Ninth House | Official RP Thread

vinnie lolzzzz

Muffled sounds of party music echoed through the halls as Vincenzo walked away from the noise, each step dimming those flashing lights a bit more. It was a celebratory night for Renlin.
After the hunt ended, Vincenzo felt bittersweetly about the winners. His team had lost; and for a part of it, he blamed his teamwork with Arya, who contradicted him most of the hours they spent. He knew another part of that time he had spent worried about Hayes, who had not responded particularly well to him in the morning, which was not usually how their interactions went. But really, he knew that he could have worked harder, done better. It was his own fault. And that distraction led to the most important thing; another shadow manipulator gained power, possibly too much.

Obviously, Vincenzo was proud of him, but he was also a bit afraid for the man. He had garnered alot of recent attention from the headmaster; so what if his victory was another step down Adrian’s path?

As much as Vincenzo hyped himself up, and scared the other guys under his seniority, Renlin seemed to lead them naturally. He was benevolent, and naturally talented. Could it be that the man was better than him?

Even aside from the fear Vincenzo felt for the both of them, he could not help but feel a bit envious. 99 percent of the time, during a Wyndham competition, it was either they won together, or Renlin congratulated Vincenzo, at least in their younger years when Vincenzo still felt like a prodigy.
Lately he felt weaker, like he needed coffee to stay up, and he felt a cool burn in his eyes trying to focus on his monitor, rolling the tapes he’d taken of that girl’s bedroom.
The last time he saw her she was drinking tea as she worked, watching the water swirl in the cup as she struggled to concentrate. Likely now, she was somewhere in the room dressed in something skimpy. He wondered if all his work watching her would be for nothing.

Even when he was tired, though, Enzo tried to be happy for his friend. But at the same time, the man could not help but kick himself for failing.

He noticed it when he struggled to feel the alcohol kick in, too focused on the things that made him unhappy. After a couple gins and no luck, he glanced over at the rest of the crowd. Somewhere deep into the group, all of the bodies swaying, he saw golden wings and brown hair that towered over everyone else. He was dressed as an angel, or some added twist that he mentioned earlier, but wasn’t the theme something you’re not? You’re too sweet for that to be your costume, Vincenzo thought as Ren was probably embarrassing himself in front of Thalia, and then sighed, heading in another direction, hoping to go out and distract himself.

Vincenzo had broke the theme a little bit because as one could tell, he was dressed as a pirate, and he was in fact a bisexual thief. He supposed it just looked good, the costume showing off his toned arms, and the scar he’d drawn on his eye. It felt like the only thing he wore that wasn’t really his was confidence. It was not a good night for Vincenzo’s ego, or maybe not a good month.

After some shoulder bumps and nods at the umbra boys, Vincenzo made it into the hallway where he closed the door behind him and sighed a jolly breath of relief. He thought maybe he might get a drink from his room, because his flask… was already running out. But it wasn’t his doing actually, one of his friends wanted a shot and ended up kind of chugging most of it, so he just decided he should probably refill. Come to think of it he was going to restock his flask with rum, maybe he was a pirate. Maybe he misread the theme for “something you very much are.”

He turned his head in the direction of his room, contemplating whether or not he should just refill from one of the bottles in the kitchen, and then take a break somewhere else.
He decided to refill his flask in the kitchen, and as he leaned back against the counter to take a swig, his gaze lingered toward the fire escape door. Perfect.

Vinnie took himself through the door, but when he expected to be alone, the man heard footsteps below him, and saw a familiar looking trench coat. What was this guy trying to do now?

With a creaky sound, the door to get outside shut, and then Vincenzo sped his steps going downward, trying to catch him before he carried out whatever plan he’d devised. That was, if he was smart enough to make a plan, as he had clearly not been smart enough to avoid challenging him.

By now, Vincenzo had run a little background check on the guy. From what he had read, he was nothing special, but they did have similar pasts. It made him feel a bit of empathy for the man, and he did not wish to open that can of worms, but if the guy was doing something worth investigation, Vincenzo had no choice. He needed to know more.

With quick trotting steps, Vincenzo reached the bottom and busted the door open, a gust of cool wind hitting his face. Just a few steps ahead, the guy seemed to freeze for a second, but when he did not turn around, Vincenzo snapped shadows around the man, turning him around to fight Nic’s weakness.

Presumably he was about to try and overcompensate, furrowing his very trimmed eyebrows and saying something stupid, but Vincenzo decided to spare him more shame.

“Of course it’s you here, Dominic.” Enzo chuckled, reminded of his annoyance with the man in the first place. “Now that you’re not getting anywhere, care to explain where you were going?” He smiled, confidently letting the shadows fall. Then he gently shook the flask in his hand. “I’ve got drinks.”
The rum swirled inside of the metal flask, and Vinnie contemplated how the man would respond. What was he getting in the way of? And by doing his duty trying to integrate more brothers, could he be putting himself at risk?

@idiot.exe ok so I think I got doms outfit wrong but maybe the trench coat is for the cold !! And I think I put them outside instead of on the stairs um
More space to fight !!
Sorry for godmodding I am just short on time to revise rn bc my bf is waiting to call me