Ninth House | Official RP Thread

Copy of Copy of Copy of Silas

[𓆩⟡𓆪 𓆩⟡𓆪 𓆩⟡]

Upon seeing Renlin Dunman, Thalia had just one reaction, panic. There could not be any words in the dictionary, possible of describing, Thalia’s reflexes when it came to how fast she had shut that door- well tried to shut that door. She would have, the door would have shut, if not for the fact that Renlin had somehow managed to weighed his foot in the threshold, preventing the door from closing. That had of course caused many thoughts to swirl in Thalia’s heads, ranging from Ouch, that most have hurt, to why and finally to did he really have too…

Damn, she thought, as the door was pushed open with deliberate slowness. Guess she cannot escape this conversation. Her hands were still on the doorknob, as she gazed into him, taking in his features- his chiseled jawline and high cheekbones, and expressive brown eyes, with this conversation, out in the open like this or at all, they too would not be lying. Still, as her eyes flickered to Renlin’s side, hoping no one was coming or will be coming, she sighed before she finally asked him, albeit too casually, what brought him here. He had run his hands through his hair, letting out a deep sigh as he stated that he needed to talk to someone who knows that he’s not completely crazy. “And i’m that person?” She asked, her hands still grasping the knob of the door.

Then: she had sighed, her eyes softening as she took a deep breath, her irritation melting away to reveal a genuine concern for him.“Renlin,” she began, her voice gentler than before, “You’re not crazy, But showing up here in the middle of the night without any warning is.” She tapped her fingers on the door, “You could have called or texted,” Thalia had said as if she would have picked up. You know, perhaps that was the reason he didn’t even call or text, she had after all blocked him in most places.

She continued to toy with the doorknob, perhaps about to close it, as after all, she had confirmed he was not completely crazy, which was what he was here for, correct? But it seemed he had other motives. He had greeted her, his tone settling into his usual smooth and relaxed demeanor, as he shifted the tone of the conversation, he had apologized for his unexpected visit, then had asked her to take a little night stroll care to join me. “Someone might see us ,” She said as her mind raced, Someone might find out,” The someone being Inessa. “I don’t think…” She paused as she glanced at him, something in her not wanting to say no. “But I suppose we can be discreet about it,” She proposed, her resolve wavering as her hands dropped from the doorknob. She said nothing, for some time, before she closed the door, and opened it again. When she opened it though, she had a light brown jacket, and some oxford style shoes. “Well,” The corners of her lips tugged to a small smile, “Are we going on the stroll or not.” She just hoped no one sees them.

She had knocked on his door for a while- ok, perhaps not for a while, she was exaggerating, indeed she was. But with her nerves, with the fact that someone could just come out of one of the many doors here and see them, it did feel like a while.

She had turned around, prepared to leave, having made peace with the fact that perhaps Renlin was not in his dorm. But as soon as she did that, she had heard a sound and her ears had perked-, causing her to halt mid-step, her back still on the door.

“Uh huh,” She turned around to face him, “I thought we already had enough suspense in our lives,” She had quipped, “Haven’t we?” She smiled.

When he teasingly questioned if she could not get enough of him or something. The question, was giving her goosebumps. It reminded her of something he had said, back in the past, when they had begun this thing… their relationship. He had said, You just can’t stay away from me, huh?" and though, it had been long, she still knew how to reply to that, a similar thing she had said before, as she said, “Isn’t it you who can’t stay away?” After all he had been the one to come to her dorm in the middle of the night. Still, a small smile plasted on her face as she said, “But maybe I am here for more,” She added, her eyes on him, “I’m just trying to figure out what that more is,” She glanced around, ensuring their privacy before responding, her voice laced with a playful yet contemplative tone. “So…” She began, “What more am I going to find by being here? Why are we here” She asked curiously.
