowledgment of the intriguing invitation that lingered between them.

As Amani leaned back, Arya’s eyes traced the elegant lines of her silhouette, admiring the subtle grace in her movements. “Cinnamon,” Arya mused, her voice dropping to a husky whisper, “a spice that ignites the senses and leaves a lingering warmth.” She leaned in closer, the air between them charged with anticipation. “Indulgence indeed,” Arya replied, her words a breathless whisper, “I must admit, you do know how to tempt a palate.”

With a flicker of amusement in her eyes, Arya watched as Amani packed her bag, her movements graceful yet purposeful. The silent camaraderie between them spoke volumes, a shared understanding beneath the playful facade. “Oh, I’m well aware of your winning streak,” Arya retorted with a coy smile, her voice laced with a hint of challenge. “but as much as I know you love winning, you should know how I do love a good challenge.” She met Amani’s playful jab with a subtle raise of her eyebrow, her demeanor composed yet filled with an undercurrent of playful flirtation. “And keeping up with you?” Arya continued, her voice laced with playful confidence, “Well, let’s just say I’m up for anything you throw my way.”

Leaving the cafeteria, Amani led her to a more secluded part of the school, the university’s botanical conservatory. As they strolled through the conservatory, Arya’s eyes widened in appreciation at the sight before her. the vibrant flora basking in the golden glow off the sun filtering through the stained-glass dome. Amani’s question about Arya’s familiarity with the place drew a playful smirk from Arya, though she kept her gaze fixed on the surroundings. “Once or twice,” Arya replied nonchalantly, her tone playful yet enigmatic as she glanced around the lush surroundings.

As they walked deeper into the conservatory, Arya’s gaze lingered on the intricate display of ancient artifacts and sculptures nestled among the greenery. She recognized some of the pieces, remnants of previous visits with Vincenzo.
When Amani teasingly warned Arya about the supposedly poisonous flower, Arya’s smirk deepened into a knowing smile. She knew it wasn’t poison, but recognized Amani’s playful nature, the subtle game of wit they often engaged in. “I’ll try not to provoke its wrath,” Arya quipped back, her voice laced with playful sarcasm.

Her gaze drifted to the poetry hanging on the walls, and a flicker of recognition crossed her features as she spotted a familiar poem in her very own handwriting. It was one she had placed there herself, a subtle reminder of her past visits to this sanctuary. “Ah, that one’s mine,” Arya remarked with a playful smirk, her eyes scanning the paper with a glint of mischief, “Seems like my contribution to the decor has stood the test of time.”

“This?” Amani’s gesture towards their surroundings drew Arya’s attention back to the present, and she arched an eyebrow in response. “Hmm, let me guess,” Arya began, her voice laced with playful curiosity, “a hidden sanctuary for wayward souls seeking solace amidst the chaos of university life?” She met Amani’s amused gaze with a playful glint in her eyes, her tone filled with subtle intrigue.


@raviola Vinnie mentioned


Copy of Copy of Copy of Silas

[[𓆩⟡𓆪 𓆩⟡𓆪 𓆩⟡𓆪]]

“Sometimes life does not make sense” That was a line the Starling sisters often used towards themselves. It had first been used by one of Thalia’s sisters-Calista. For many, the concept of invisible strings conjured images of destined soulmates from fairy tales, inexorably drawn together. However, for Thalia, these strings evoked memories of being thirteen, feeling an unseen force pulling her apart from her sisters. During those times of confusion and estrangement, Calista had casually dismissed her concerns with a roll of her eyes, saying, “Sometimes life doesn’t make sense.” That line stuck with Thalia, and years later, at eighteen, when she alone was accepted into Wyndham, her sisters challenged the fairness of it. Thalia had retorted with the same words Calista had once given her, and now, she found herself using them again, this time directed at Desdemona. “ “And I wasn’t drunk,” Thalia denied, “Just slightly… tipsy.” she smiled sheepishly.

