Ninth House | Official RP Thread


Vinnie Clone || After the hunt with Amani

The night that October began, Vincenzo sat on his unmade bed, staring at the open wardrobe beside it. The only sound in the whole room was the quiet, creaky sway of the emerald dress that he hung up some months ago, and never gave any purpose to, stirred by the wind from his open window. He had just gone to get his pajamas. It was an abismal hour of the night, but he had been in the kitchen with his brothers before practicing spells, so he was going to be sleeping quite late.

Whenever he was going to change his clothes, he went to the wardrobe and pulled on the knobs, feeling the texture of the rustic wood on his fingertips, and every time he saw the dress, but he ignored it. Tonight, it was harder.

Hundreds of nights ago, exactly three years before that day, she told him her name. They had technically met on one of their first nights of college, both sneaking out, but that was the day that he had become friends with Ditto, or at least that was how he phrased it to her, hanging it over her head how she at first refused to tell him who she really was. Three years ago today, today because it was now the morning of the anniversary, he had become friends with Amani.

For that reason, he insisted that they celebrate it then. And because celebrating at the beginning of the year meant that they would have just arrived back for the semester, so he would have had no time to plan, but he did not tell her that. She would feel too special.

But the truth is that she was. And that was why that memory of hers was still hanging in his closet, and as much as he wanted to, he could not look away. Months ago, when they were still doing alright, he had seen it in a store outside of the campus. It was inappropriate, but he knew he had to give it to her. Tonight was meant to be his excuse.

He knew he had to get rid of it, somehow. But he could only think of one, sick thing that made him laugh a bit.

He stood up, and walked to pull it out of the dresser. Vincenzo took the straps of it off of the hanger, and tossed it onto his black, undone sheets. Feeling the silky fabric of it, he wondered what it would look like on her body. He was going to get back at her, even if it was petty. He wanted her to feel the humiliation she had given to him.

In a slightly nicer handwriting, he wrote on his desk a nice, anonymous note for her containing the subtlest of hints.

Meet me on the rooftop at eleven tonight,

and wear this ఌ︎

He didn’t sign the note, but he assumed she might think it was from Jesse. Even better.

Smiling to himself, proud of his idea, he took the two things and walked shamelessly out of his dorm room. At this hour, no one was around, and the lights were all off. The brothers must have gone to bed soon after their gathering.

He approached the room at the end of the hall, and he could smell the faint, lovely scent of her perfume and creams. It was unlike the rest of the suite, which resembled more of a tavern than a dormitory, with a smell more like wood and liquor. Gently, he turned the handle on her bedroom door, and set the dress on her vanity, close enough to the entrance that he did not have to go inside. All of the setting up that he did was with his right arm, only his forearm kissing the fabric as his hand placed it in the neatest way possible for a few seconds. Then, he set the note right below the bust, removing his hand after, and then slowly turning the handle again so that it made as little noise as possible when shut.

As soon as he closed the door, he silently chuckled in disbelief, quieting himself so that no one would wake up and realize what he was doing, then, he walked back to his bedroom, and went to sleep at last.

Night had fallen, and the light of the sun had sank below the Ninth House, under the floorboards and the horizon. Earlier in the day had been the Umbra-hosted scavenger hunt, and it had been a long day, so he was tired. He was just tired enough that his voice had grown weary, and he was ready to go to bed. He had only recently finished doing his own set of exploring with Hayes, and their unexpected friend, but the day had not yet finished. He had to be on the rooftop in forty minutes, and he wanted to give her a show.

Quickly, he showered, and then changed into a new outfit, one that was a bit more formal to match her own attire. He combed his hair, and spritzed a bit of cologne onto his chest. But it was all for show, just to taunt the woman that without even loving him had managed to break his heart.

He reached the top of the school, or at least the one that had stairs leading to it. It was the highest place that the students were allowed to go up to, and right beside where he stood was the conservatory, a few plants loosely placed around the ground leading up to its white and yellow light. In that isolated location, after the universally exhausting hunt, the only little creatures buzzing and talking were the crickets chirping on the ground, their calls mixing with the howl of the wind. Vincenzo looked down to his watch, minutes away from striking for the hour they said, and he wondered if maybe she would not come at all. Maybe a strange gut feeling had told her it was him who left the note, and she backed down while she had time. He would hate to have been left waiting, his back to the staircase as he admired the moon. They were far enough from the city where he could see traces of stars in the sky beside it.

