Piano Questions

Okay so umm… I have a few questions about piano because I’m attempting to teach myself it. I have a piano book full of easy songs. I kinda already know how to read music since I’ve been playing violin for five years, but I have kinda stopped doing that so I am a bit rusty at reading music oof.
First question:
When do you use two hands on the piano? Like looking at the music- when do you know when to use two hands as opposed to just one for like simpler songs?


Depends if you’re playing chords and stuff :eyes:

Perhaps you should get a learner book too because they tend to show you :sweat_smile:


When the notes are shown at the same time.



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If you want to play with the right hand first by itself then practice the left hand by itself then you feel ready try both hand together slowly.

That what I do to help me out all the time. And I’m learning how to play the loin sleep tonight.

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I would recommend you start with something simpler, like one hand at a time and learning chords and stuff.
Btw when you do start to play with 2 hands, first learn the right hand, then learn the left hand and when you are confident enough start slowly playing together. It is gonna be hard at first, but it’ll get better after few days. :heart:


Are chords similar to scales? Used to scales for violin. I think I got a basic piano book where I only have to play with one hand.

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Yeah, there are chords for every scale

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If you want to watch this series on YouTube

There more episode on YouTube too.

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Tiny scarecrow is put up the full episode of the biscuit brothers show that show on pbs kids like really long time ago.

Hear the announcement from him.

Umm I have more questions lol. When do you know which fingers go on which notes? Right now I’m trying to learn to play Happy Birthday and I’m finding the notes and just putting my hand reasonably in a place so I can reach all the notes.

Use your whole hand and span it out from C to G each finger should be on a note

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Ah okay so there aren’t specific fingers for things?

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Well I tend to make it so that my thumb is on C and my little finger is on G, my other fingers rest on the keys inbetween

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Hey how’s this going for you! I’m always here to help as I’ve been playing for a little over 8 years… :laughing:

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It was really hard at first to play simple songs but I think I’m getting the hang of it. I labeled my piano with not only the note names but like a picture of what the note looks like on the scale so I can easily find it.
I do have a question thoo…

I’m playing this song (Long long ago) and there are some accidentals which are sharp… are the black keys sharp or does it depend on the note? Because I keep playing (I think it’s A- I don’t have my book with me) and there are two of them and one of them is sharp and it just sounds wrong. (I’ve heard long long ago before because I used to play violin).

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Ok so this is gonna sound SO confusing. But I’ll try to explain it simply.

Black keys are two notes. Like ok. This is called I believe e-harmonics? And basically let’s take C#? C# is C# but it’s alsoooo Db (b=flat) it’s the same sound or note, it just has two labels; the label that it gets just depends on the song’s key signature.

So basically every black key is a sharp, but every black key is also a flat. It sounds really confusing, but trust me it’s not. :joy: So I remember sharps and flats like this

Sharp - if something is sharp, it’s pointy so like pointing up, so C# would be higher than just a C

Flat - is something is flat, it gets smaller or lower, thus meaning Bb (B flat) is lower than just a B

I hope this helped a little? If I didn’t answer your question just tell me and I’ll try again!

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Ahh… So ok… Ok so what if in the music it shows a note then shows the same note with a sharp next to it… what do I play?

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You play the note your supposed to and then for the sharp, you play the black key right next to the right of the key.

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There’s another thing I have a question about but I have to take a picture of the actual piano book haha.

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