Hey @SGers, I really want to get back into a regular routine to continue this and I’m just wondering how many of you want to read and help with polls (and maybe questions too)?
Wanna help me complete this story game?
- Yes
- Sometimes
- No
0 voters
Other possible users/reader/RPers who may also wanna help:
@astxrism, @Bexs, @/bpalmer, @Caticorn, @CerealKiller, @idiot.exe, @Jass, @jaytastic, @Kate, @lamecast88, @/Littlefeets, @LunaticLeviTheSecond, @/Madilnel, @Meekepeek, @Megan, @novella, @Ouijaloveletters, @Rainbow, @/RainyDay, @raviola, @StarMaryGoth, @/Tina.G, @WolfGamerGirl37