Desdemona had noted Thalia’s absence from the ball, prompting Thalia to explain that she had been with Inessa. In response, Desdemona hinted at a connection between Inessa and another acquaintance, casting a veil of implication that Thalia couldn’t ignore. Though the urge to deny it outright bubbled within her, Thalia resisted, realizing that it would only raise suspicion, especially since Thalia was quite sure Desdemona had noticed the way Thalia’s eyes had widened when she had insinuated a connection between Inessa Dunman and someone else, thus what was the point of outright denying it when Desdemona remembered bits of the conversation from last summer. See, during last summer, the conversation between Thalia and Desdemona had taken place during the summer, fueled by a few cocktails that loosened Thalia’s tongue. Desdemona had probed about Thalia’s history, her life, being insanely curious about her and Thalia had recounted all her past relationships and encounters (at least the one’s she could remember) Few names were mentioned, only three former lovers came to mind. Thalia couldn’t recall if Renlin’s name had been among them, but she distinctly remembered referring to him as Inessa’s brother before impulsively diving into the swimming pool, the alcohol coursing through her veins, lending her a sense of exhilaration.

shxt, Thalia was really hoping Desdemona had not remembered that conversation, because Thalia had not, at least not until now. “Don’t think too much about it,” Thalia had said, ruffling Desdemona’s hair with tired hands. She had leaned in to plant a kiss on Desdemona’s forehead as she continued, “I’ll get mad if you hurt you’re pretty head focusing on the unimportant,” Thalia had grinned as she placed their foreheads together, squeezing Desdemona hands, "Let’s just focus on each other right now… and forget the rest, " Thalia finished, her voice a soft murmur , "My head really hurts,’ Thalia confessed, their foreheads still touching, she pulled away from Desdemona, placing a finger on top of Desdemona’s head, "How does yours feel?‘’ she asked before she had shifted the conversation into asking where Desdemona was at the ball, to which Desdemona had said she was with a lot of people.

I saw a lot of people. Desdemona had told her, making Thalia giggle, “It is a ballroom after all,” she had commented, allowing Desdemona to finish the rest of what she was saying. Desdemona began to talk about all the people she had been with, she had mentioned Raven, a name Thalia could not say she was quite familiar with, then Atlas- someone Thalia knew but at the same time did not. She knew him because everyone knew Atlas, he was the childhood friend to Aurora Dear after all, both equally as irritating. Ok, ok, perhaps Thalia was not being fair when it came to Atlas, she knew nothing about him and she was judging him based on her dislike towards Aurora, but to be fair, anyone who was tight knitted to Aurora was bound to be as easily dislikable as her. There was another name that Desdemona had mentioned that made Thalia’s ears perked- it was the name Esther. Thalia knew Esther, they had once gone bird watching together. "She fainted?’ Thalia had asked, her eyes widened as she wondered what happened. Her mind went to many things, she could not help but to wonder if it had to do with the Miles thing, or the other thing. Thalia made a mental note to herself, remember this, there were several questions she had to ask Esther, because she had to find out…

“Love story?” Thalia said doubtfully.* Of course it was crazy, it was probably fake* “I think he was pulling your leg, Mona, I don’t really think Esther would associate herself like that with him.” Then again, perhaps she would, were they not in the same group after all? Still, from the way Desdemona had called it crazy, Thalia could tell that it was indeed falsehood. Desdemona began to dig deeper into Thalia’s events of last night leading to Thalia quickly changing the subject, asking Desdemona how she was adjusting to school.

“The green sounds lovely,” Thalia remarked, nodding in approval. “And don’t worry too much about the clash with Cipher’s theme. As long as it feels like home to you, that’s what matters most. Most people here dorms don’t even fit the theme” At least Thalia knew her room did not- her room was quite simple and a little bit messy with papers hanging on the walls but those papers were quite important and were their for a reason, she did not really feel the need to organize them and mess with what she had come to known. It always felt weird tampering with the way Thalia structured her things. “As for your magic, don’t stress it okay, you don’t have to use it the first day if you don’t want too. Give the professors any excuse and they will write you off, they are not the worst in this school,”

They entered the cafeteria, Thalia started to explain the breakfast routine at Wyndham. While detailing the process, she noticed Desdemona seemed unusually subdued. Concern flickered across Thalia’s face—had she said something wrong? Just as she was about to voice her concerns, Desdemona playfully waved some crushed beets in front of her. Thalia instinctively recoiled, nearly stumbling back. Quickly catching Desdemona’s concerned expression, Thalia hastened to clarify
that it had nothing to do with Desdemona but instead with the fact she does not do beets due to how the smell, and texture had always just irritated Thalia.

Desdemona nodded, taking some into her mouth and getting a pink stain on the corner of her lips, making Thalia comment on it and coming closer she had helped Desdemona clean it up. There, all clean, Thalia had said, with a smile, now let’s go meet Kiki, shall we? she had asked, as Mona replied okay happily, causing her smile to widen.