But then he heard it. Heels clicked on the steps, and he felt a chill run down his spine. She had actually done it. She had fallen for his trap.

Before she could say anything or significance, he put his hands together behind his back, hunching over a bit as he laughed at her. Then, he straightened his back, and turned around, looking at her stupid, pretty face, and perfect, slightly revealed figure.
She met his eyes, and in that moment he felt no sense of remorse. In fact, her rage was so funny that it made him snicker. “Why the long face?” He teased, and then smirked to her, letting the pitch of his voice fall when he relaxed.

“Not what you expected?”

@Kristi Amani


Dominic Vaillant

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Breakfast, with Mona
Edgy warning (the usual)

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I won’t leave Ninth House, no matter what — those were the words which replayed through Dominic’s head. Sitting at the desk by his only window, his face faintly reflected off the smooth glass surface. He could see the eyebags beneath his eyes, his worn out expression and messy hair as he leaned on his palm. A month ago, when he first stepped foot in this academy, he had hope that he’d finally escape the life he knew. He thought, no matter what came his way, it wouldn’t nearly be as bad as living with his grandparents. Yet, his backpack sat beside his chair, filled to the top with clothes and essentials. By the wall was a suitcase, the one he’d came with to Ninth House, now holding the rest of his items while his cupboards and drawers were empty. And on his desk were scattered papers, some organized in piles and others thrown inside books, with a single notebook open in front of him. With a stroke of his pen, he’d added another line, before closing the notebook with such force that left the scattered papers flying.

If only that man hadn’t gotten in his way. Though his bruises, cuts and broken bones had long since been healed, sometimes when he took a deep breath he could still feel the piercing pain in his lungs. In the month that had passed since, Dominic had tried his best to blend into the background, correctly this time. He didn’t provoke Vincenzo, he didn’t speak to him unless necessary, and made sure to act like all his other easily disposable pawns. He was willing to do everything, even swallowing his pride if it meant escaping this hell.

By now it became no different than his usual life. Vincenzo was merely a student yet he felt like another shadow looming over him, holding him in place with shackles tied to his limbs. And those shackles acted like strings, attached to his limp body as if he were a puppet for others to control. Anywhere he went, he felt as if there was no escape. Since the sleepover he’d often wake up in cold sweat, the events replaying through his mind and the hopelessness that came with it. He’d feel the injuries as if they were fresh, even though it’s been days, weeks and now a full month.

There was only one person he trusted in the whole academy. Lenore, the girl he’d somehow become lucky enough to know. That night she appeared like his guardian angel, guiding him to safety. If it weren’t for her, he likely would’ve died from the bruises and the punctures in his lungs. Dominic never questioned the coincidence of her appearance back then, he didn’t dare to do it.

If he were to leave, she’d be the only person he’d miss, and in a way she was the reason he decided to stay a bit longer despite the risks. He could’ve run the day after the initiation, he was fully healed that morning. After Lenore had taken him to a mysterious woman’s room, his injuries were almost completely remedied. Transforming from a man on death’s doorstep, he only felt sore as if he’d returned from a long workout. From the exhaustion and the relief he felt after, Dominic immediately fell asleep, and the next morning he found himself in his room without a clue who that healer was.

That day, September 5th, Dominic decided to push aside his worries and attend classes as if nothing had happened. That afternoon he was in the garden, sitting in the grass basking in the setting sun. But his thoughts were elsewhere, constantly circling back to the initiation the day prior. He’d been so occupied by it, that when approached by a friendly girl who seemed to show concern, he reluctantly explained his situation. Dominic hadn’t mentioned a word about Vincenzo, nor anything unknown outside of the Umbra Coven. He said, simply put, that a fight broke out and he was involved. To his surprise she was generous enough to offer to heal his soreness, and he agreed. By that point he hadn’t noticed anything suspicious about her, in fact she seemed quite naive. Desdemona, she’d said, and Dominic believed her, because he was desperate enough for some light in this academy which was nothing but an extension of his looming shadows. Lenore, the healer, Desdemona, even Dante who’d guided him here, they all seemed too kind. Did they have ulterior motives?

