I know the gaming community has been debating over this question for years. I prefer playing on a laptop because I’m always on the computer more nowadays. I use to like the console especially Xbox since that is the platform I grew up playing. I have an Xbox one right now but I haven’t had a chance to play it in a while. Though there are some games I can’t play on my laptop that is meant for Xbox. Such as Battlefront One and Two of the new Star Wars games. I have the first one on Xbox. I tried to get it on the laptop which is the first time I have ever run into a game with a requirement of 16gb of ram for PC. It was ridiculous for the game to have that much ram for it to play. The games I would play were Halo, Ghost Recon 2, Dante’s Inferno, The Golden Axe, and quite a few more games. My true favorite games were the Buffy The Vampire Slayer games and the Halo series. Now, I play hidden object games all the way to MMORPG games.
Which do you play on the most? Is it because it’s more convenient for you or not? Also, what games did you play or Still play even now?
Lol I played console way before I had a computer. I switched to PC though because that is what I’m on the most of the time. My xbox is used to access Disney plus right now. I haven’t played as much as I meant too. I like playing MMORPGs the most.
The only console my family had was a wii and we only had the wii resorts thing XD.
I tried to play Apex on a PS4 but I got sick… I get sick by some types of games. I had the Harry Potter chamber of secrets and got sick when playing that one as well. hehe
MMORPGs are online games played by multiple at the same time. The full name to the word is massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. World of Warcraft is one the top MMORPGs around along with Eve, Wizard101, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Lord of the Rings Online and Guild Wars 2. I play quite a few of them. I stopped play World of Warcraft because I kept losing the quest line since they removed a bunch of quests from the game.
No problem! Yeah, I heard they had released the Classic version too. I decided not to check it out though. WoW is a pay to play the game which is about 16 dollars a month.