Thalia had brought the blueberries close to Kiki, causing her to snatchh the thing quickly, making Thalia blink. Desdemona had apologized about Kiki’s manners, saying she was usually better, leading to Thalia shaking her head with a small smile,
“No worries, it’s actually pretty cute how she just snatches it up like that,” Thalia responded, her voice warm and light, trying to put Desdemona at ease. “And besides, I’m sure my manners aren’t exactly perfect when I’m hungry either.” Thalia had chuckled along with Desdemona, "So what happened?’ Thalia had asked, remembering Desdemona’s unhappy expression, “You looked sad some minutes ago,”



Copy of Copy of Silas (1)

Amani could not recall the time she had actually been extremely worried about a person. The way Amani lived her life, was like the most privileged people at Wyndham college- their main concern being themselves. It wasn’t in the typical stereotypical ‘my life is so much worst than ever else, and blah blah’ it was more in the sense that she was focused on her busy life, and she did not have the time nor did she want to make the time to worry about someone’s else issues if they did not affect her in anyway. Still, there were very few and Amani truly meant very few people, that Amani could see herself worrying about, those that brought a sense of affection in her and Tae was one of them.

She watched the rise and fall of his chest as she worked her magic, her hands delicately tracing his wounds using the little shimmering liquid. It had taken quite some time, and perhaps if the wounds were not too bad and if she was not too worried, she would have simply use illusion magic to make the wounds seem nonexistent and wave it off, instead of actually healing them. When the wounds began to clear up, and it was clear that Tae was breathing better now, she had stared at him, her eyes scanning his face before she had sighed and asked what had happened, and then adding that he looked half-dead, to which Tae had replied that he had been there before, leading to Amani having quite the un-amused expression on her face. “How much would it hurt if I was to find a way to completely undo all the magic?” She had asked as if actually considering it, “Do you think you shall die or shall you survive and come at unscratched because, you have been there before, Her tone was mocking, and not a hint of a smile was on her face, as she finished the final touches. The shimmering liquid had done its work, and Tae’s skin now showed only faint traces of the brutal altercation. As the magic wove its final threads, closing the gaps in the tissue. “One would think you would be more inclined to take better measurements to make sure these type of situations do not keep occurring, but then again I suppose you know your body better than me.” Talking about situations, Amani still did not know what had happened to Tae, and she looked at him, signalling for him to go on and tell her what had happened.

He had gone on to tell her that he had fought with his cousin again, ending with him choking him, leading to Amani questioning in her mind why were they even in the same room until she remembered that right, the Umbra boys had their annual big sleepover today. " Who started it? " Amani had asked, perhaps if it was not Bigfoot who was the opponent, Amani would have been inclined to believe fully that the other person and not Tae had been the one who to start the fight. “And why did you not use your magic against him,” she pressed, her voice tinged with a hint of exasperation . “You’re more skilled than he is. You could have ended it before it escalated.” Renlin Dunman, a 6’5 annoying male, and friends to all of the boys at Umbra- except for his own cousin. He was fairly muscular, and his height was sure some might say it could be intimidating to try and defeat but that was if you were not a magical being, something that Tae was and Tae was also far smarter, because Bigfoot really had nothing going up there for him, he was just unnecessarily tall with the brain of a fish, so despite the physical advantage, the other Dunman had, Tae could have still won, instead of letting himself be bruised like this. She stood up from her position, getting her clothes as she went into a corner and put them on. Through that very corner she had said, “Please tell me at least you got a couple of hits?” because if you were going to lose and get bruised, at least you should not go down pathetically.



[⋅𖥔⋅]═════⋅𖥔⋅═══ [ ] ═══⋅𖥔⋅═════[⋅𖥔⋅]

Dominic Vaillant

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tw: violence (but you knew that)

Dominic sat frozen on the floor, taking hit after merciless hit from the man above him. He’d failed to even defend himself with his frail body, now a hollow shell of what it used to be. If his past self could see him, helpless and weak, he would have no pity on this “Nic”. He wouldn’t even recognize him.

Dominic gasped out in shock, feeling the man’s fist strike at his chest. Before he could even process what was happening, another hit landed on his shoulders, his waist, all around his torso and he was too slow to block even one of them. His opponent was quick, more than his exhausted brain could process. Dominic needed a strategy, but each thought was cut off by sharp pain shooting through him from every direction.

