Ninth House: Questions Thread

“I wouldn’t use them”
“Well… if every time I used my powers, I was trying to kill someone… does that mean they will certainly die, or does it mean a random extraneous person will die with them? Anyway, I think I would just use my powers less often.”

“Because I’m a cutie!”
“I think I might be a good ally to have in the apocalypse.
Im good to know of… I don’t know, so you’ll know to avoid me or something”

“Burt’s Bees”

“What’s youtube?”
“No. I don’t really use youtube anyway”

“Uh…” She panics, then gives a still-puzzled smile. “No?”
“Nope. Orphanage all year round”

“Just be myself, but as a boy”
He looks up, thinking, and then clearly reroutes his thought. “Probably sit comfortably with my legs closed, it seems nice.”