Dominic didn’t want the answer to that question. Now all that mattered was carrying out his plan, laid out in the papers scattered across his desk and floor. He leaned down, picking them back up to their place. As he looked at all the papers in his hands, the pages filled with his thoughts throughout the month, all regrets of leaving faded from his mind. It didn’t matter that there were positives to this institution, he’d rather not waste another moment here.

For that morning, Dominic would carry on as a regular student, visiting the dining hall for breakfast while stealthily avoiding Vincenzo and the coven. Afterwards, he’d attend the Scavenger Hunt, and that would be the last they ever see of him.

With a firm resolve and a steely gaze, Dominic’s shoes echoed off the marble floors of the hallways. He pushed open the door to the dining hall, quickly making his way to the least visible corner. He took a simple meal with him, since he hardly had an appetite. The collars of his dress shirt felt as if they were tightening around his neck, and the sweater above it only added to the suffocating feeling. Maybe his usual attire wasn’t the best fit for his plans that day, but Dominic couldn’t risk standing out. Seated awkwardly at the corner his table, surrounded by empty chairs, he reached for his fork—

“Nic!” a cheerful voice had cut his peaceful silence short, causing him to almost drop the fork. He knew that voice.

His head snapped up, brows furrowed at the audacity of interrupting him at such a moment. Why was it that he got noticed the most precisely when he tried to blend in the background? His eyes met the girl’s green ones, bright and full of energy. For a moment his expression softened. She was one of the people he truly couldn’t understand. Beneath that innocent smile there had to be a secret motive, there had to be something she wanted from him. No matter how cold and irritated Dominic acted in front of her, she just wouldn’t leave. It’s as if she was genuinely under the impression that they were friends, even if they had no reason to be. They were opposites.

“Can I join you for breakfast?” she’d asked. At that moment Dominic wasn’t sure if he had a choice. He noticed how she held her breath for his answer, adding to his confusion.

Dominic looked down at his food, mumbling hesitantly, “…Sure.” Rubbing his eye with a tired expression, he continued. “Why, though? What do you want?”

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@raviola ⋅𖥔⋅ Desdemona Sevdaliza

@Caticorn ⋅𖥔⋅ Lenore Ferrell

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─── ・ 。゚☆: ✦. .✦ :☆゚. ・ ───

Even though Lenore had settled back into her academics quite easily over the past month, one thing continued to haunt her. The image of Nic on the night of the first day of classes, coughing up blood as he lay on the ground. She knew he was okay. She had seen Amani essentially bring him back to life that night and had spent a considerable amount of time with him since then, but a sense of worry still clawed at the back of her mind. They had become friends over the time they’d spent together and, like all of her friends, she wanted him to stay safe and feel comfortable.

She adjusted the neck of her sweater as she stepped out into the cold of the morning air, making her way to the Grand Hall. There was a sense of anticipation in the air, reminding her that today was the day of the scavenger hunt. She had fond memories of the hunt from the years prior and was looking forward to seeing what today would bring. She scanned the hall full of students, smiling as she spotted familiar faces, and slid into an empty seat to wait for the assembly to begin. Having heard this speech many times before, Lenore couldn’t stop her thoughts from wandering and she began to search the crowd for Nic, realizing she hadn’t seen him as she came in.

She caught a glimpse of him as the assembly ended and the students began to transition between the grand hall and the dining hall. She thought about going over to greet him quickly but there were too many students in the way and she couldn’t fight the current, though she made a note to herself to find him later. She found her way to the food and put together a small plate with a cup of milky tea before finding a seat. There was no one else around her as she started to eat, which she didn’t mind. While she enjoyed being around other people, especially those within her house, she also liked having time alone. However, she wasn’t alone for long.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Lenore Ferrell.”

Lenore smiled as she heard Kairo’s voice, looking up at him. His charming yet laid-back demeanour both complimented and opposed the quiet elegance that Lenore carried herself with. He asked to join her and she laughed as he offered her a bribe in the form of a cupcake. “Of course you can.” She answered after he set the dessert down between them. “How are you settling in?” She asked him after he sat down across from her. “Oh! This is going to be your first time doing the scavenger hunt.” She added, her voice making her statement sound almost like a question, but not quite. Her first question had reminded her that his being new to the college meant that he hadn’t participated in this event before and she was curious to hear what he thought about it.