His stomach was struck and he bent forward, gasping for air again. His eyes were wide and bloodshot, his teeth clenched as he held back the urge to scream out. The small bit of confidence he had just a moment ago was replaced by debilitating fear — fear that one more wrong move could end with him dead. He was shaking, his chest tight and hardly able to breathe. Yet as he looked into that man’s cold eyes, he saw no empathy in them.

Another hit followed to his stomach, and another, stronger than before like a monster acting purely on impulse. There was a metallic taste at the back of Dominic’s throat, and as another hit followed, he felt his breathing cut off and his throat fill with blood. He coughed out suddenly and it spilled down his shirt, the sight of a red pool forming beneath him making Dominic’s limbs go cold. When the man finally pulled away, he fell onto the ground, his fingers digging into the carpet as he coughed uncontrollably. His chest burned, so tight that he couldn’t even breathe.

In desperation, he looked into the other man’s eyes. “I’m sor—” his words were cut off by another cough, his arms giving out beneath him. He hadn’t noticed before how the world around him was spinning, his vision splitting into two.

“Do you think you’re a hero? Do you think you’re better than me because you have some apparent self-control?” he grunted, the sound of his voice as painful as the bruises over Dominic’s body. As he continued to speak, Dominic felt his eyes welling up with tears. He grit his teeth tighter to hold himself back, his jaw aching from the force.

I am better than you, he thought, without any strength to voice it out loud. He felt his heart pump hard, the sound of it against his ears almost drowning out everything else. And through his blood coursed adrenaline, turning his limbs numb partly from fear and partly from anger. If he had the strength to strike back, if he were the person he once was, then this would’ve been a fair fight. Yet despite everything this monster had done, Dominic still feared inflicting pain on him with his weak arms that couldn’t even break glass.

All the sensations blended together, and dulled by the adrenaline he could barely feel a thing. But his head continued to spin and his body began to slide down the floor. The man grabbed him by the shoulders, propping him up so he was looking directly into his eyes.

He only continued to talk. Even though Dominic was barely conscious, the man insisted on proving himself, how he was strong enough to beat up a defenseless man without his little minions. And he had the nerve to repeat Dominic’s words back at him, as if they’d have any impact on someone who already saw him as a fool.

If he looked behind him, he’d see the concerned faces of the few members who cared enough to pay attention to their “fight”. He’d hear the whispers between them, or how some backed away in fear of getting involved. Everything this man did only further proved Dominic’s point, that he overcompensated for his lack of intelligence through pure strength.

“Some advice; you’re not a hero, as much as you try and justify yourself. Whoever told you to turn the other cheek just said that so they could hurt you again,” he continued.

There were rules Dominic lived by that he couldn’t break. It didn’t matter how he was perceived in that moment, as long it wasn’t like him. It was just delaying his fate so he could live as Dominic — as Nic, as long as he can.

They weren’t meant to hurt him… Right?

“And don’t think anyone here is going to defend you if you try speaking up now,” he said, but Dominic could barely even breathe, much less speak up. All he could do was look behind the large figure again, taking in the sight of the other members as they witnessed everything. He didn’t need to speak up, they all understood. And Dominic knew fully well they wouldn’t do a thing.

The two students accompanying this man continued to stand beside him, following his every command. One of them, who looked like a Bradford, kneeled down and put a vial to Dominic’s nose. He instinctively flinched and turned away from the man, but the pain in his abdomen made him freeze up. As Bradford retreated, the vial was red. Was this all for the ritual they’d mentioned? He didn’t even get a chance to protest. And the sight of it full of blood made Dominic sick to his stomach. He couldn’t dare look down and see the severity of his injuries.

The man sat up and extended his hand, but Dominic had no strength, nor the will to accept his help. He was lifted up again, held up by his wrist and his shaky legs. He took a step back, leaning against the wall so he doesn’t fall, his heavy breathing making it even harder to stand. Was he hearing his words correctly anymore? Test? First test? If this was only the beginning, then Dominic didn’t want to know what came next, nor how many tests would follow. He should’ve known, that this was all a way to evaluate him. All of a sudden, the silence from the other members made sense. They knew, and nobody informed him. Not even Dante.

Rational thinking told Dominic to turn back now, to leave and return to his old life while he still can. But he’d abandoned reason the moment he stepped inside Ninth House. He looked into the man’s eyes again, watching as the image of him split and blurred. And even then he could vaguely make out his expression, the one that made his blood boil. Dominic thought, Fine, I’ll prove myself. And mostly out of spite.

