she/they ig
Yeah ‘cause I know I’m getting behind on them but I’m trying to catch up. Sigh at life keepin’ me busy.
Uh, it’s this one. Well, this is the chat thread but the SG is linked in the OP.
I feel you on being busy. Well, good news (or bad news) is that I will be patiently waiting for the next post. I’ll start reading this one sometime tomorrow night (central time).
Yeah, sigh at adulthood, right? HA. … Of which, Bachelor(ette)?
Alright, if you want to. Just thought I’d tell ya in case it was your sort of thing.
Right, and yep Bachelor(ette).
Yeah, it looks fun kinda reminds me of this D&D podcast/Youtube I just started listening to.
Yeah, yeah, I’ll get there. I will. Though I do have other SGs in the restricted section too if that’s what you might be interested in. (wink)
HAHA. Really? Cool. It was just kinda an idea based on a prompt I did and really wanted to continue.
Hey @SGers, I really want to get back into a regular routine to continue this and I’m just wondering how many of you want to read and help with polls (and maybe questions too)?
- Yes
- Sometimes
- No
0 voters
Other possible users/reader/RPers who may also wanna help:
@astxrism, @Bexs, @/bpalmer, @Caticorn, @CerealKiller, @idiot.exe, @Jass, @jaytastic, @Kate, @lamecast88, @/Littlefeets, @LunaticLeviTheSecond, @/Madilnel, @Meekepeek, @Megan, @novella, @Ouijaloveletters, @Rainbow, @/RainyDay, @raviola, @StarMaryGoth, @/Tina.G, @WolfGamerGirl37
It looks fun! But I’ll need to read the entire story first, when I have time
Cool. Thanks.
Thankfully at this rate, it isn’t too much to read at only six posts, not including the OP. You may have even started it since I noticed you liked the first one.
Hey @Cam and @OhSumana, I noticed you put yes on the poll, thank you.
I don’t know how much of the SG you’ve read already, but I was just wondering if it was possible for you to please read it through to vote on the polls (maybe answer a question), so that I can continue with the next post?
Thought I’d voted already
If you had, thank you. Sorry, it’s anonymous and I didn’t know.
It’s alright
Hey @sunflower.flow, @Tellyg47, @idiot.exe, and @Littlefeets, I noticed you put sometimes on the poll, thank you.
I don’t know if you’ve read much of the SG so far, but I was just wondering if it was possible for you to please read it through to vote on the polls (maybe answer a question), so that I can continue with the next post?
Sure, I’ll try to do that tomorrow or this week at least
Thank you.
Hey @bpalmer, @eunoia, and @Megan, I noticed you put sometimes on the poll, thank you.
I don’t know if you’ve read much of the SG so far, but I was just wondering if it was possible for you to please read it through to vote on the polls (maybe answer a question), so that I can continue with the next post?
Also, to help be notified when there are new story posts, would you either like to join the @/SGers tag or set the SG thread to watching?
i have caught up and voted now (sorry for the delay)
No worries, thank you so much! (Heart_eyes)
Feel free to answer any of the written questions (without polls) or suggest things to add to any of the characters’ FCs if you find you have some time.
i will when i get some ideas nfbdbd