Ninth House | Official RP Thread

Copy of Copy of Silas (1)

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Tae Seo Dunman, a name she had known ever since she was 9 or 10, ever since her ‘condition’ had been better. He was the son of ‘the home wrecker’ as Amani would often hear Sara Dunman be referred to by some adults, and her father’s ‘other close friend’ (her father being very close to both the Dunman brothers). Amani could not say that Tae and she grew up as childhood friends; they were family friends, yes. Family friends that were forced onto each other—the same way the other Dunman kids were forced onto her, except for Isaac, with whom she found herself quite close. Though Tae and Amani were not childhood besties, they had something going for them, even back then. Tae had just been someone she was naturally quite drawn to and intrigued by due to so many reasons. They knew each other quite well, and Amani knew he loved to mask his pain through unfunny jokes and his little smiles.

Usually, Amani wouldn’t care about him making these jokes, she was more likely to laugh (at or with him), her usual smirk in place. Perhaps, if he had not literally collapsed on her doorstep, a dead expression on his face, she would have laughed at the joke, making one of her usual ironic comments. “How is that supposed to make me feel any better?” She shook her head, letting the irritation slide off her shoulders as she focused on his next question, 'Mom’s technique," Her mother was a ‘doctor’ for people with magic, like Amani had previously said- she enjoyed using her magic to help others for some silly reason, either ways she was quite good at what she did, and she had taught Amani and her siblings the basics of ‘healing’, well she had mostly thought Atticus and Amani- Marium and Francis tended to escape the lesson, with the excuse that they were practicing with father. "Advanced healing magic, It’s a mix of alchemy and shadow manipulation. The shimmering liquid you saw is a rare concoction that accelerates the body’s natural healing processes. " She explained. “Let’s just hope there’s no side effect,” This was her first time using the concoction after all.

Amani had continued to tell Tae off for his actions, leading him to tell her that she sounds just like Felicity, causing Amani to arch a brow amusement. "I’ll be sure to tell her that during the rehearsal dinner, " Amani said her eyes twinkling with amusement, before it slightly dimmed as she blinked. “Has my dad or Azriel told you anything?” She asked. Her dad had not mentioned anything about the wedding in months, but Amani had a feeling, it was coming some months after she graduates from Wyndham, though not even Azriel had confirmed it.

Amani had then asked about the cause of his injuries, seeing that he was better enough to talk now. He had told her that he had struck first, but explained he had been justified in it, because Renlin had commented on his family. "Not childish of you at all,’ She had rolled her eyes, “Aren’t you supposed to be the mature cousin?” she had asked shaking her head, before she went to the corner, changing into a silk lace nightgown. “What did he say?” She asked. As she slipped into the delicate fabric, she called back over her shoulder, putting her cream on. "The same old thing about how you’re not a true Dunman I’m guessing? " Bigfoot had never really taken the fact that Uncle Wes was a big fat cheater well, and after Isaac’s death, he poured his frustrations out onto Tae even more- and little Nessa being the fcking sheep she was, never said anything against it or told him off, such a fcking coward. “One would think that after all these years he would have gotten over it and grown up. We are no longer 15 after all, but it seems he never got the memo- I heard he made a big fool of himself during yesterday’s ball.,” But then again last night’s ball had been strange. Amani had proceeded to ask if Tae had gotten a couple of hits back and he had responded, telling her yes, making a little smile crack. “Don’t think I would have continued to talk to you, if you let yourself lose that easily.” She had teased, walking back towards him. “Speaking about talking,” She sat next to him, a pillow on her lap. “I had that dream- that dream of that woman again,” Her voice was more serious now as she faced Tae,