A buzzing, numb sensation spread through his head. Dominic’s vision began to turn black, losing his balance just as the man let go of his wrist.

Everything went dark, and the next moment he was seated on the ground with a small freezer and the minion that looked like a Chadwick.

He slipped in and out of consciousness a few times, hearing only muffled fragments of conversations. The next time he woke up, he opened his eyes to a dim hallway illuminated only by candlelight. As his vision adjusted, he saw his feet dragging against the ground, accompanied by two men on each side of him.

“…Do you believe Enzo went too far?” one of them asked, likely Chadwick.

Then, Bradford joined in, “No, my friend, I could only dream of being in this poor soul’s place. I’d love to have Vinnie beat m—”

Dominic’s eyes snapped open and he kicked at the ground, freeing himself from their hold. The pain from the injuries hit him fully, sending him staggering back. He gasped in shock, falling to his knees.

“Ooh, good morning sunshine,” one of the guys mocked. In the corner of his blurring vision, Dominic saw them approach. “Did you… sleep…?” the voice began to fade away, replaced by loud ringing that only got worse with his pain. It felt like daggers, thousands of them hanging out of his body and cutting deeper every second that passed. In his disoriented state, he felt pressure on his arms, and the feeling of being swayed off balance as they continued to carry him.

But just where were they taking him? They didn’t even know where his dorm was located. He was helpless to fight back again, from the paralyzing pain to the dizziness, and the fear that these men would hurt him again. He hated this, more than anything.

Unbeknownst to Dominic, there was a woman walking down from the other end of the hallway. And one he’d least like to see him in such a vulnerable state. But as always, fate hated his guts and eventually Dominic would become aware of her presence.

Chadford and Bradwick took notice of her appearance, giving each other a smug look. They quickened their pace, approaching her directly.

“Evening, dear,” Chadwick winked, Dominic’s arm slipping off his shoulder as he stepped uncomfortably close to her.

“Do you mind doing us a favor?” Bradford interjected, stepping on her other side so she can’t pass forward. “This unfortunate freshman got drunk at the Coven and tumbled down the stairs—”

“—Twice,” Chadwick corrected.

“Twice,” Bradford nodded. “And I’m afraid we can’t do anything to help, he needs his mother. Maybe you can assist him, darling?” he raised a brow, letting Dominic’s limp body fall to the ground with a thud.

Chad and Brad quickly scurried to pick him up again, supporting him with their weight. They put on a nonchalant pose as if nothing had happened, and Chadford cleared his throat, “What do you say?”

[⋅𖥔⋅]═════⋅𖥔⋅═══ [ ] ═══⋅𖥔⋅═════[⋅𖥔⋅]

@raviola ⋅𖥔⋅ Vinnie ft. Chadford and Bradwick
@Caticorn ⋅𖥔⋅ Lenore Ferrell

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Vincenzo struggled not to roll his eyes while hearing Agastaya speak to him. Not surprisingly, he was trying to sound like he was a complete dick, even though he really wasn’t when they were in private, and he held no importance for their dissolved situation. It was a strange type of conversation, where not only was he showing he wanted to insult him, but also that he was the type of person that would; the self-proclaimed winner in the fight between them.

He couldn’t stand listening to it, or looking at his face as he spoke. His elegant features looked to be in perfect shape, unlike himself who was covered in bruises with blood on his hands. Though, he supposed he could never say Agastaya was perfectly fine, though, as he was still walking on an assembly of metal. In that sense, he would always be able to understand him and his struggles, because he went through similar or maybe worse things. In most situations, Vincenzo kind of had an understanding that he was one of the least fortunate students at Wyndham, especially considering his circumstances, but he tried never to compare himself to this person in particular. A part of it was because he helped him feel less alone. When Agastaya was in the hospital, Vincenzo was in a jail cell. When Agastaya’s friends forgot about him, Vincenzo was hopeless trying to contact his.

That was probably one of the reasons he was acting so betrayed; because they understood each other’s hardships outside of everyone else’s petty drama. That and the fact that he hadn’t contacted him for three months, especially after the other thing, but that wasn’t important.

