Paranormal Class (OFFICIAL) đŸ‘»

I had a similar thing happen to me, I had a dream featuring a lot of murder
 and this guy was trying to kill these girls and I was one of them, and in the end I got murdered in the dream.

Anyway, I was trying to figure it out and then a week later a girl got murdered
 It was no one I knew, but I didn’t find out about it from the news, one of my friends brought it up.


What’s something spooky that happened to you?
Well one time a ghost took the appearance of my mom sleeping, so that was kinda spooky.

What’s your opinion on the paranormal?
100% real, I live with it everyday lol

Has anything paranormal happened to you?
Yes, a lot has happened, which I will share once more people are online.

What’s your fav color?
Blue, green, and grey.

What are you going to be for Halloween (for Americans this is a holiday where you dress up and get candy lol, you’re usually a character, most people go for something scary)
I’m gonna be a witch but I won’t be going trick or treating, I’ll be by the door lmao.

Do you have any pets?
Yup! I have two cats and a dog.

Have you ever been to a haunted house?
Lol yup, I currently live in one (not as bad as you would think, but don’t go looking for one to live in)

Fav food?
Vegan pizza, if I wasn’t vegan, it would be regular pizza.

Are you religious?
Nah, I used to be Christian when I was younger but I don’t feel connected to it anymore.


I added a lil ghosty to the title, don’t mind me


Hmm me and my sister were staying up really late at my house. It was about 2am plus we were in middle school/highschool. We were playing Sims 2 on our computer. Note, the bed faces the other wall in my old bedroom and the door to the hallway is on the right side of the bed. This flash of white semi-see through light flashed past the doorway towards my parents room. It scared both of us so we looked out and saw nothing. It couldn’t have been either mom or dad because their was no sound of footsteps or sounds of someone being in the bathroom which is left to the bedroom door. It also couldn’t have been car lights because the csr would have to coming towards the house in order for that to happen since the road is above our house. We have yet to come up with an explanation for it but that is only prominent expierence. We both have heard footsteps upstairs and the upstairs door close on it’s own when we were both alone at separate times.

I believe ghost are real. There are too many cases of it to not be real. I have always felt like I something is there but I just couldn’t see it. I know some cases can be debunked but some many others can’t be explained.

Well I sort of answered this question with question one. So I will say another thing that happened to me. I was at my cousin’s house. It was halloween party with the family. Everyone was having fun and enjoying the party. They had a hayride setup in the woods they owned. Everyone was dressed up in costumes. Me and my cousin were walking along one of the paths to the barn where some were hanging put. There was this scream that came from the woods at first we thought it was the people from the hayride. It turns out it wasn’t anyone at the party. They pulled everyone out of the woods and stopped the hayrides. No one really knows what made the scream.

Dark Blue

I have no idea what I want to be for halloween. Haven’t had a chance to think about it much. Also, the only reason to dress up now is for parties.

Yep, three dogs and they are named Scrappy, Scooby, and Mickey. Two big ones and one little one.

Do you mean like a haunted house for halloween? Yes, I have been to many.
If you meant an actual hauted house? Yes, my great-aunts house on my mom’s side is notoriously haunted. Too many people.have seen, heard and felt weird feeling in that house.

Orange chicken with fried rice.

Not really, I am Spirtual Atheist. Use to be a Christian.


It’s 11:11.


Oo all of that is really interesting! After the woods thing, did you hear anything about someone found in the woods on the news or is there really no known connection to the scream being human?


It was, yes! :sunglasses:




11:11 is supposed to be a really spiritual number so it’s awesome that it happened while we’re on this thread, it’s a good sign for success lol :nerd_face:


I asked everyone but no one ever knew what it was. Supposedly it was possibly a bobcat or another animal that can mimic a human like scream. They live about almost an hour from me. So the news never picked up on anything.

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Oooo now that’s spooky, even if it possibly wasn’t some sort of being, I would not want a bobcat near me :grimacing:

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Yep, it’s a rural area with a dense thin trees so anything could be out there. My great-aunts lives close to them but only half the drive time.

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That is a house I will not stay at upstairs alone.

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oooh okay, so if it was Halloween then people were probably doing some sort if ritual and freaked out when they heard something or saw someone. woods like that would be the perfect place to do stuff like that so i wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what happened

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Lol very true but we’ll never know! This was back like in 2006 or 2007 I think.

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yeahh so that sucks lmao but it’s really interesting that you heard that, must have scared the heck outta you lol

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Yeah, it did. Half the reason why I remember the incident so well. It’s similar to another instance of hearing screaming in the woods at my grandmother’s house. That was a bad instance to be honest. It’s never sit well with me since it happened. We were playing near the woods, it was me, my sister and two of my cousins. This high pitch female scream came out from the woods. Whoever it was screamed about times and we yelled to see if we could get a response to see if they were okay. No one answered back and we never heard the screaming again.

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omg that’s terrifying

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Yep, I still get a bad feeling when I think about that incident. We couldn’t tell how far away the scream was coming from.

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thats. so. scary. omg.

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