Personality Type Memes

(This meme runs according to INTJ’s blindness to Fe, and the INTP’s Fe being their inferior function. Lack of Fe/Extroverted feeling means lack of knowing how others feel, understanding someone’s behavior if it’s acted upon feelings, etc. For INTJ they have Fi so they act upon their own feelings and what feels right to them, so they will wonder why someone else cares so much or just not care for how someone else feels more often. Obviously they use Fe because everyone does but it’s way less prevalent. INTP has it in their stack meaning they use it, but they don’t use Introverted feeling which if they did they’d make actions more based on how they feel which they don’t so that’s why they would question others’ feelings)


Ooh that’s interesting :eyes: I don’t know how the functions work yet, I haven’t looked much into it

But as far as I’ve seen, most descriptions for INTP seems to match my personality, so it’s most likely accurate-

Anyways meme I stole from Pinterest

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“tend look” :grinning:


if you wanna know your real ( real as in you are a potential mistype) type, you’d have to understand cognitive functions because your view on the four letters of a type can and WILL throw you off.

So I can’t really tell if you’re actually INTP. Maybe look at descriptions that talk about the function stack of an INTP.

So they would include our TiNeSiFe stack that the INTP has.

Look at an article that goes in depth of INTP but also goes in depth on the cognitive functions we (we as in me and you since we both seem to agree that we’re INTP’s. :joy:) have and how that relates to us and forms our personality. Because sometimes when you read it over and how you’re a certain personality it won’t make sense because you may be confusing yourself on thinking you use intuition more when you actually use sensing more or any other function.

What I’m saying it it might be confusing because you can most definitely confuse Fe (Extroverted feeling) and Te (Extraverted thinking) and that’s how you mistype as another personality. :smile:

Oh also throughout your life, your personality type can easily change while people build more experience in certain functions.

This meme runs according to mistyped INTJ’s, INFJ’s and INTP’s because there are plenty people who think they are these rare types when they aren’t. :tired_face:

INTP Memes | Facebook



Ooh okay! I’ll check out the functions and how they work, I don’t wanna believe I’m an INTP if I’m actually not :eyes:

But that’s really interesting, so thanks for telling me :star_struck:

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Yes lol, I’ve had like 2 years of studying this sh!t and I’m still far from grasping every aspect of MBTI theory. And good to see you’re open minded! It’s nice. Good mindset to have.


I did the test and I got INFJ-T


Some red flags there.

INFJ is most rarest personality yet a LOT of people get that personality. There is much that reasons with it’s rarity.

Also the -T -A is a red flag cos that means you took the 16personalities. There are many errors in judging/assigning types and errors in the questionnaire. Word of advice, answer how you actually act and know more of the INFJ function stack and what the functions do, if you care enough.


I did :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve also done mutiple different versions of this and got multiple different things so I often question this :joy:

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That’s why MBTI community members don’t agree with 16personalities. There is no Judging or Perceiving function in the stacks of types yet that’s how they assume a type. Idk man I already explained a lot about why it’s not reliable lmao but yee. Like I said to @idiot.exe if you care enough you’d have to do research on function stacks and how it works with personality types. :money_mouth_face:

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With 16 personalities they use the letters in the type. Which there are only four of in a type. So INFJ it says you’re an Introvert, Intuitive, Feeler, and a Judger. In MBTI there are two sides of each letter as well as an extroverted side and introverted side that plays along with how a personality type gets their letters. Letters in personality types don’t actually have any significance in their type. It’s the cognitive functions.

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I did one in college and got INFP though

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That’s why 16personalities is a whole error in itself. It decides your type by whether you think more or feel more which if you take time to research makes no senseeeeeee to do in MBTI lol.

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Interesting. :thinking: See your different results just mean you gotta think more about it and know more.

After I figured out how typing works and functions work, I went from INTJ with NiTeFiSe stack to and INTP (everytime I take the test now, I get INTP) which stack is TiNeSiFe stack and those are COMPLETELY different behaviors but only knowing 16personalities you would think they are really similar except the last letters that are different. (The J and P) yet they have completely opposite functions. (More proof of typing flaws.)

MBTI Memes - #ISTJ | Facebook


I’m an INTP/ENTP, technically my cognitive functions is more closer to an ENTP, although INTP was close as well. I heard sakinorva has very accurate results as well which is the test I took.




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Infj memes are really relatable :star_struck::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

This is literally me when I meet a new person who doesn’t seem to be doing 100% rad-
D7u6yd6 833173f8e4fac8f1e7de244cc0670c40f123c431r1-469-350v2_hq

The other 3 don’t work :pleading_face::broken_heart::eyes::sparkles:

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