To Vincenzo, all of it was stupid. He hoped Agastaya didn’t feel like he was ignoring him before, because if that had been the case, then we would have reached out too. But he didn’t. He knew that this was just another phase of their cyclical toxicity as much as Vincenzo did. At least he should have. And Frankly, it had gotten old, so Vincenzo kept his response short for once. He didn’t have any more energy to keep arguing.

“What the fck are you even talking about?” He asked, putting a foot back on the wall. But he didn’t sound so angry like before. Aside from being tired of Agastaya, he didn’t have the strength to retaliate, either. He reached for his back pocket, only half expecting for his phone to be there, and when it was, he unlocked the screen, ignoring the man with the hope that he would leave him alone. He went to text Renlin first, looking for the comfort of a real friend. The screen lit up, and Vincenzo chuckled reading their prior conversation.

I seem to have left my mug in Umbra…

It’s okay. I’m outside now too. The initiation got messy
Find me in the kitchen, I’m getting frozen peas
Don’t ask

Renzen is typing …

Vincenzo’s thumbs clicked on the screen left and right before he noticed Agastaya was still standing there. He looked up at the guy, and listened to him speak again, listening with hesitance. His words sounded like mockery, emulating a soft tone of voice that he perhaps would have found convincing if it weren’t for his previous dialogue. It’s not my fault? He asked himself, wondering what the man might have thought to be the reason for his distressed appearance. If he were really as loyal as he claimed to be, he might have remembered the Umbra tradition of initiating the underclassmen, and how that usually ended in some sort of battering.

“Okay. Back to present me.”

He spoke again, and Vincenzo realized he may have thought they were no longer friends at all. Was it wrong of him to assume they both acknowledged this as just being another phase? He didn’t get much of a chance to think about it before being insulted again.

It didn’t even make sense. Was he trying to take a jab at him for hurting himself? Because if so, he was really failing.
“Look, I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but don’t try and insult me.” And you’re lucky I’m not in the condition to be angry with you right now, because-
He couldn’t finish his thought.
There was a specific rule in his limited ethics that told him not to go for the man’s jugular. He couldn’t do it with the history they had together.
“I’m leaving,” Vincenzo asserted, taking his foot off the wall and shoving past Agastaya. In that moment, his phone buzzed, and he saw that Renlin texted back just in time.



@Tina.G Oggy good brief interaction sorry king
@Madilnel Renlin. soz i have no motivation so ill let u do the new scene set up :pray:



Dante let out a quite hollow chuckle at her sarcasm thanking him for enlightening her. “Looks like I’ve stumbled upon the resident queen of morning sarcasm,” Dante said, his smirk widening as he met the girl’s gaze. “But, note to self: don’t mess with her before she’s had her morning coffee.” Dante took her subtle jab at him as a playful gesture, something like that couldn’t actually bother him, if anything it was quite entertaining and even - could it really - even a little attractive the way she had no problems having a go back at him.

Dante’s smirk deepened as he considered Ayla’s bold declarations, a playful glint in his eyes. “World destruction meetings, reviving extinct species, and coffee world records, huh?” Dante echoed, amusement evident in his tone. “Pfffffff,” he grumbled, “those are all things I do on a daily basis.” He gave his head a shake. While it was more than clear to Dante there was no truth to her statements, he decided to play along with Ayla’s banter a little bit. However, something in Dante was somewhat annoyed that she hadn’t given him an actual answer to his previous question.

However, as his eyes met hers, even if it was for a brief moment, it was like this annoyance couldn’t stay. She was a dangerous woman to him. “So,” Dante continued, his smirk still lingering, “aside from plotting world domination and coffee, what’s the real story behind those captivating eyes?” He leaned in slightly, his tone light-hearted yet genuinely curious, and the flirtatious undertones were hard to miss. “I can’t help but wonder what else lies beneath that mischievous grin of yours. Care to share a glimpse into the world of… well, you?”

@Tina.G | Ayla




“But, note to self: don’t mess with her before she’s had her morning coffee.” Ayla chuckled at his response, shaking her head slightly as she took another sip of her coffee. “Goody, I have a quick learner.” She stepped out of the coffee line to stand beside him. “I’m impressed. You’ve managed to figure out the most basic thing about me in like, two minutes.” She raised an eyebrow, studying him.

“Pfffffff, … those are all things I do on a daily basis.” Ayla grinned at his humor, “Ah, I see. Well, in that case, I’m sure you’re just thrilled to be starting the day with a meeting about the impending doom of the world–maybe we’ll cross paths?” She looked up at him, over the rim of her cup. Plus, someone’s got to keep the apocalypse industry running smoothly." She shrugged casually.