─── ・ 。゚☆: ✦. .✦ :☆゚. ・ ───

@CerealKiller - Kairo

mentioned: @idiot.exe - Nic


≪ °❈° ≫ Possible TW ≪ °❈° ≫

It had taken days after the sleepover for Tae’s voice to return to normal. It took weeks for him to be able to hide his limp again. Now, a month later, his bruises had finally begun to fade. What he hadn’t been able to shake was the nightmares. Every night, he would wake up and have to remind himself how to breathe. Sometimes, he could coax himself back to sleep but other nights, he resigned himself to staying awake. He knew that just like his nightmares from the accident, they would go away eventually.

As per his sister’s suggestion when she visited him the morning after the fight, he also tried to avoid Renlin as much as possible. When he did have to be in his vicinity, he only spoke to him if it was required. The two of them being on barely speaking terms was no surprise to the coven, and probably the rest of the school, so he had been able to get away with it for now.

He had barely slept the morning of the scavenger hunt and was tiredly getting dressed when he heard a knock at his door. He slid a shirt on as he walked to his door, shaking out his hair before opening it. There were a few people Tae would have expected to find when he opened the door. Inessa Duman was not one of them, especially after what had happened between him and Renlin. Yet, there she was, holding a small tin with a red bow in her hand.

“Hey.” He greeted her, trying to keep his tone neutral, even though he knew the expression on his face was communicating one of two things: ‘what are you doing here?’ or ‘what do you want?’. He cleared his throat, having heard the obvious tiredness in his own voice. “Do you, uh, want to come in?” He offered, realizing that the longer she stayed standing outside of his room, the higher the chance that Renlin or someone else would see her, opening a can of worms that Tae did not want to deal with today.

≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫

@Madilnel - Nessa

1 Like


Grand Hall | After Morning Assembly | Celestine

Dante listened intently, his eyes never leaving Celestine as she spoke. Her words were honest and raw, and they resonated with him in a way he hadn’t expected. He could see the vulnerability beneath her composed exterior, and it made him want to connect with her even more. He nodded slowly, understanding the weight of her thoughts and the effort it took for her to express them.

“I appreciate your apology, Celestine,” Dante replied sincerely, his tone gentle yet earnest. “Though it was not necessary. We all have our moments, and I’m just glad we’re able to talk about it now.” As Celestine mentioned the cafeteria, Dante’s stomach growled on cue, making him chuckle. “You read my mind. Lead the way!”

As they walked, Dante couldn’t help but notice the shift in Celestine’s demeanor. Her words seemed to carry a weight of vulnerability. When she stopped and expressed her guilt and confusion, Dante’s expression softened further. He was silent for a moment, thinking carefully about his next words.

“As for why I’m doing this… Well, you’re right. I could have chosen to ignore you or talk behind your back. But that’s not who I am,” Dante said, a small smile forming. “I see someone who’s passionate, has a sharp sense of humour, and is strong - someone who’s more than the image others might have of her. I want to understand that person better, because I like that person.” No matter how much Dante had teased and poked at her for her image, he liked the person who Celestine was.

He glanced down at the stack of books in her hands, a genuine curiosity gleaming in his eyes. “And for what it’s worth, those books aren’t just for show. I really do want to learn more about your passions.” his eyes then met hers, “But if you’re willing to give me a chance, I’d like to get to know you better, and not just through books, they’ve never been my strongest suit It was some self-deprecating humour with some truth to it, Dante sometimes struggled with getting to books for school, he then let out a chuckle before continuing, "though, you’ll have to let me carry them, no way you should!"Without any discussion, he took back the books from her and put them back in his backpack.

“Never apologise for being honest” he said as soon as she shared that he shouldn’t consolidate her on this, “I’m not perfect, and I don’t expect you to be either. I just want us to be honest with each other.”

As they continued to walk towards the cafeteria, Dante chuckled softly at Celestine’s comment about the teacup gesture. “Noted,” he replied seriously but with a playful undertone. “No pinky up when drinking tea. I’ll keep that in mind.”

As they got closer to the cafeteria, Dante couldn’t help but feel hopeful. It wasn’t going to be easy, but he was determined to break through Celestine’s walls and show her that she didn’t have to face everything alone. Reaching the cafeteria, Dante held the door open for Celestine, gesturing for her to go ahead. “Let’s get some food in us before the scavenger hunt,” he suggested warmly. “We can figure out the rest as we go.”