So, … aside from plotting world domination and coffee, what’s the real story behind those captivating eyes?” Ayla tipped her head to the side. What funny words. She didn’t really know what he was getting at with this ‘captivating eyes’ business. Was he trying to get some kind of mystical reading or on her something? “I can’t help but wonder what else lies beneath that mischievous grin of yours. Care to share a glimpse into the world of… well, you?” Like, her biography? How she lived her life day to day? Ayla blinked, her expression faltering for merely a second “What’s there to tell? I’m just a person, trying to make it through the day without too much trouble. I like coffee, I like sarcastic humor, I’m good at whatever I do.” She said, her tone completely neutral. It was as if she was completely impervious to the flirtatious undertones in his words. Feeling the conversation spotting slightly, Ayla took a sip of coffee to buy her time. “Um,” She thought of the polite thing to say. “What about you? Whats’ behind those windows into the soul of yours?” Ayla nodded at him expectantly.


@Jass | Dante | I hope that was the right amount of denseness :sob: :heart:



“Ah, so I’ve passed the first test, have I?” Dante chuckled, his smirk widening as he met Ayla’s gaze. “Well, I’ve always had a knack for quick learning.” He glanced at her with a twinkle in his eye. “But don’t worry, I’m sure there’s plenty more to uncover about you beyond your morning coffee habits.”

Dante’s smirk widened at Ayla’s response, finding her witty retort amusing. He chuckled softly, appreciating her playful banter. “Oh, absolutely thrilled,” he replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm, “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He met her gaze with a playful glint in his eyes, enjoying the back-and-forth exchange. “Cross paths at the impending doom meeting, you say?” Dante tilted his head slightly, a hint of intrigue in his expression. “I’ll be sure to save you a seat next to mine. After all, it’s always good to have a fellow enthusiast for the apocalypse industry.” He matched her casual shrug with one of his own, the flirtatious undertones were once again evident in his playful demeanor.

The energy and banter that had been building faltered for a brief moment. Dante wasn’t quite sure if she was being oblivious of his flirting, or if this was her way to reject his advances, either way he felt a small pang of disappointment. However, Dante wouldn’t be Dante if he wasn’t adaptable, no, he was determined to keep the good vibes of the interaction thus far, to not let it dwindle down any further. The last thing he wanted to, was to show her he had been a bit disappointed.

So with Dante’s smirk softened into a playful grin he continued talking. “Just a person, huh? Well, I have to say, you’re doing a pretty remarkable job of it,” he remarked with a chuckle, his tone light-hearted. He leaned back casually, his gaze meeting Ayla’s with a hint of intrigue. “Coffee, sarcasm, and excellence in all things? Sounds like quite the winning combination.” He looked at her with a hint of scepticism, before adding with a tone that was slightly challenging, “But I’m sure that’s not all there is to you.” He had learned all to well with his interaction with Celestine the previous night, that women liked to be seen for more than just one trait or element, or well, he hoped that was the case for everyone. Either way, he definitely wouldn’t be making the same mistake by focusing in on and joking too much about one element of Ayla, but she didn’t quite make that easy for him… He didn’t even know more than a handful of things about her, and half of that was mere banter. A gut feeling told him that he really needed to step up if he wanted to get to know her better.

He knew his reaction to her returning the question, could either make or break the conversation. So, Dante did something he didn’t do often. He took a deep breath, and allowed a small break, so he wouldn’t jump into an answer too impulsively. “As for me,” Dante continues, his tone playful yet genuine, “behind these windows into the soul of mine? Well, you’ll just have to stick around and find out. Though I can assure you, it’s anything but ordinary.” He flashed her a charming grin, inviting Ayla to engage further in their banter while subtly hinting at his own depth and intrigue. While he enjoyed playing the mysterious character, he knew he had to give her something at least, something to keep the conversation going, so he added, “Spoiler alert: I’m a sucker for late-night adventures and rooftop views.” He said as he leaned back casually, his smirk widening.

@Tina.G | Ayla



≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Jesse was thankful that he hadn’t gone too far with drinking the night prior as he emerged in the halls of their college. While he was confident in the solidification of his place at Wyndham, that being socially and academically, Jesse wouldn’t want a hangover on the first day to put that at risk. Though he was sure he couldn’t say the same for Renlin, whose fate had been left a mystery after being brought in by the headmaster for discussions after his impromptu speech. Jesse knew that for some, that speech probably would have been a perfect excuse for expulsion from the headmaster. He was sure he would find out soon enough, whether it be through his friend or his uncle.

Curiosity at that fallout was what led his footsteps as he walked past the row of lockers he assumed would lead him to his friend. However from a quick glance at the tops of peoples heads it was clear that Renlin wasn’t present from the lack of a towering figure. He dropped it for now, but as his mind floated to the events of earlier that night, Jesse heard his name being called which put him on edge for a moment. With his track record, he could never tell when someone was seconds away from confronting him.

False alarm though, it was only Lenore Ferrell. A friend, not one that he had seen at the masquerade, as she was mentioning. “Or perhaps my mask was just that good?” He considered out loud as she caught up with him. It may have been plausable, given the number of interactions he had with people that night unaware of their identities. But he possibly would have recognised her regardless of a mask. “In any case, I hope you didn’t miss me too much,” Jesse told Lenore, turning to her as she began walking alongside him. “Anything interesting happen on your end? Ah, did you catch any of that performance from me and Ren?” He questioned, with also genuine wonder as to how big their audience had been.

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@Caticorn Lenore!!!



⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ masquerade ball ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

The thought that Freya would be bringing someone home with her on the first night of Wyndham College was incomprehensible, yet here she was returning to her room with this nameless girl who could barely string words together to form a sentence. She wasn’t really sure of her plan for when they got inside, but improvising seemed to be working fine enough up until now, when using a very loose definition of ‘fine’.

As she turned the lights on, it was weird for Freya to see someone else in her room. Freya had hardly been moved in for long, but she had already become settled and used to it being her space. Now here this person was, sliding down her wall as she spoke to the back of Freya, just as she had been trying to think of what to do next. “It’s okay–” She attempted to interject as she turned around, though the girl appeared unstoppable in her pursuit of explanations and apologies. Even when she had finished, Freya felt at a loss for words. Somewhat because she wasn’t sure how much of this conversation the girl was to remember, but also at the bizarreness of the situation.

When silence had crept in for slightly too long, Freya raised some concern. “Are you… okay?” She asked, apprehensively, slowly approaching the unresponsive girl. As she got closer, she could see the girl was okay, but asleep. Freya wasn’t sure how these kind of things panned out, but she was pretty sure that she shouldn’t leave her to sleep sat on the floor. “Hey,” She attempted. Then a slight nudge. A light shake on her shoulder. “Helloo?” But nothing, the nameless girl remained fast asleep. Okay, this was going to be difficult.

Freya looked up to the ceiling for a moment, hoping her eyes would return to find this had all been some kind of dream - which found her no luck. Instead, she stepped forward, her hands under the girls arms to lift her off her feet. It was this moment she noticed the inconvenience of this girl being taller than her. Regardless, Freya led her across the room and onto the bed, exhaling with relief when the task was complete. With that, she took a spare pillow she had in her closet and returned to the space that the girl had been in before.

⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ next day ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

Luckily, and also unsurprisingly, Freya woke up before the girl had. She wasted no time to gather her things, not particularly wanting the conversation that would come if her unexpected guest woke up. Just as Freya stood at the door, she realised something missing as she did a quick pan around of the room. Before she left, she took the glass from beside her occupied bed, filling it with water and returning it in aid to the hangover she was sure this girl would wake up with. Then a very fast escape.

Freya hadn’t even made it to the entrance of the college and there was already a commotion attracting an audience on the courtyard. As she gave it her attention for a moment, she could make out a fight going on between two guys. How could they already have something to fight about on the first day? Freya couldn’t help rolling her eyes at the number of people with their phones out, feeling compelled to have this on their camera roll.

It seemed as though Freya had seen the back end of the fight since the crowd began to dissipate, blocking her path to the entrance as they all started funnelling inside. After a moment of waiting, Freya eventually headed for the door. But she was stopped in her tracks once again, this time by a direct approach from a guy asking for a Kleenex. “I think so yeah,” She thought out loud as she searched her bag. As Freya retrieved the found tissues she handed them over to him, laying her eyes on him for the first time. “Ah, so that was you in the… wrestling match,” Freya observed, hiding her disdain. “I think you might need more than just that. Isn’t there a nurse or something?” She asked him, looking around hoping one would just appear.

⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

@Madilnel Renlin
@Kristi Thalia